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    Ariane V ME

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Ariane V ME Empty Ariane V ME

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 8 Jan 2010 - 21:58

    Bonsoir à tous

    Ca fait quelques temps que j'entends parler de la version Ariane V ME.

    Un article assez intéressant et même étonnant

    French govt study backs Orion Ariane 5 launch

    NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle (CEV) could be launched by the latest version of Europe's EADS Astrium Ariane 5 rocket by 2019 according to a French government funded study. The Ariane 5 Mid-Life Evolution (ME) variant, planned to begin operations by 2017, is capable of launching Orion for its missions to the International Space Station and the Moon
    The French space agency CNES declined an interview about the study saying that the work was "at an early stage" and that its subject matter was a "long term objective"

    The study ran from mid-2008 to mid-2009, an Astrium source told Hyperbola that further planned work had not started due to agency "budget cuts". The study concluded that the Orion-Ariane first flight could occur nine years after development started. The further studies were to include qualification flight mission configurations. In December Astrium was awarded a two-year €150 million ($214 million) contract to start development for the ME version of Ariane 5

    International cooperation is expected to be a major part of US president Barack Obama's new human spaceflight vision that could be announced next month. NASA administrator Charles Bolden told Hyperbola at the International Astronautical Congress in Korea last October that Obama would decide to what degree international partners would be "in the critical path" for human spaceflight

    NASA's external relations office was not aware of any contact between the US agency and CNES about the study. NASA's Constellation programme, which is developing Orion, and its baseline rocket the Ares I crew launch vehicle were not available for comment

    The Ariane 5 ME will be able to place 22,000kg (48,400lb) into a 180km (111 mile) 28.5° inclination circular orbit, greater than the 21,400kg required for Orion - this includes a reduction in Orion propellant mass that is possible because "no circularization burn is required with the A5ME proposed injection strategy"

    Ariane V ME A5%20orion%20ground%20tracks-thumb-560x447-58222
    credit: EADS Astrium / caption: hopefully this graphic will explain why Orion can reduce its propellant load

    11 September last year NASA and ESA announced an agreement for human spaceflight cooperation including transportation. It says

    The agreement will allow NASA and ESA to exchange technical information and personnel, which will aid the eventual development of new transportation systems. It is expected that ESA's Ariane 5 development and flight experience will provide valuable engineering analyses and technology concepts for NASA's new launch and spacecraft systems

    ESA's human spaceflight directorate declined Hyperbola's questions about the significance of this agreement. Clearly it could include work to launch Orion on Ariane 5. Days later on 18 September NASA announced an agreement with France for "civil space cooperation"

    Estimates floating around the blogosphere and print media for the cost of human rating Ariane 5 have been as low as €1.6 billion ($2 million) and as high as €5 billion. While Obama's Review of US human space flight plans projected the cost for completing development of NASA's Ares I crew launch vehicle at up to $6 billion ( page 91 of the full report) which is €4.17 billion. Comparable to human rating Ariane 5 but European countries would clearly be prepared to split the cost of modifying the Astrium built rocket with NASA while also providing European hardware for Orion - European companies have already been involved in its avionics

    The CNES funded Astrium study had a number of work packages and they were; an examination of the feasibility of launching Orion on Ariane 5, what safety requirements would be needed, what the qualification process would be to human rate the rocket and the creation of a preliminary launch abort system design

    The study found that to human rate the Ariane 5 to meet the Constellation programme's standards "as defined today for ensuring crew safety" changes would have to be made to software, electrical subsystems, flight control, stages and propulsion. These changes were mainly to enable rapid anomaly detection. The launcher would also need its first/core stage and solid rocket boosters structures reinforced

    Another challenge is the Ariane 5's "low frequency environment" that "exceeds human tolerance". Ouch. Less dangerous is the new height of the Ariane-Orion stack, 60.3m (197ft), which means the the vehicle is too tall for the Guiana Space Centre's final assembly building exit. The Orion-Ariane stack could have its own final assembly building at its own launch site Ariane V ME A5%20crew%20launch%20site-thumb-560x494-58274
    credit: EADS Astrium / caption: the evacuation system is similar to that designed for the Ares I launch pad

    Above is the manned Orion-Ariane 5 launch pad concept with crew access and evacuation structures. The real ELA (which stands for Ensemble de Lancement or launch complex to us native English speakers)
    3 can be seen here in this image

    The LAS work found a potential problem with the Guiana Space Centre being 5km from the coast. This could mean a launch pad abort could see Orion land on land and not in the Atlantic Ocean. The solutions are to build a new launch site nearer the sea or design the LAS to do the job of pushing Orion out to sea

    While Bolden's comment about international partners being on the critical path for human spaceflight could be a reference to Russia's provision of crew transport to the International Space Station there maybe a wider interpretation. While ESA at first glance does not appear to have the resources to follow through even a collaborative human spaceflight effort the decision of the European Union to consider crew transport to low Earth orbit and beyond means it and its (de facto) space agency should not be ignored. The Astrium report adds:

    From a strategic standpoint, the launch or Orion by Ariane 5 would be a scenario of
    broad cooperation between the United States and Europe in the field of human spaceflight. This cooperation would be enabled by a high level of interoperability between systems, where Europe could become a redundant launch provider to Orion. The international exploration effort would therefore be more sustainable by complementing the Orion/US launcher main launch capability with Orion/Ariane 5. In exchange, Europe could obtain access for its astronauts and its science payloads to the ISS and later to the lunar surface.

    The president George Bush return to the Moon vision may be about to fade but this type of cooperation makes sense for a cash strapped NASA that still intends to go to the Moon and Mars, even if it is via a snaking flexible path

    Ariane V ME Orion210

    ME pour Midlife Evolution
    Horizon 2017 et opérations ORION possibles à partir de 2019

    Eh oui Ariane 5 pour lancer ORION !

    Reste qu'Ariane 5 n'est pas qualifiée pour les vols humains. Fourchette de coût : 1.6 à 5 milliards d'€

    Evidemment pas mal d'obstacles... dont

    1) hauteur de l'assemblage supérieure ce que les batiments actuels peuvent supporter (au passage à la nasa le batiment construit pour Saturn V a pu être recyclé.
    2) Man rating
    3) Comportement du lanceur : vibrations basses fréquences à priori non compatibles pour le moment avec les vols humains.

    Qu'en pensez-vous ?

    Bonne soirée


    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par TRIM2 Dim 10 Jan 2010 - 10:55


    Cela n'est que de la 'com'

    Cela prouve le désarroi de la NASA qui n'a pas de plan fiable pour succéder à Shuttle.

    Quant à la lune en permanence et 'beyond'...oubliez, pas avant des décennies, si cela se fait.

    En plus, l'ESA a, avec l'ATV une technologie remarquable, bien supérieure au projet 'ORION' qui n'est que du réchauffage des grandes années..

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Dim 10 Jan 2010 - 12:34

    Bonjour Trim2

    Merci !

    L'ATV est-il déclinable en version passager ?

    Bonne journée


    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par TRIM2 Dim 10 Jan 2010 - 13:04

    Bon, pas dans la version -ravitaillement, remontée d'orbite, poubelle finale- qui lui a été assignée dans le contrat ISS.

    Mais les passagers d'ISS ont tous trouvé que c'était l'endroit le plus confortable d'ISS- bruit-.

    Il lui manque un bouclier thermique de rentrée et bien sur des codes à réecrire, des moteurs à ajuster..Rien d'infaisable

    Son espace vital, une fois débarassé de la charge vers ISS est supéreur au projet Orion.

    Mais quel intérêt ?

    Il n'y a plus que le commercial qui compte

    Pour la 'gloire' il n'y a plus que les :

    U.S.A. : qui n'en ont plus les moyens ni ni la technologie: Dream is over..

    - La Chine qui eux ont les moyens, l'ambition et la technologie.

    A suivre..

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 19 Jan 2012 - 14:37

    Bonjour à tous

    On reparle d'ariane V Me

    PARIS, 18 janvier (Reuters) - François Auque, président d'Astrium, filiale spatiale d'EADS, a plaidé jeudi pour la poursuite de l'amélioration d'Ariane 5, au lieu d'attendre l'arrivée de son successeur, au plus tôt en 2025, notamment pour préserver ses bureaux d'études.

    Astrium, numéro trois mondial derrière les américains Boeing et Lockheed Martin, vise pour 2012 un chiffre d'affaires stable, voire en très légère progression, comparé aux cinq milliards attendus en 2011.

    S'y ajouteront les ventes du fournisseur de services de communications mobiles par satellite Vizada, intégré depuis le 19 décembre, et estimées à quelque 500 millions d'euros en 2011.

    Les Etats membres de l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), actuellement au nombre de 19, devront trancher en novembre prochain lors d'une conférence ministérielle entre la poursuite de l'amélioration d'Ariane 5, sous le nom d'Ariane 5 ME (Mid-Life Evolution), et l'engagement d'un lanceur de nouvelle génération, qui correspondrait à Ariane 6.

    "Je lance vraiment un cri d'alarme sur le risque que constituerait le passage à un lanceur nouveau, quel qu'il soit, sans avoir pris l'assurance que constitue Ariane 5 ME", a dit François Auque lors d'une conférence de presse.

    "Ariane 5 ME est la seule prime d'assurance raisonnable qu'on peut payer aujourd'hui. Ne pas la payer est un crime, je pèse mes mots, parce qu'aujourd'hui personne ne sait ce qu'est le lanceur de nouvelle génération", a-t-il ajouté.

    Les bureaux d'études de lanceurs des Mureaux et de Brême en Allemagne, dépendants d'Ariane 5 ME, se retrouveront en difficulté fin 2012 en cas d'abandon du programme, qui s'ajouterait à l'arrêt du développement de l'ATV (Automated Tranfer Vehicle).

    Astrium évalue ses prises de commandes pour 2011 à 3,6 milliards d'euros, en net recul comparé au millésime exceptionnel de 2010, avec un carnet de commandes représentant près de trois ans de chiffre d'affaires, à 14,4 milliards contre 15,8 milliards en 2010.

    Le rachat de Vizada, pour 673 millions d'euros, au fonds de capital-investissement français Apax Partners représente la deuxième plus importante acquisition de l'histoire d'EADS, qui cherche à réduire sa dépendance vis-à-vis d'Airbus. (Voir ) (Cyril Altmeyer, édité par Marc Angrand)

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 17 Fév 2012 - 11:25

    Bon spéciale dédicace Beochien
    J'ai fait mes devoirs sur le Vinci :
    Etage supérieur cryogénique rallumable qui doit permettre de conserver la capacité de lancement double même avec des satellites de plus en plus lourds

    1er essai au sol le 27/05/2010,2533.html

    Particularité du moteur : tuyère déployable :

    A priori on devrait pouvoir avoir Vinci en vol en 2016 2017

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Ariane V ME Empty Re: Ariane V ME

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 5 Juin 2013 - 22:25

    En attendant Ariane V ME on vise peut être une coiffe aggrandie

    space agency CNES is weighing near-term options for slightly boosting
    the payload capacity of the Ariane 5 ECA rocket over the next two years,
    a quick fix that officials say could enhance the launch vehicle's
    performance ahead of a planned midlife upgrade already underway.

    One such option would involve
    stretching the Ariane 5 payload fairing to accommodate larger
    satellites, a proposal that has garnered the backing of Stephane Israel,
    incoming head of European launch services provider Arianespace, which
    manages Ariane 5 missions.

    "We have analyzed it and our view is that satellites are becoming more
    voluminous," Israel said June 4, adding that a larger Ariane 5 payload
    shroud could be developed for less than €100 million ($130 million) and
    be ready in 2015.

    Israel said France could provide much of
    the funding for the project using a portion of government money
    earmarked for launch vehicle technology as part of a larger public bond
    issued under the administration of former French President Nicolas

    Development of the fairing would be
    managed by the 20-nation European Space Agency (ESA) in coordination
    with industrial partners Astrium Space Transportation, the prime
    contractor for Ariane 5, and RUAG Space of Switzerland, which builds the
    launch vehicle's payload shroud.

    In parallel, Astrium would continue work
    on an Ariane 5 midlife upgrade slated to fly in 2017. Centered on
    construction of the restartable Vinci upper stage engine, the €2-billion
    development aims to improve the Ariane 5's payload performance by as
    much as 20%.

    At the same time, ESA would continue funding early design work on an
    estimated €4-billion successor to the Ariane 5 with the goal of keeping
    Europe competitive against new entrants to the commercial launch market,
    notably the Falcon 9 rocket being developed by U.S. startup Space
    Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). Known as Ariane 6, the leaner, more
    modular rocket is being designed to carry satellites of 2,000-7,000 kg
    (4,400-15,400 lb.) to geostationary transfer orbit for a total cost of
    €70 million per launch.


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