Surtout chez Airbus !
Boeing a moins de marge de manoeuvre
Aeroflot orders six 777-300ERs and two 777-200ERs
By Kerry Reals
Russian flag carrier Aeroflot has been named as the previously unidentified customer in Boeing's order books for six 777-300ERs and two 777-200ERs.
Aeroflot says the aircraft will enable it to take advantage of growth opportunities provided by the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Delivery dates and engine choice have not been disclosed.
Aeroflot is scheduled to begin taking delivery of 22 Boeing 787s in 2016.
Deliveries during the month were led by the A320
Family, involving a total of 22 A320s, five A321s and three A319s.
These aircraft were received by Air Berlin, Air China, Air Lease
Corporation (for Air New Zealand), AirAsia, Avianca, BOC Aviation (for
Spirit Airlines), China Southern, CIT Leasing (for Spirit Airlines),
easyJet, GECAS (for Aigle Azur and Spring Airlines), Hainan Airlines
(Capital Airlines), Indigo, Jetblue Airways, Juneyao Airlines, Lan
Airlines, Lufthansa, Niki, Saudi Arabian Airlines, TAM – Linhas Aereas,
Tiger Airways and an unmanned private customer.
Widebody deliveries in February were composed of a
total four A330-200s, provided to Aircastle Advisor Ltd. (for South
African Airways), China Southern, CIT Leasing (for Qantas Airways); and
Korean Air; along with six A330-300s delivered to AERCAP (for Virgin
Atlantic Airways), Air China, Cathay Pacific, Saudi Arabian Airlines,
Swiss International Air Lines (Edelweiss Air) and Virgin Atlantic
La compagnie aérienne russe UTair a signé une commande
de 20 ATR 72-500, évaluée à 426 millions de dollars, ont annoncé la compagnie
et le constructeur d'avions turbopropulseurs, dans un communiqué commun.
- La compagnie japonaise Star Flyer a signé un contrat avec Airbus portant sur
la commande ferme de deux A320, pour un montant estimé à 170 millions d'euros
selon les prix catalogue.
Star Flyer, qui exploite actuellement cinq A320 en leasing, prévoit d'utiliser
ces appareils pour augmenter ses fréquences et ouvrir de nouvelles lignes au
Japon, ainsi qu'à destination de la Corée.
Les avions pourront accueillir 144 à 150 passagers dans un aménagement à classe
La famille A320 a déjà fait l'objet de près de 7000 commandes dans le monde,
auprès de plus de 330 clients.