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    Actualités de Boeing

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Lun 4 Oct 2010 - 22:09

    pascal83 a écrit:Coface n'est que l'organisme de garantie des prets mais en aucun cas une aides, je vais joué avec les mots un soutien à la vente suite au defailance des banques traditionnelles.

    Info pour Pascal !
    Pourquoi les Cies US se plaignent, et les EU pourraient bien faire de même !

    Le Monde explique bien le fond du sujet !


    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Oct 2010 - 23:10

    Bonsoir Vortex
    Bonsoir Beochien

    Je suis fort désappointé comme dirait un grand méchant maté par Leeloo et Korben de cette joute
    Sète est mieux avant
    A partir de dorénavant : ACL = afficheur à cristaux liquides
    Les droits de douanes pour le Roquefort reviennent à Zéro
    Et le Respect n'est pas le nouveau sponsor du P.S.G ou Xamax
    Y a le feu au lac, et c'est profondément violet.

    En tout état de cause, je me comprends Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 662529

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mar 5 Oct 2010 - 9:06

    Bonjour !

    Une mesure de "Wake" séparation pour les 787 et 748 , émise par la FAA, provisoirement pour un an !
    Après le A380, c'est presque une routine pour les gros avions !
    Un peu plus surprenant pour le 787 !
    Cela s'ajustera probablement dans l'année !
    J'ajoute : La FAA s'était fait rappeler à l'ordre pour le B757, plus turbulent que pensé, donc le principe de précaution semble jouer ...

    -------------- L'article du WSJ , et le Point aussi, un lien en Fr ----------

    Boeing Co.'s newest jetliner models, already suffering from major cost overruns and schedule delays, face a fresh challenge: U.S. safety regulators have issued preliminary rules requiring other aircraft to maintain unusually long distances behind them during landing approaches.
    The Federal Aviation Administration restrictions are interim and many industry officials expect them to be substantially loosened once flight tests are completed. But the decision on extra spacing, communicated to air-traffic controllers last week, raises questions about the extent of operating restrictions the agency may end up imposing on Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and stretched 747-8 jumbo jets.
    The interim standards call for all planes, regardless of size, to stay at least 10 miles behind the latest Boeing models during large portions of descents. That's more than twice the distance many planes are now required to fly behind the 747-400, Boeing's largest jet currently in service.
    They also require all aircraft to stay at least five miles behind the Boeing models during cruise, versus a typical three-mile separation for planes flying in the same direction at the same altitude.

    The spacing and other restrictions—especially around busy hub airports—could frustrate airlines such as All Nippon Airways Co., Japan Airlines Corp. and Cargolux Airlines International S.A. that are among the first slated to put the Boeing models into service. Boeing 787s are scheduled to commence passenger service with ANA after the first quarter of 2011, and the first deliveries of 747-8 cargo planes also are expected to occur around the middle of next year. Maintaining extra safety margins during late phases of approaches to congested airfield could reduce overall capacity and complicate introduction of the new jets.

    An FAA spokeswoman said Monday that revised standards are expected to be issued after test flights end, but she declined to elaborate. The document announcing interim "separation standards and procedures" calls them "conservative" and indicates "final guidance will become available" after flight-test results have been evaluated. But the document indicates the interim restrictions could remain in effect through October 2011.Boeing spokesmen said it is in discussions with the FAA but declined to elaborate.

    The FAA's notice said that studies indicate that wakes generated by 747-8 and 787 models—essentially cones of spinning air spreading out from the tip of each wing—"may be more substantial than those" created by existing wide-body or jumbo jets such as the Boeing 747-400 or Airbus A340. Nearly three years behind schedule, the 787's development has been beset by design issues, manufacturing problems and engine malfunctions.

    Development of the stretch 747 has been delayed by production and testing difficulties, including aerodynamic issues discovered during flight tests that could affect its wake characteristics.Wake turbulence typically increases with aircraft weight. At nearly one million pounds, the maximum takeoff weight of a 747-8 is slated to be about 7% more than that of the largest current 747 variant, but nearly one-third less than a fully-loaded Airbus A380 superjumbo airlinerThe A380 had its own challenges with wake issues years ago.

    International safety experts initially urged controllers to follow procedures requiring nearby planes to either slow down or wait longer to take off to ensure additional distance for the A380's wake to dissipate. The early rules created controversy and posed a marketing challenge for manufacturer Airbus, but they were later loosened to reduce spacing requirements.
    Like the A380's turbulence issues, debate over extra restrictions for Boeing's latest models has been muted somewhat due to the decline in air traffic from record levels prior to the terrorist attacks on September 2001.

    Write to Andy Pasztor at and Peter Sanders at

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 15:04

    Bonjour !

    Marche AV, Marche AR , d'un jour sur l'autre, de la part de la FAA pour les "Wake séparation" 787-748
    J'imagine que ça a dû hurler chez Boeing !

    Comprendra qui pourra, c'était pour les vols d'essai seulement ??
    C'est bien, mais ça manque de sérieux quand même !

    -------------------- L'article en marche arrière du Seattle Times D. Gates ----------------

    FAA rescinds precautionary order about Boeing's new jets

    The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday rescinded an order issued just last week that mandated 10 miles of separation for aircraft landing behind either of Boeing's two new jets.
    By Dominic Gates
    Seattle Times aerospace reporter


    • Archive | FAA requires extra distance behind Boeing's 787 and 747-8

    The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday rescinded an order issued just last week that mandated 10 miles of separation for aircraft landing behind either of Boeing's two new jets.
    "It was issued prematurely," said FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown. "There were a number of errors."The order applied to the 787 Dreamliner and the new version of the jumbo jet, the 747-8. Brown said the two aircraft should not have been included in a single order.
    A new order giving the necessary separation distances for the 747-8 will be issued in the next few days, she said. A new order for the 787 Dreamliner will not be ready for more than a week.The 747-400 jumbo jet now in service requires separation of only 4 to 6 miles from following aircraft, depending on the size of the airplane behind it.
    The FAA document issued last week said studies showed the 747-8 and "possibly" the 787 created more turbulence spiraling backward from the wingtips than comparable aircraft. It therefore instructed air traffic controllers to increase the spacing between the Boeing jets and planes following behind.
    Brown said the order was intended to apply only to Boeing's flight-test airplanes, although that qualification was omitted from the order. Boeing has six Dreamliners and four 747-8s in flight tests.
    "We're gathering data on these test flights," Brown said. "There are likely to be modifications as we get more data along the way."
    Another error was that the title of the FAA order used an incorrect name for one of the jets, referring to the 747-800 instead of the 747-8.Separately, the document included incorrect data about the weights of the two planes relative to the Airbus A380 and to each other.
    The 747-8 jumbo jet is 21 percent lighter than the A380, not 27 percent as the document stated. And the maximum takeoff weight of the 787 Dreamliner is just over half that of the 747-8, not one-third as the order stated.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 15:18

    On s'est tous fait avoir Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 662529

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 16:09

    Il semblerait que plus les ailes "Modernes" et les "Wingtip" diminuent la traînée, les vortex, etc ... des avions modernes ...
    Plus les "wake", les turbulences, augmentent ?? Un peu bizarre quand même !
    Les moteurs à haute dilution en cause peut être !

    Si qq'un a une idée ??

    Whisky Quebec

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par voodoo Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 18:28

    La trainée diminue certes, mais à surface équivalente. Or le 787, le 380 et 747-8 ont une surface grande (ce sont des 'Widebodys').
    Surtout, ils ont appliqué la précaution maximale pour le 380, est-il politiquement envisageable de ne pas faire de même pour Boeing ?
    Quitte à corriger ensuite, quand Boeing aura démontré l'ineptie de ces séparations, comme l'a fait Airbus.

    Dernière édition par voodoo le Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 18:29, édité 1 fois (Raison : précision ajoutée)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 18:52

    Merci Voodoo !

    Pour le A380, c'était la FAA ou l' EASA qui avait pris les précautions ??

    L'info bien traduite en Fr, par David peut être , sur Aweb !
    Whisky Quebec

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Vector Mer 6 Oct 2010 - 21:56

    Bonjour à tous,
    La séparation indique le danger relatif que présente le sillage d'un avion pour les autres (plus léger). Le facteur principal est la masse (au décollage généralement) et la vitesse, mais la turbulence varie en fonction inverse de la vitesse et c'est au décollage qu'elle est le plus dangereux. Comme elle reflète une perte d'éergie, il est plus que probable que les amélioration aéro (winglet, taux de dilution des moteurs, profils, etc.) se traduisent par une diminution de l'énergie de sillage. Le risque principal pour un avion plus léger est d'être plaqué au sol entre les deux champs de vortex des ailes (il y a une forte dégueulante au milieu) ou d'être mis sur le dos dans l'un des sillages d'aile.
    Un autre aspect est le vent qui peut balader la zone dangereuse d'un côté ou de l'autre, et la descente des vortex sous l'effet de la déflexion de l'air vers le bas.
    Les réglements sont donc basés sur des cas extrêmes et comme on a découvert ces effets au cours des années, la tendance est à élargir les volumes de protection sur lesquels on base la "séparation". A priori, le 787 serait injustement pénalisé par rapport au 748, mais ils ont fait un package deal pour les deux.
    En tout état de cause, un avion moderne produira moins de turbulence de sillage. Le reste est administratif et/ou politique FAA.
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Jeu 7 Oct 2010 - 12:55

    Merci Vector !

    En addition , une vidéo intéressante proposée par AirInsight, Addison Schönland !
    On est bien loin des "Petits" vortex de bout d'ailes, de fait c'est un, pardon, 2 énormes vortex qui sont créés !

    FAA and Separation

    Addison Schonland | October 6, 2010 at 12:09 pm | Tags: 747-8, 787, A380, Airbus, Boeing, FAA, turbulence | Categories: Airbus, Boeing | URL:

    FAA and Separation

    This week saw an interesting reversal by the FAA. Take a look at this story by the WSJ. Within a week the FAA went from posting new rules about wake turbulence on the 787 and 747-8 to removing them because they were “premature”. Well, that’s interesting.The issue of wake turbulence was a big story when the A380 first started flying. In useful TV view, Discovery Channel offered this quick education. Note the end of the video states the wingtip “fences” should solve the problem. Airbus managed to solve the problems. Eurocontrol has a link worth reading on the matter here.Boeing’s 787 and 747-8 do not have winglets or “fences”. Their wings end in graceful sweeps. One can be certain that Boeing undertook every kind of test – particularly with the 747.As pointed by the WSJ, stretching out spacing to reduce wake turbulence can cause havoc at airports – potentially slowing down operations. At a slot airport like London’s Heathrow where many of the world’s A380s and 747s fly, slowing down operations will have serious consequences. Efficient airports operations means getting traffic to flow quickly – slowing down things is just not on.As one reads more about the FAA order one has to wonder how these errors crept in? To say it is an odd story is the understatement of the week.

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par art_way Lun 18 Oct 2010 - 13:22

    Boeing projects even split in orders for 787 variants
    By Ghim-Lay Yeo

    Boeing expects orders for the 787 Dreamliner to be evenly split between the -8 and -9 variants, as airlines lean towards the bigger and more efficient variant.

    Around 70% of the existing orders are for the -8, but Boeing expects the weight to shift towards the -9 in the long term.

    "Ultimately, it will be around a 50-50 split," says Boeing's VP for marketing Randy Tinseth. With a 280-seat capacity compared to the -8's 240 seats, the -9 will be an aircraft with "absolutely fantastic economics", he adds.

    In comparison, the -8 will be ideal as a replacement for 767s and Airbus A330s, and will allow airlines to enter new markets as it has a longer range than existing aircraft in the market, he adds.

    Responding to indications that the 787-9 could be a replacement for the 777-200ER, given the similarities in the two aircraft's specifications, Tinseth acknowledges that the two models are "about 20 seats apart in terms of capacity".

    "The airlines that already have a large fleet of 777s, if they need a 300-seat airplane, they are going to buy a 777. If you have committed to the 787 or you have not yet committed, you are probably going to sway on the side of the 787-9," he adds.

    This is as Boeing expects future demand for its 777 passenger jet to centre around the -300ER variant as airlines seek to replace older high-capacity aircraft. The market for the 777-200ER will be "relatively small" going forward, says Tinseth.

    "The core of the demand we'll see around the 777 will be around the 777-300ER as airlines replace older equipment as they grow. There's been a natural scaling down of size, the 747s are leaving the market," he adds.

    Only a "handful" of 777-200ERs will continue to be added to the market, while the -200LR will continue to appeal to airlines operating niche long-range city pair connections, says Tinseth.

    Boeing, however, expects sales of the 777 freighter to pick up as the cargo market continues to recover, he adds.

    Sales of the 301-seat 777-200ER are flagging, compared to the similarly-sized in-development Airbus A350. Since the A350 XWB programme was unveiled in July 2006, Airbus has won 558 firm orders for the type, including 325 orders for the 314-seat A350-900.

    In comparison, Boeing netted only 15 orders for the 777-200ER during the same period.

    50-50 entre le 788 et 789
    le 788 pour remplacer les 767 (ok) et les 330 (Twisted Evil ça c'est moins sûr)

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Lun 18 Oct 2010 - 13:58

    Difficile d'incorporer les clients qui prennent leurs jambes à leur cou ... pour éviter le 787-8, dans des stats raisonnables ... Pauvre Randy, encore condamné au grand écart !
    C'est un fait de Fab, et de lancement .... le 787-8, est une cata annoncée, jusqu'à ce que les technos du 787-9 redescendent ... 50, 100 frames, il y a des étapes !
    Dans 2-3 ans, quand les 787-8 seront à jour, on pourra parler de stats F/ des nécessités des clients, pas de stats générées par la panique !
    Intéressant d'ailleurs de suivre les stats du A350-8, qui à sa manière fait rigoler aussi tout le monde, sauf le Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 792682 qui pense que c'est un coup de maître Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 7739 !
    Bon, s'il arrive à allonger encore sa course, de qq centaines de Nm, il finira un jour en 350-8ER, ce qui somme toute sera peut être utile !
    Et il sera temps, un jour, de se pencher sur un 350-8 léger et sérieux, pour contrer le 787-8-9, et remplacer les A330 !
    Le droit de rêver ! Et, John Leahy ne sera plus là quand cela devra être décidé, dommage !

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 20 Oct 2010 - 10:34

    Bonjour !

    Des signaux, mixted aussi du côté de Boeing, et des élections sénatoriales dans le Washington State !
    Sur fond d'assurances maladie, cette foi ...
    L'article du Seattle PI !
    Le résultat des courses dans15 jours , et ça peut influer beaucoup pour le RFP "Tankers"

    ------------- Le lien, pour le Seattle PI ----------------

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 20 Oct 2010 - 18:49

    Bonsoir !

    Le rapport pour le 3eme quarter de Boeing, twitterisé et quasi en live sur le Seattle PI !
    les "Détails" de Rolls Royce, Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 792682 avec le T1000, Soft, plus Hard à revoir, mais ça ira, il ne sera pas nécessaire de le re-certifier (He ben, déjà le fait d'en parler ... ou d'y avoir pensé pale )

    Et beaucoup d'options sont ouvertes pour les 737-777, pas de décisions rapides !
    Pour le reste, ça semble s'arranger !

    ------------ Un Extrait de Jim McNerney !!----------------

    If someone ordered a commercial airplane now: "It would be difficult to get one before the end of 2012.

    "On 787 Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine issue: "Rolls is confident that they can support our schedule with a hardware and a software fix. It is not going to require that they recertify the engine." They just have to submit more data."The failure has been understood by Rolls, as they said, and they now have to show the regulators ... the modifications they make to both software and hardware are sufficient to address what happened."

    On 737 replacement or re-engining: "With a new airplane in the 2020 time frame, it's not clear that it would" make sense to re-engine.Boeing has improved fuel burn on the engines by 5 percent since introducing the Next-Generation: "There's another 2 percent out ahead of us. There's a new interior. So there's no reason to believe we wouldn't keep improving that."

    "Something that may be nearer in would be the 777."

    On 747-8 issues: We're comfortable with the fixes for the wheel-well and flaps 30 issues, and feeling increasingly comfortable that fixes are in hand for the low-frequency vibration and actuator issues.

    On 737 and 777 replacement/updates: If we opt to replace the 737 in the 2020 timeframe, "We would probably have to address changes to the 777 before then. ... We're studying everything from a completely new airplane to modification to the wing and the engines."

    Bon, côté écos, c'est exactementdans les prévisions de Wall Street, tout va bien !

    Boeing profits up on commercial deliveries

    Boeing posted a profit of $837 million, $1.12 per share, in the third quarter, up from a loss of $1.56 billion, $2.23 per share, a year earlier, the company reported Wednesday.

    Boeing attributed the profits to "higher commercial airplanes volume and strong performance across the company's core businesses." It noted that 2009 third-quarter results suffered from the company's reclassification of the initial flight-test 787 Dreamliners as research and development expenses, because extensive modifications made them unmarketable (a $2.6 billion hit), and a $1 billion charge on the 747-8 program.

    Boeing reported a profit of $787 million, $1.06 per share, in the second quarter of 2010.

    "Our results and revised outlook reflect the continued strong performance of our commercial production and services programs and the ability of our defense businesses to produce solid results in a challenging environment,"

    Jim McNerney, Boeing's chairman, president and chief executive officer, said in a news release. "Orders were particularly encouraging, with a multi-year production contract for 124 F/A-18 aircraft and more than 200 net commercial airplane orders booked in the quarter, increasing our backlog and demonstrating improved overall market confidence."

    The company increased its 2010 earnings per share guidance to between $3.80 and $4 per share and operating cash flow guidance to greater than $1.5 billion reflecting the continued strong performance in its Commercial Airplanes business. It narrowed revenue guidance was narrowed to between $64.5 billion and $65.5 billion.

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Jeu 21 Oct 2010 - 11:17

    Bonjour !
    Le résumé du Q3 Boeing en PDF 12 pages (Quote le Seattle Times)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Jeu 21 Oct 2010 - 21:06

    Bonsoir !

    Boeing embauche à Charleston ... c'est bien !
    Mais assez surréaliste quand même ... On laisse tomber son boulot de réparateur de bicyclettes du coin, et on devient un Aviation Mechanical demain matin ...chez Boeing ..; Les vocations spontanées fleurissent cet automne !
    Grottaglia n'a visiblement pas apporté sa leçon ... du côté de Charleston ??????????????

    ------------ Un article à lire du Herald-net -----------

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 2:20

    Bonsoir !

    Boeing offre un contrat de développement à ATK, pour les cônes de sortie et tuyéres de moteurs en CMC, en Céramic Matrix, quoi !
    C'est bien, mais ce sont plus typiquement des pieces de "Motoristes" non ??
    Que fait donc le projet chez Boeing ?? Une urgence ??
    Juste dans l'idée que c'est exactement le couvercle de la chaudière qui fout le camp sur les T800 du 777-200, peut être juste une coïncidence Razz ??

    ---------------- L'article de FlightGlobal --------------

    ATK developing lightweight CMC exhaust nozzles
    By John Croft

    ATK has received a contract from Boeing to develop prototype lightweight, lower noise ceramic matrix composite jet engine exhaust nozzles for the air transport market as part of an FAA-sponsored research and development programme.The work is being done by San Diego-based ATK joint venture company COI Ceramics, as part of the US FAA's continuous lower energy, emissions and noise (CLEEN) programme.

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 GetAsset

    Boeing plans to demonstrate the nozzles and other technologies it is developing for CLEEN on a Boeing 737NG and to-be-determined twin-aisle aircraft in 2012 and 2013, respectively, says ATK."The more efficient engines that will power [next generation aircraft] require exhaust materials that are capable of withstanding higher temperatures than the steel used in today's commercial jet engines," says ATK.The company says its ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are "as light as aluminium" and can withstand temperatures of more than 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit."These revolutionary composites also help improve acoustic performance," says ATK, which has been expanding its offerings in commercial and military aircraft structures and large turbofan engine containment cases.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 9:38

    Ce n'est pas Boeing qui bosse directement dessus...
    Intéressant de voir que le premier test sera sur un 737
    Le LeapX ne va t'il pas bcp chauffer ?

    Je note aussi l'argument du bruit qui va devenir marjeur... avec les optimisations des routes de navigations les avions ont tous tendance à passer rigoureusement au dessus des même maison, même s'ils font moins de bruit, ben ce bruit semble plus concentré...

    Donc le bruit...

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 10:29

    Bonjour !
    Juste une idée, mais je ne voyais pas ces pièces aussi chaudes, c'est au niveau ou après la turbine BP .. donc, assez loin des T° maxi ... ??
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 11:53

    1500°F ça fait 815°C
    Les Genx sont à 1050°C, mais ce n'est pas un température forcément prise en amont du premier étage de la Turbine HP

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Ven 29 Oct 2010 - 9:25

    Bonjour !
    Un article de Georges Tribbits concernant Boeing et Jim Albaugh
    Sur le Seattle PI !
    Rien de bien nouveau, si ce n'est que le 737 sera remplacé, et le 777 revamped, le hypothéses qui tiennent la corde, et que la décision serait assez proche (Début 2011 ... alors que certains pronostiquent 2012 !)

    ----------------- L'article du Seattle PI -----------
    Boeing exec: Decision soon on 737 successor

    Boeing Co. is approaching decisions on the future of two of its most-popular jetliners, the narrow-body 737 and double-aisle 777, the head of Boeing Commercial Airplanes said Wednesday.

    Associated Press Writer

    SEATTLE — Boeing Co. is approaching decisions on the future of two of its most-popular jetliners, the narrow-body 737 and double-aisle 777, the head of Boeing Commercial Airplanes said Wednesday."We will make within the next several months a decision on what we're going to do on the 737 and what we might do on the 777 airplanes," President and CEO James Albaugh told an American Bar Association forum on aerospace.

    The original design of the 737 dates from the 1960s, though the model has gone through numerous improvements over the years. Chicago-based Boeing is considering whether to make incremental upgrades, put new engines on the plane or develop an all-new reports that John Hamilton, 737 chief project engineer, said this week that Boeing has built a 737 with minor upgrades that should improve fuel economy by 2 percent.

    Hamilton says airline customers favor such smaller improvements rather than a significant change like new engines that could add to operating costs.Albaugh didn't elaborate on which way Boeing is leaning, other to say that by the end of the next decade the company's lineup could include a "potentially new 737" and a "potentially modified 777."

    The 777 first flew in the mid-1990s. Boeing has had 1,157 orders for the plane, with 265 still to be delivered. It's had 8,760 orders for 737s, with a backlog of 2,127. It plans to increase 737 production to 38 planes a month by mid-2013.

    Albaugh said that while demand for commercial planes is recovering, there also will be much more competition, especially for the 150-seat and smaller market that many 737 models serve.
    He said Boeing not only has to contend with archrival Airbus, but with new competitors in Brazil, Canada, Russia and China

    .Boeing is still on track to deliver its long-delayed 787 to its first customer in early 2011, Albaugh said, adding that customers should be impressed despite having to wait more than two years."I'm hopeful they'll forgive us for being late," he said. "I know they would never forgive us if we got the airplane wrong."

    Much of the 787 is built by subcontractors from around the globe, and the program has been plagued by production glitches and quality problems. As a result, Albaugh and other Boeing officials have said they may bring some of the work in-house."I spend a lot of time making sure that our engineers understand that whenever we've gotten in trouble on programs it hasn't been because of them," he said. "It's because sometimes business considerations get in the way of a real good engineering discipline."

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Jeu 4 Nov 2010 - 14:35

    Bonjour !

    Le comble de la langue de bois est atteint chez Boeing et leur PR !
    Aucun client ne veut de re-mot ... ya pas de signaux, mais nous sommes attentifs !
    Même la presse de Seattle plutôt pro-Boeing, en est morte de rire ! Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 7739
    Ben ... moi aussi ! Razz

    Ne pas oublier d'appuyer(Clicker) sur : Here and Here !

    -----------Du Seattle PI ! un extrait -------------

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Southwest737-700
    Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700. (Boeing)

    Despite public comments to the contrary, Boeing's major 737 customer airlines are not clamoring for new engines, a Boeing executive said on Wednesday.

    "There are virtually no customers I can name off the top of my head, throughout the executive suite, that are pushing us to re-engine," Nicole Piasecki, vice president of Business Development and Strategic Integration at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said in Bellevue, at the annual aerospace conference of the British-American Business Council's Pacific Northwest branch.Boeing and Airbus have been considering whether to re-engine their single-aisle mainstays or launch replacement programs in the face of new competition from upstarts such as Canada's Bombardier, Russia's United Aircraft Corp. and China's Comac.

    At the same time, Boeing and Airbus have each secured dozens of new orders this year for their existing single-aisle jets, which already had big backlogs."If you talk to any sales VP today, all they say is: 'Get me more product.

    Our customers want more,'" Piasecki said. "At some point in time there will be a moment for a new airplane, a new production program, and we're working very hard to figure out when that might be."Executives at two of the largest 737 operators -- Southwest Airlines and Ryanair -- have recently been quoted (here and here) saying they want more-efficient airlines.Asked about that, Piasecki said that, if the airlines want re-engining, "We will look very seriously at doing it."

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par art_way Mer 10 Nov 2010 - 8:26

    Remotorisation du 737: Boeing ne voit pas d'urgence
    SEATTLE (Etats-Unis), 10 nov 2010 (AFP) Le vice-président des ventes du constructeur américain Boeing a indiqué mardi qu'il n'y avait pas d'urgence à décider d'une éventuelle remotorisation du B737, au regard du succès de cet avion moyen-courrier et des bénéfices limités d'un tel projet.

    A mon avis, Airbus va suivre le mouvement....

    Tout ça pour ça. Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 934178

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 24 Nov 2010 - 14:14

    Bonjour !

    Une que j'attendais un peu ! C'était USA ou Espagne !

    Au vu de l'énorme "Culture" Espagnole pour le DC 9 et autres MDxx !
    Boeing lorgne vers l'Espagne pour re-louer la grosse vingtaine de 717 récupérés aprés la faillite de Mexicana !

    --------- De Flightglobal le lien et un extrait ! ----------

    Spanair looks to lease aircraft to replace 717s
    By Kerry Reals

    Star Alliance carrier Spanair plans to retire its Boeing MD-80 fleet by the first quarter of 2012 and is looking to lease Airbus A320-family aircraft to replace its Boeing 717s, which are in the process of being returned to SAS Group.

    Speaking to ATI at Spanair's headquarters in Barcelona, the carrier's strategic planning director, Jim Paton, said it aimed to operate "a single Airbus fleet", although no new aircraft orders are imminent.

    "I don't envision an order before the next one to two years. We will look at aircraft to lease to replace the 717s," says Paton.

    Spanair operates a 35-strong fleet comprising 19 A320s, five A321s, four MD-80s, three MD-87s and four 717s, which it subleases from former owner SAS. The four 717s are gradually being returned to be operated by SAS subsidiary Blue1.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 24 Nov 2010 - 14:37

    Salut Beochien

    Ben en fait Spanair ne veut plus de ses 717 et rationnalise autour des A320
    Enfin c'est ce que je lis

    Bonne journée

    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Mer 24 Nov 2010 - 14:45

    Oui, Poncho !
    La logique est une chose !
    La culture Espagnole du DC9 en est une autre !
    Et à part les USA, c'est le second spot pour Boeing, pour caser ces 25 B717 qu'ils ont sur les bras, paralysés !
    Après ce sera l'Afrique !
    Les prix seront en conséquence, aux US ou en Espagne, après, c'est la plus grande braderie encore !

    J'ajoute ... des avions de qq années, 5-7 ans peut être ... avec des RR dessus !
    Pas encore bons pour le write off des comptes de "Boeing Leasing CO " Faut faire qq chose !

    Wait & see

    Dernière édition par Beochien le Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 1:44, édité 1 fois
    Whisky Quebec

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Paul Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 1:15

    Beochien a écrit:
    J'ajoute ... des avions de qq années, 5-7 ans peut être ... avec des CFM56 dessus !

    Bonjour Beochien,

    des Rolls Royce Deutschland BR715 plutôt.
    Whisky Charlie

    Actualités de Boeing - Page 6 Empty Re: Actualités de Boeing

    Message par Beochien Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 1:43

    Merci Paul
    Je corrige :
    Le Beaujolais nouveau peut être !


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