Un AD sur quasi toutes les séries CFM56 en cours, peut être limité à une série de disks !
L'AD est semble t'il un peu antérieur, mais CFMI en aurait contesté qq parties, pour le A340 notamment !
C'est sérieux, mais sans accident ni incident semble t'il , pour l'instant !
Mais un risque uncontained failure annoncé quand même !
This AD results from the discovery of a material
nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified
disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to
prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to
the airplane.
------------------------ l'article de Aero-News -----------------
et une copie de l'avis officiel !
AD NUMBER: 2010-13-09
MANUFACTURER: CFM International, S.A. CFM56-5, -5B, and -7B Series Turbofan Engines
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-13-09
SUMMARY: This AD requires removing from service, nine stage 3 low-pressure turbine (LPT) disks, identified by serial number (S/N). This AD results from the discovery of a material nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to the airplane.
Un AD sur quasi toutes les séries CFM56 en cours, peut être limité à une série de disks !
L'AD est semble t'il un peu antérieur, mais CFMI en aurait contesté qq parties, pour le A340 notamment !
C'est sérieux, mais sans accident ni incident semble t'il , pour l'instant !
Mais un risque uncontained failure annoncé quand même !
This AD results from the discovery of a material
nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified
disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to
prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to
the airplane.
------------------------ l'article de Aero-News -----------------
et une copie de l'avis officiel !
AD NUMBER: 2010-13-09
MANUFACTURER: CFM International, S.A. CFM56-5, -5B, and -7B Series Turbofan Engines
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-13-09
SUMMARY: This AD requires removing from service, nine stage 3 low-pressure turbine (LPT) disks, identified by serial number (S/N). This AD results from the discovery of a material nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to the airplane.