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2 participants

    AD CFM 56 !

    Whisky Charlie

    AD CFM 56 ! Empty AD CFM 56 !

    Message par Beochien Mar 22 Juin 2010 - 17:08


    Un AD sur quasi toutes les séries CFM56 en cours, peut être limité à une série de disks !
    L'AD est semble t'il un peu antérieur, mais CFMI en aurait contesté qq parties, pour le A340 notamment !

    C'est sérieux, mais sans accident ni incident semble t'il , pour l'instant !
    Mais un risque uncontained failure annoncé quand même !

    This AD results from the discovery of a material
    nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified
    disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to
    prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to
    the airplane.

    ------------------------ l'article de Aero-News -----------------

    et une copie de l'avis officiel !

    AD NUMBER: 2010-13-09

    MANUFACTURER: CFM International, S.A. CFM56-5, -5B, and -7B Series Turbofan Engines
    SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-13-09

    SUMMARY: This AD requires removing from service, nine stage 3 low-pressure turbine (LPT) disks, identified by serial number (S/N). This AD results from the discovery of a material nonconformity requiring removal of the disk before the certified disk life of certain stage 3 LPT disks. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncontained failure of the stage 3 LPT disk and damage to the airplane.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    AD CFM 56 ! Empty Re: AD CFM 56 !

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 22 Juin 2010 - 21:56

    Bonsoir Beochien

    N'est ce pas la même partie que pour les vieux CF6 ? Turbine basse pression ?

    Whisky Charlie

    AD CFM 56 ! Empty Re: AD CFM 56 !

    Message par Beochien Mer 23 Juin 2010 - 0:25

    Salut poncho !

    Sais pas, mais c'est semble t'il assez limité, une erreur "contained" avec qq dizaines de moteurs à repérer et qq disques à changer !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    AD CFM 56 ! Empty Re: AD CFM 56 !

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 27 Juil 2010 - 10:04

    Et c'est parti pour une AD Australienne sur les CFM56-5 et 7

    A priori un stator variable côté compresseur a des petits soucis de longévité et envoie des pièces dans le reste du moteurs (morceaux de joints de l'articulation des directrices si je comprends bien).

    Des mesures spécifiques à prendre en compte

    The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has warned operators of CFM International CFM56-5 and CFM56-7 engines to be aware of premature wear that may precipitate engine failure.
    The bureau wishes to "draw the attention of all operators of CFM56-7 and CFM56-5 engines and their variants to the safety issues identified by this investigation," says the ATSB in its safety advisory notice.
    "In particular, operators should be aware of the potential for premature wear within the compressor variable stator vane bushings and shroud to develop to levels where it may precipitate the failure of the engine while in service, and within a time-frame that is less than the minimum threshold for the initial inspection for the problem."
    "Operators are encouraged to review their procedures to ensure an appropriate awareness of the issues among maintenance personnel," it adds.
    The CFM56 is found on Airbus A320s and Boeing 737s.
    The ATSB launched its investigation after a 20 August 2009 incident in which a Virgin Blue Boeing 737-800, local registration VH-VOC, had to return to Launceston Airport because a compressor surge and damage to the left engine.
    "The compressor surge and damage to the left engine was the result of advanced variable stator vane bushing/shroud wear, which caused a seal retainer to dislodge from the inner shroud segment and move into the compressor gas path," says the ATSB.
    "The liberated seal segments then progressed downstream, causing significant damage to the remaining stages, resulting in loss of compressor efficiency," it says.
    The ATSB says the engine manufacturer has responded by issuing a number of service bulletins to operators highlighting the need for on-wing borescope inspection to look for inner shroud and j-hook wear.
    It also introduced new part numbers that appear to eliminate the cause Of the compressor surge, says the bureau.
    As a consequence, the ATSB considers that the safety action, taken by CFM International, adequately addresses this safety issue, it adds.

    Et là

    Bonne lecture


    Contenu sponsorisé

    AD CFM 56 ! Empty Re: AD CFM 56 !

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      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 22 Nov 2024 - 2:12