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Le piston le plus rapide est un P-51 nommé "Voodoo" et qui est préparé / sponsorisé par APi (les pros du Winglets)
Et voilà la combo Merlin / P51 reste finalement supérieure à tout (et même au Bearcat )
Je pense qu'il faudra peut être ouvrir une rubrique spéciale
En attendant
Le piston le plus rapide est un P-51 nommé "Voodoo" et qui est préparé / sponsorisé par APi (les pros du Winglets)
o when Hinton asked API cofounder Joe Clark two years ago if he would sponsor Voodoo and his world speed attempt, Clark replied, “Let me think about it.”
He did, and he told Hinton API would be interested only if it could add value. The result? It redesigned the wing, Clark told ShowNews.
“We were not interested in just sponsoring,” Clark said. “So we laser shot the wing to get the exact shape. You know it was designed over 75 years ago! Then we used our most sophisticated computational fluid dynamics models. We noticed some very strong shock waves in around Mach 0.75 to 0.80, so we redesigned the aerodynamics and moved the shock wave aft to delay the rise in drag and allow the P-51 to achieve higher speeds.”
Instead of building a new wing, API designed panels to attach to the surface to change the airfoil. They actually made the wing thicker, by almost 2.5 inches at the trailing edge where they met the flaps.
Et voilà la combo Merlin / P51 reste finalement supérieure à tout (et même au Bearcat )