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    EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

    Whisky Quebec

    EL AL !  LY !  ELY § Empty EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

    Message par sevrien Ven 26 Juin 2009 - 10:51

    Bonjour, chers tous ! Un peu de peur de parler de ceci dans certains media ?

    Lien :
    DATE:25/06/09. SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
    El Al and other carriers in line for laser-based anti-missile protection
    By David Kaminski-Morrow

    Israeli flag-carrier El Al is to be among the beneficiaries of an agreement between the Israeli Government and Elbit Systems to supply laser-based anti-missile equipment for commercial aircraft.
    Under a $76 million agreement with the Israeli ministry of transport, Elbit will provide its Commercial Multi-Spectral Infra-Red Countermeasure (C-MUSIC) system, a variant of its MUSIC anti-missile equipment for the military arena.
    MUSIC comprises a thermal camera which acquires and tracks a missile threat, combined with a laser designed to disrupt an incoming projectile's guidance system. The system is mounted on a high-speed turret to track the missile accurately.
    "This is a significant breakthrough in this field and we believe that many customers worldwide will decide to install these systems aboard their commercial aircraft fleets," says Elbit Systems chief Joseph Ackerman.
    Elbit's Electro-optics division is to supply the equipment to the Israeli ministry, and the company says it will be installed "aboard a variety of commercial aircraft owned by Israeli commercial airlines".

    While Elbit has not identified any of the carriers likely to receive the equipment, a source familiar with the agreement says "it can be assumed" that all three major Israeli airlines - El Al, Israir and Arkia - are in line to be fitted.
    El Al is already reported to have fitted a number of aircraft with the 'Flight Guard' flare-based system developed by Israel Aerospace Industries' Elta division.
    Risks of missile attacks on Israeli aircraft became apparent seven years ago when a weapon was fired at an Arkia Boeing 757 on departure from Mombasa in Kenya in November 2002.
    No comment.
    Whisky Charlie

    EL AL !  LY !  ELY § Empty Re: EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

    Message par Beochien Jeu 7 Juin 2012 - 15:11

    Bonjour !

    La position d'El-Al !
    Intéressante à lire !
    Les prêts Boeing (Et US en général) sont les bienvenus ...
    Et comme il faut bien maintenir les prix de Boeing, le plus bas possible ...
    El-Al est un client fidèle mais petit ... donc ils doivent payer assez cher ...

    On joue un peu de musique côté Airbus ... A330, A350 violon !
    Bon, JL est assez grand pour savoir, et avoir une idée de ce que ça vaut ... Wink

    ---------- A lire, un papier qui vient d'Irlande -------------

    Whisky Quebec

    EL AL !  LY !  ELY § Empty Re: EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

    Message par aeroduO5 Lun 11 Juin 2012 - 21:50

    El Al pourrait très bien acheter des Airbus.

    La situation politique en Isrël évolue très vite et les liens avec les Etats-Unis se distendent.

    Par contre les liens avec l'Europe se renforcent.

    Certes la France est en retrait mais l'Allemagne a d'excellentes relations avec Israël.

    Les autres compagnies israéliennes ont déjà des Airbus et des ATR.

    Donc un achat d'Airbus par El Al n'est pas complètement saugrenu.
    Whisky Quebec

    EL AL !  LY !  ELY § Empty Re: EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

    Message par patrick1956 Mer 9 Oct 2013 - 11:07

    Contenu sponsorisé

    EL AL !  LY !  ELY § Empty Re: EL AL ! LY ! ELY §

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