Pas trop positif, pour Mitsu ...
A force de retards, on n'est plus le meilleur, disons ...
However, Mitsubishi Aircraft president Hisakazu Mizutani said he is pushing to deliver the first airplane in 2019, rather than 2020, Japanese news media reported Wednesday.
The MRJ recently received the type certification for its PW1200G geared turbofan engine, capping several notable program testing milestones that have been accomplished in recent months, including static strength, company lightning, initial natural icing, cold and hot soak, high speed flutter and flight load survey tests.
“On Monday, August 21, MRJ’s FTA-2 experienced a flameout in the left engine.
According to Mitsubishi: “Engine is removed and has been transported to a Pratt & Whitney facility to enable a more thorough investigation. Replacement engine has been sent to Portland for FTA-2 and has been installed. We will decide when we will fly back to Moses Lake when we have more information on the cause.”
Une modification climatique ne peut avoir que des effets lents et progressifs. Je ne crois donc pas à des changements significatifs et rapides.Poncho (Admin) a écrit:Curieux de savoir ce que le "rechauffement climatique" peut induire comme modif de conditions atmosphériques sur les routes aériennes