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    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website

    Whisky Quebec

    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website Empty GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website

    Message par sevrien Jeu 8 Jan 2009 - 1:34

    Bonjour, chers tous !
    Pour info' : lien :

    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website
    06 January 2009

    Evendale, Ohio, US – January 6, 2009 -- The GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team has launched a new website to enable easy access to information about the F136 engine for the F-35 Lightning II.

    The F136 engine is the most advanced fighter aircraft engine ever developed and will be available to power all variants of the F-35 Lightning II aircraft for the US military and eight partner nations supporting the development program.

    The new website can be found at:

    The website contains information about the F136 engine and the Fighter Engine Team, as well as recent press releases, graphics, photos and video.

    It will serve as a one-stop location to find all the most up-to-date information about the program as well as the history of the F136 engine.

    The F136 engine is being jointly produced by GE and Rolls-Royce, two global leaders in propulsion.

    The first product-configuration F136 engine is being assembled at GE and will begin initial testing in early 2009. By the end of 2009, several F136 engines will be testing, with first flight to follow in an F-35 in 2010. The first production engines will be delivered to customers in 2012. The F136 program is funded in FY 2009.

    Dans le militaire, la coopération entre GE & RR est exemplaire ! Et GE a donné tout son soutien à RR, pour assurer cette motorisation de "deuxième source", et s'est battu pour éviter son "éviction" du budger "Défense" par le Congrès !

    Chapeau ! Wink

    Whisky Quebec

    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website Empty Re: GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website

    Message par sevrien Lun 2 Fév 2009 - 19:14

    Voilà ! GE & RR dans les temps ! Même avant l'heure !
    Lien :
    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website ViewMedia?mgid=82992&vid=2
    02 février 2009 05:43 PM Europe (Paris, Rome, Berlin, Francfort)
    GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team launches new website Icon_permalink GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team Beats Test Schedule with First Engine EVENDALE, Ohio
    Team has begun testing its first production-configuration F136 engine for the F-35 Lightning II aircraft a month ahead of contract schedule, a major milestone in the development program.

    Cela mérite un grand bravo ! Etre avant l'heure !
    In keeping with previous contractual milestones, the first engine test was completed within budget and on schedule.

    Il faut dire cela à EADS et à EPI (dépassements pas la faute de ce dernier). Mais, être avant l'heure et respecter le budget, ... c'est excellent !
    The first complete new-build F136 engine began testing January 30, 2009, under the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) contract with the US Government Joint Program Office for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. This represents the first complete engine assembled following US Government validation of the F136 design in 2008.

    C'est une performance ! Un accomplissement ! Les contraintes étaient très pesantes !
    The F136 program has already totaled more than 800 hours of risk-reduction testing with two earlier engine prototypes, incorporating new-build components.
    The F136 engine is a product of the best technology from two world-leading propulsion companies. The GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team has designed the only engine specifically developed for the F-35 aircraft, offering extra temperature margin and affordable growth.

    Là, c'est le point que RR a réussi à 'vendre' à GE ! Moteur dédié à cette application ! Ne pas aller chercher de multiples applications !
    The first runs of the new F136 engine occurred at the GE facility in Evendale, Ohio. Additional engine builds are already under way, with several engines scheduled to be in test by the end of 2009.

    C'est impressionnant ; et une excellente chose pour tous concernés, et pour l'UE !
    “This new F136 engine represents a major achievement for our powerful partnership. We are into the exciting part of the program, as we begin demonstrating what the F136 can do. We’ve combined the best technologies from GE and Rolls-Royce into an outstanding design that will benefit the military customer over the long run,” said Jean Lydon-Rodgers, President of the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team.

    Et il est sincère ! On se demande pourquoi & comment un esprit d'une telle qualité (positive) peut exister entre GE et son partenaire RR dans "le militaire", et pas dans la branche 'civile' !
    “This is our biggest milestone yet. Once again, the F136 team delivered on time and on budget.

    Oui ! On dirait qu'eux-mêmes sont étonnés et ravis d'avoir "battu" le calendrier et le budget !
    [quote]With a significant temperature margin and affordable growth built into the design, the F136 will offer outstanding value when it becomes available to the first military customer in 2012,” said Mark Rhodes, Senior Vice President of the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team. [/quote]
    La marge eu niveau de la température est une excellente nouvelle ! Et il ne serait pas étonnant qu'il y ait des retombées à partir de ceci pour les prduits de la branche civile !
    The first test runs for the new F136 engine top a year of significant achievements for the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team. The program successfully completed Critical Design Review in 2008, as well as completing the first testing at the unique, new Peebles, Ohio, test site, and full afterburner test runs at the US Air Force Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) test facility in Tennessee.

    On sent un réel enthousiasme au nivea de l'équipe !
    The F136 engine program has a solid history of executing its contract on schedule and within budget. As a result, the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team consistently receives “exceptional” reviews from the JPO for program execution. [

    Oui ! LMais il n'emp^che que le budget n'a eu cesse d'être menacé d'annulation ! Problème de la doctrine USA : "pas besoin d'une 2ème source" !
    The F136 engine is the most advanced fighter aircraft engine ever developed and will be available to power all variants of the F-35 Lightning II aircraft for the US military and eight partner nations.

    Possible !

      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 16 Sep 2024 - 21:22