par Beochien Mer 11 Nov 2015 - 17:41
Un petit point de Guy Norris sur le GP7200 dans AvWeek !
Des améliorations, de ci de là, rien d'énorme, et un peu de mal pour faire le total, et surtout savoir si le PIP final va sortir avec toutes les promesses, ce n'est pas trop clair, une part paraît fixe, d'autres rétrofittables !
Noté :1% de mieux en montée grâce à un meilleur refroidissement des gaz compressé, c'est bien, et ça va dans le bon sens (Non risqué)
The potential upgrade package could include further improvements to the high-pressure turbine section and would further improve fuel burn. GP7200 fuel performance has improved by around 1.4% since the start of the program. “If we threw everything else in, we’d get a similar number as a best case,” Athans said, adding the JV would “probably pick two-thirds” of the optional turbine improvements for the package.
The current-production engine already incorporates a high-pressure turbine upgrade introduced in 2014. An engine incorporating the upgrades recently underwent a 2,500-cycle endurance test at elevated temperatures, which was the equivalent of 3,500 cycles. The Alliance has delivered 100 engines to the upgraded standard, and retrofitted 40 more.
Certification work also continues on a retrofit kit, which improves the exhaust-gas temperature margin retention by up to 10C and fuel-burn performance retention by up to 0.5%. An associated FCS7 compressor-case-cooling software package, coupled with changes to the high-pressure turbine shroud grind, will lower metal temperature by up to 40C and reduce fuel burn by as much as 1% during climb. “All are on schedule and in the final stages of certification, and we will see that introduced next month,” Athans said.