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3 participants

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 1 Juil 2011 - 23:24


    On va la faire rapide...

    Description de la Cie

    Bon ben la division australienne, elle est clouée au sol par la CASA pour raison de sécurité.

    Jusqu'au 9 juillet

    Australia's air transport safety regulator has grounded Singaporean low-cost carrier Tiger Airways' flights within the country.
    The Civil Aviation Safety Authority states that it has taken the action against Tiger Airways Australia for "immediate and serious safety reasons".
    It has not disclosed further details.
    Tiger Airways says it "regrets" that its domestic services in Australia are suspended until 9 July. It is advising passengers with bookings to avoid travelling to the airport.
    "They will be offered a full refund or credit for deferred travel," says Tiger. It adds that flights to and from Singapore are not affected.
    Tiger Airways operates a fleet of Airbus A320s.

    Bonne soirée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 1 Juil 2011 - 23:30

    Un peu de détail

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Sam 2 Juil 2011 - 23:44

    Et bcp ici

    Etplus précisemment

    Ca va être dur de s'en remettre

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 7 Juil 2011 - 10:22

    Bonjour à tous

    Prolongation de l'arrêt des vols de Tiger Australia

    Remplacement du management de la filiale australienne et la de maison mère à Singapour

    Pour le reste :

    Tiger Airways has now been cornered, not just by CASA but its major investor Singapore Airlines.

    Given the comments made this morning by the air safety regulator’s spokesman, Peter Gibson, about the unfolding complexity of the issues it had discovered with Tiger, the 10 jet Australian domestic franchise may as well surrender its AOC and, if it has the money and patience, start again from scratch.

    It hasn’t either, and faces either a slow death or a mercy killing.

    The former president and CEO of Tiger Airways Holdings, Tony Davis, has been replaced in the role for the time being by Singapore Airlines appointee Chin Yau Seng. Davis’s job is now to be CEO of Tiger Airways Australia, replacing its managing director Crawford Rix.

    And Davis, who once officially owned four million Tiger shares, or about 0.5 percent of the issued stock, and remains as a director of the holding company, has been directed by the company to devote his entire attention to fixing Tiger Australia. (The full current equity Davis owns is not known at this stage).

    The board’s direction means that Davis has been told to fix up his disastrous legacy of non compliance with Australian safety laws, not to mention his disregard as the responsible officer for its breaches of consumer law, covering everything from selling fares while not holding a valid air operator certificate to having an ANZAC day sale, complete with the illegal use of its symbols.

    This morning Peter Gibson said the safety issues are more complex than first thought.

    “The scope of the investigations remains pretty much the same but as we’re working through it, we’re finding that the issues are very complex, more complex than we first thought,” he said.

    What is extraordinary about this is that it was so simple for Tiger to have avoided this situation. All it had to do was obey the laws it had agreed to uphold in the process of obtaining an AOC or licence to fly.

    Now Davis has to pay attention to the CASA he consistently failed to heed in the past, undo his legacy of non-compliant and unsafe practices, and somehow or other, restore Tiger to being a brand that will attract sufficient customers at high enough fares to cover its costs and satisfy its shareholders

    None of which it was doing in the past, as it both lost money and infuriated many first time customers with its unreliability, its mean and tricky ticketing conditions and its inability to refund fares in one simple transfer of funds within a reasonable period of time.

    For Singapore Airlines the dilemma is pressing. It is launching its own 100 per cent owned wide body international carrier to take on the likes of Jetstar international and AirAsiaX. Starting next year. It need as much space between the Tiger disaster and its own wholly owned low cost venture as possible.

    Yet there is no guarantee that Tiger Australia will regain its AOC by the start of August, and CASA can veto Tony Davis, who spent months defying them, as being fit to continue as CEO upon any restoration of that licence!

    A noter que Singapour Airlines et un actionnaire important de la maison mère... et qu'en parallèle SIA va lancer une cie low cost prochainement

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 8:29

    Bonjour à tous

    Tiger peut revoler

    Tiger Airways says it will resume flying on Friday after the Civil Aviation Safety Authority lifted its grounding of the airline.

    Tiger says it is resuming ticket sales today, and will start a gradual resumption of domestic services from Friday.

    The first flights will be those between Melbourne (Tullamarine) and Sydney, with the resumption of other routes to be announced shortly.

    Tiger says it is adopting a simplified flight program concentrating on the most popular and profitable routes.

    It does not have much choice in the short-term, as the number of sectors the airline is allowed to fly is initially limited to a maximum of 18 per day for the rest of this month.

    The airline says the reduction in the number of flights means it will be operating eight aircraft instead of the current 10, and will close its crew base in Adelaide and temporarily suspend the one at Avalon Airport.

    Tiger says it will advise passengers already booked for flights from August 12 of any change to their travel plans, and offer affected customers transfers onto another Tiger Airways flight or a full refund if their flight is not operating.

    New conditions

    The suspension has been lifted effective from today, following a grounding that lasted more than a month while CASA investigated safety issues.

    As a result of the investigation CASA has imposed a new set of conditions on the airline's certificate to operate.

    The conditions cover areas including: pilot training; pilot rostering and fatigue management; updating and revision of operational manuals; the appointment of additional qualified personnel in key positions; and amendments to Tiger's safety management system.

    CASA says these conditions also include extra simulator and ground training for Tiger's pilots.

    The authority says Tiger demonstrated it can comply with the conditions of its certificate and meet the necessary safety requirements before the flight suspension was lifted.

    CASA's director of aviation safety John McCormick says Tiger can be credited with a cooperative approach.

    "This was a thorough and rigorous investigation of the safety management within Tiger Airways that looked at the factors behind the incidents themselves at safety systems and safety processes," he said.

    "Tiger Airways has co-operated with our investigation and provided all the relevant documentation and information."

    However, the authority says it will be closely monitoring Tiger to ensure it maintains the new standards.

    "CASA will be closely monitoring the operations of Tiger Airways through scheduled surveillance and regular spot checks," added Mr McCormick.

    "We will also be meeting regularly with the airline to review ongoing safety performance and compliance with the conditions on the airline's operations."

    Mais est-ce qu'elle va pouvoir s'en remettre

    Whisky Charlie

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par Beochien Lun 21 Avr 2014 - 14:12

    Tiger Air/ Mandala surtout ... au bord de la rupture !
    Ca va aussi mal que Jetstar sur l'Asie !

    Une offre en capacité trop importante, l'accumulation et la superposition de routes, et qq refus d'exploiter certaines liaisons ... provoquent un début de crise (Une bulle ? Non ?)
    La croissance de l'offre, semble nettement plus rapide que la croissance réelle de l'Asie ....

    Pas mal de A320 immobilisés, et tous les indicateurs au rouge chez Jetstar et Mandala / Tiger , sauf peut être en Australie même !

    De Ben Sandilands sur Crickey !
    Whisky Quebec

    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

    Message par aeroduO5 Mar 22 Avr 2014 - 19:38

    Tiger est effectivement dans une situation difficile.
    En effet ils ont des problèmes sur tous leurs marchés, y compris leur marché d'origine (Singapour).

    Pour les autres compagnies low cost pan-asiatiques je serai moins catégoriques, même si elles ont des problèmes dans cerrtains marchés:
    -JETSTAR: ça se passe plutôt bien en Australie et à Singapour et le Japon semble avoir bien démarré. Par contre ça cale un peu au Vietnam et le projet à Hong Kong a échoué, d'où les A320 en stock.
    -AIRASIA: solides performances en Malaysie et en Thailande. En Indonésie ils ont plutôt limité la casse dans un marché difficile pour eux, par contre échec total au Japon et c'est pas la folie aux Philippines.
    -LION: très solide en Indonésie, par contre difficultés en Malaisie et le les ambitions en Thailande me semblent assez peu en ligne avec un marché où il y a déjà du monde et où l'instabilité politique pose quand même problème.
    -VIETJET: très solide au Vietnam, le lancement en Thailande est fait avec beaucoup d'ambitions, mais les mêmes problèmes que pour Lion se poseront dans ce pays.

    On voit bien que les situations sont très différentes selon les pays, mais globalement il n'y aura pas de place pour tout le monde.
    A terme il faudra un peu rationaliser tout ça.

    Air Asia et Jetstar me paraissent solides, ils ont réussi à s'implanter avec succès en dehors de leur marché d'origine tout en maintenant une position dominante sur ce marché.
    Lion pourrait les rejoindre, car ils sont sur le futur premier marché de la région, même si pour le moment les implantations à l'étranger sont plus mitigées.

    Par contre pour les autres ce serra plus dur.
    Certains acteurs bien implantés sur un seul marché qu'ils connaissent bien pourraient survivre (Nokair, Citylink).
    Pour ceux entre les petits et les gros, ce sera plus dur.

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    Tiger Airways! TR! TGW! Empty Re: Tiger Airways! TR! TGW!

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