J'ai un peu regardé pour ne pas mourir idiot Tout est là chez Wikip.
Le spot laser génère du plasma contenu par un écran transparent qui amplifie l'onde de choc ...
Si j'ai bien compris ...
Usage pour la maintenance et la prolongation de l'ancien, aussi bien que pour le neuf , GE semble avoir lancé la techno pour les moteurs d'avions du moins ...
The growth of industrial suppliers and commercial proof of laser peening technology lead to many companies adopting laser peening technology to solve and prevent problems. Some of the companies who have adopted laser peening include: GE, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, and others.
LaserPeen Process Overview
- Laser peening provides significant increases in metal part fatigue life and strength
- Laser peening typically generates beneficial compressive residual stresses 2 to 3 mm deep or through-thickness in thin sections
- Laser peening upgrades current parts without a redesign
- Laser peening can be applied to fielded parts for improved lifetime
- Laser peening can generate beneficial compressive residual stresses up to 8 mm deep in thick sections
- Laser peening provides a cost effective ROI for parts: reduces replacement costs, maintenance, and down time
- Laser peening increases value and reliability of nearly any metallic component
- RapidCoater reduces process costs and part handling
- Laser peening is computer and robotically controlled to meet AMS-2546
Dernière édition par Beochien le Ven 9 Déc 2016 - 10:15, édité 2 fois