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    Message par vertol Sam 9 Mai 2009 - 23:39

    Cher Sevrien,

    sevrien a écrit:Bonjour, cher Vertol ! Sans rancune ! Pour évacuer immédiatment ce malentendu d'identité / d'identification, je pensais davantage à un certain style, une certaine "école" (pour être poli), à une certaine faune (pour l'être moins), plutôt qu'à un individu, .... quoique, à un moment donné, j'avoue avoir cru que j'avais identifié un auteur plutôt qu'un autre !

    Si cela vous a offusqué, je vous présente mes excuses.

    Nous sommes des adultes responsable tout les deux, mais je pense que ce genre de malentendu d'identité / d'identification sont nuisibles pour la vie de forum. Mais j'en conviens c'est du dpo .
    J'apprécie néanmoins que vous acceptiez que je ne sois ni d'une faune certaine, d'une petite école, ni personne d'autre que Vertol. Merci.

    Je n'en demande pas. Mais je dis, tout simplement, sans rancune, ... "comme ça vient", que vous n'auriez jamais dû traiter une partie de mes écrits comme "mensongère" (ou même comme destinée / "designed"... à tromper). Cela est du fond et de la forme ! Cela n'a point de 2ème degré ni de licence poétique ! Wink

    Y voyez vous autre chose qu'une réponse excessive à une affirmation excessive ?
    J'attends avec impatience votre réponse, et votre démonstration de mon erreur de jugement sur votre intervention initiale.
    Sans parti pris...

    Aéronautiquement votre


    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par sevrien Sam 9 Mai 2009 - 23:58

    vertol a écrit:Cher Sevrien,

    Y voyez vous autre chose qu'une réponse excessive à une affirmation excessive ?
    Oui, cher vertol ! Mais sans rancune ! Car il n'est pas bon d'accuser à tort et publiquement les autres de mentir, ou de dire des choses mensongères, quand ce vocable est non seulement excessif mais faux et mensonger en lui-même ! Il n'est pas bon de se prévaloir de ses propres turpitudes !
    Aussi, ce problème d'identification est un aspect auquel vous semblez attacher bien trop d'importance ! Mieux vaut vraiment tourner la page, au lieu de s'embourber !Wink

    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Lun 11 Mai 2009 - 20:31

    Turquie: AgustaWestland passe à l'attaque

    A l’occasion du Salon IDEF 2009, la société italienne a clairement affiché ses ambitions: se positionner sur le marché turc, mais plus généralement détrôner le Black Hawk américain sur les marchés export en
    présentant un nouveau modèle d'hélicoptère.
    Durant IDEF, AgustaWestland a présenté la maquette de son nouvel hélicoptère moyen AW149, baptisé TUHP 149 (Turkish Utility Helicopter Program) pour le marché turc. Cette machine est destinée à répondre au “General Purpose Helicopter Procurement Program” turc, pour lequel Ankara devrait annoncer son choix en juin prochain.
    Ce programme, qui prévoyait initialement l’acquisition de 84 appareils, a progressivement été étendu à 115 machines. Le SSM (sous-secrétariat à l’industrie de défense) turc a en effet décidé d’intégrer à cet appel d’offres l’acquisition d’une vingtaine de machines pour la gendarmerie et la police, onze pour les gardes-côtes et six pour la marine.
    Selon la présentation d’AgustaWestland, cet appareil de 8,1 tonnes, pouvant atteindre 295 km/h, avec une autonomie de près de 900 km, permet d’emporter jusqu’à seize fantassins. Une masse qui situe ce biturbines entre l’AW139 (6,4 t) et le NH90 (10,6 t). Rappelons d'ailleurs que le NH a été éccarté de la compétition il y a plusieures années.
    Le TUHP 149 apparaît plus léger que son concurrent américain pour ce contrat, un UH-60 Black Hawk modernisé et rebaptisé T-70 par Sikorsky.
    Sur le modèle de certaines versions du Black Hawk, le TUHP 149 a été doté de deux pylônes permettant l’emport d’armements externes ou de réservoirs supplémentaires.
    AgustaWestland, qui réalise déjà pour Ankara le futur hélicopère de combat T129, devra, en cas de victoire, assurer une large coproduction de ce programme avec les industriels turcs. Ankara souhaite ainsi que Turkish Aerospace Industries réalise l’intégralité de la production de son futur appareil au-delà de la 78e machine.
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Lun 11 Mai 2009 - 21:22

    EADS: présente l'hélicoptère d'affaires EC145 Stylence

    Eurocopter, la filiale d'EADS spécialisée dans la fabrication d'hélicoptères, a présenté l'hélicoptère EC145 Stylence à l'occasion du salon EBACE 2009.

    Le groupe indique que le marché de l'aviation d'affaires s'est considérablement développé au cours de ces dernières années, atteignant 20 % du chiffre d'affaires total d'Eurocopter. Avec 150 hélicoptères d'affaires vendus l'année dernière, le groupe demeure le premier constructeur d'hélicoptères d'affaires au monde.
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Ven 22 Mai 2009 - 23:18

    ITaly and Turkey: A strategic alliance
    Augusta's A129 Mangusta - Turkey's next Attack Helicopter.
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par sevrien Sam 23 Mai 2009 - 0:30

    Merci, Alain57 , pour cette information.

    Intéressant ! Qui a un avis sur l'A129 Mangusta ?
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 14:23

    Bonjour Sevrien, les Turcs on choisie cette appareil suite a un appel d'offre, et l'évaluation des machines proposé, (US, Russie,) j'ignore si le tigre était en compétition....

    la politique y a sans doute mis les peut être les transferts de technologies......
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par sevrien Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 15:51

    Merci, alain57 ! Toujours est-il que les Italiens se placent bien !
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Mar 26 Mai 2009 - 17:50

    French Navy presents upgraded Panther Mk 2
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Sam 30 Mai 2009 - 0:01

    AgustaWestland makes next step in the Turkish T129 programme
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Mar 2 Juin 2009 - 9:48

    un article intéressant........a lire sous le lien (avec photos)

    Aéronautique navale : Une nouvelle jeunesse pour
    l'hélicoptère Panther
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Ven 12 Juin 2009 - 8:55

    US delivers Russian-built Mi-17 Helicopters to Pakistani Military
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Ven 12 Juin 2009 - 9:57

    Eurocopter en passe de se renforcer au Japon

    Eurocopter est en discussions très avancées pour la reprise de l'activité de maintenance d'hélicoptères d'ANA Aircraft Maintenance, filiale de la compagnie aérienne All Nippon Airways (ANA), a-t-on appris hier de sources concordantes.
    Avec cette opération, de quelques millions d'euros, le fabricant d'hélicoptères (groupe EADS) ajouterait une dimension industrielle à sa présence au Japon. Début avril, il avait déjà fait passer de 10 % à 90 % sa participation dans le capital de son distributeur local, Euroheli Corporation, fusionné dans la foulée avec Eurocopter Japan.

    Pour Eurocopter, il s'agit de s'implanter encore plus dans ce pays où, avec 360 machines en service, la société revendique 57 % du marché civil ou parapublic. Mais c'est surtout le marché militaire qui aiguise les espoirs de ses dirigeants. Les forces armées japonaises ont déjà acquis deux bi-turbines
    légers EC135 auprès du constructeur européen pour des missions d'entraînement, avec une option pour trois machines supplémentaires. Un signe d'ouverture puisque l'équipement militaire reste une chasse gardée américaine dans ce pays.
    Au-delà, Eurocopter caresse l'espoir de placer son NH90, l'hélicoptère de transport vendu à 529 exemplaires dans le monde.
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Ven 26 Juin 2009 - 17:11

    U.S. offers India to Lease 12 Surveillance Helicopters

    11:06 GMT, June 26, 2009 In the midst of the Indian Defence Ministry scurrying for aerial surveillance
    aircraft, speedboats and vessels for coastal security, the U.S. has offered 12 helicopters on lease to India for more effective surveillance of the Indian coastline, according to India Defence Online.

    While India is ruminating over the U.S. offer, it will be the first time it will be leasing aircraft from
    U.S for defence purposes. It may be noted that the Indian Coastguard is undergoing a shortage of helicopters, especially the twin-engine helicopters.
    The U.S has reportedly offered Sikorsky and Augusta Westland helicopters to India.

    Since coastline security framework is top priority for India, the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has been asked to deliver 12 Dornier aircraft to Coast Guard at the earliest. India has also requested private
    players to make offers for helicopters and other surveillance aircraft.
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par alain57 Lun 6 Juil 2009 - 14:23

    Helicopter trouble....a lire sous le lien.........

    The Armed Forces have a major shortage of helicopters and their current
    solutions are unlikely to solve the problem, Elfan Ap Rees, editor of Helicopter
    International, says.
    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Mer 10 Fév 2010 - 17:23

    Bonjour à tous,

    Un rappel, le post de Pascal83 du mois de mars de l'année dernière :
    pascal83 a écrit:

    Appel d'offre pour RU et garde cote le EC225 sera opposé au S92
    La Grande-Bretagne a choisi. Ce sera Soteria, un consortium réunissant Thales UK, CHC Helicopters, the Royal Bank of Scotland et Sikorsky, et proposant le S-92 (Sikorsky oblige !). Le grand perdant est Eurocopter et son EC-225.
    C'est un contrat de 24 appareils (remplaçant 40 appareils) pour 25 ans à la date où le service sera effectif sur chacune des 12 bases. Début prévu de la mise en oeuvre 2013, pour un service complet prévu en 2016. Le montant du contrat est de 6 milliards de £.

    Soteria Picked for British SAR Deal

    LONDON - A consortium involving Thales UK, CHC Helicopters, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Sikorsky has been named preferred contractor to take over Britain's search-and-rescue operations in a 6 billion pound ($9.4 billion) deal announced Feb. 9 by the Ministry of Defence and the Department for Transport.

    The private finance initiative (PFI) deal for the SAR-H program could result in the Soteria consortium operating about 24 new Sikorsky S-92 helicopters from 12 bases around mainland Britain's coastline, Defence Procurement Minister Quentin Davies said.

    The MoD will carry about two-thirds of the cost, with the remaining funds coming from the Department for Transport, Davies said at a press conference to announce the deal.
    The service will run for 25 years from the day Soteria begins operations at each base. The exact schedule will vary from base to base, but Maritime and Coastguard Agency bases are to see operations begin in 2012. The military bases will start moving over to the new arrangements in 2013 with the switch complete by 2016, MoD officials said.
    The deal will replace nearly 40 Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, and Maritime and Coastguard Agency helicopters with a service that will include the provision of crews, helicopters, base management and servicing. Some military crews will be incorporated into the new commercial service.
    Davies said that many of the 240 military pilots currently involved in providing the bulk of the SAR services in Britain will be transferred to other helicopter duties to help fill Britain's growing requirement for rotorwing crews.
    Some 66 military pilots will be included as part of the Soteria service in order to retain skills in the role, he said.
    Today's military search-and-rescue Sea King helicopters are slated for retirement.
    Soteria consortium member CHC already operates S-92s from two bases in northern Scotland in an interim search-and-rescue service for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, which is due to expire in 2012.
    When that deal ends, the existing S-92s and a small AgustaWestland AW139 fleet used by CHC for search-and-rescue duties on two bases in southern England will be moved elsewhere in the company's fleet, said David Rae, the Soteria bid director.
    The consortium beat out a Lockheed Martin, VT Group and British International Helicopters team known as AirKnight to land the SAR-H program.
    AirKnight were offering the Eurocopter EC225 helicopter as the basis for its service.
    The procurement minister said it was hoped to get the PFI deal to final contract before the end of the year.
    Complex defense PFIs have a history of taking years rather than months to move from preferred contractor status to completion, but Davies said the government was accelerating the procurement process compared with the bad record on projects such as the future strategic tanker aircraft deal.
    The opposition Conservatives attacked the rush to sign the deal ahead of a general election set to be called before June this year.
    In a joint statement, shadow defense secretary Liam Fox and shadow transport secretary Theresa Villiers said: "We are not opposed to the principle of contracting out, part of the service already is, but we are deeply concerned that a project of this importance and magnitude should be rushed through in the teeth of a general election.
    "Given the government's record on PFIs, and its performance on helicopter contracts especially, we will want, if elected, to look at the fine details of the contract. One key area is the levels of penalties - and the let outs - for performance failure."


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Mer 10 Fév 2010 - 17:59

    Bonjour à tous,

    Apparemment, Boeing va sortir le grand jeu devant les officiels du gouvernement et militaires indiens au salon Defexpo 2010 à New-Delhi du 15 au 18 février.
    Présentation approfondie des appareils suivants : F/A-18IN Super Hornet, C-17 Globemaster III, P-8I, AH-64D Apache et CH-47F Chinook.
    A suivre.

    Boeing Highlights Commitment to India at Defexpo 2010

    NEW DELHI | Boeing will present world-class products and services including the F/A-18IN Super Hornet, C-17 Globemaster III, P-8I, AH-64D Apache and CH-47F Chinook to Indian government officials, military officers, and other valued stakeholders at Defexpo 2010. The exhibition takes place Feb. 15-18 at the Pragati Maidan complex in New Delhi.

    "This is an important year for Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) in India," said Vivek Lall, BDS vice president and India country head. "Many of our products and platforms are currently in competition or under active consideration by the government, and we are looking forward to demonstrating how they will quickly contribute to India's defense modernization and bring long-term industrial benefits to the nation."

    Boeing is kicking off its Defexpo participation with a preshow briefing for the media at noon on Thursday, Feb. 11, at the Taj Mansingh Hotel. During the show, BDS executives will invite stakeholders into an F/A-18IN Super Hornet cockpit simulator to demonstrate the aircraft's advanced features, including its superior air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities. Boeing also will provide media briefings on the C-17 Globemaster III and on two Boeing Rotorcraft products in current competitions -- the CH-47F Chinook and AH-64D Apache. An Airborne Battle Management briefing will cover Airborne Early Warning and Control as well as the P-8I long-range maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. India selected the P-8I for its navy last year; the first of eight aircraft is scheduled to enter the fleet in 2013.


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Mer 10 Fév 2010 - 22:14

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Je ne sais pas trop où mettre cette nouvelle. Alors pourquoi pas avec les hélicoptères.

    Le K-Max de Kaman Aerospace gréé en appareil sans pilote pour le soutien des troupes vient d'être testé en Afghanistan.
    En tout cas, je me demande quel en est l'intérêt.
    Team K-MAX Demonstrates Successful Unmanned Helicopter Cargo Resupply to U.S. Marine Corps actualités /  news - Page 2 K-MAX_hover

    The Unmanned K-MAX launches from the pad with a 1500 lb sling load during contractor flight tests in January 2010.

    Lockheed Martin Corporation [NYSE: LMT] and Kaman Aerospace Corporation, a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation [NASDAQ GS: KAMN] have successfully demonstrated to the U.S. Marine Corps the capability of the Unmanned K-MAX helicopter to resupply troops by unmanned helicopter at forward operating bases in Afghanistan.

    During a series of flights last week in subfreezing temperatures at the U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving Ground, UT, the Unmanned K-MAX demonstrated autonomous and remote control flight over both line-of-sight and satellite-based beyond line-of-sight data link.

    “We met or exceeded the requirements within the scheduled three-day timeframe of the demonstration,” said Dan Spoor, Aviation Systems vice president at Lockheed Martin’s Mission Systems & Sensors facility in Owego, NY. “The system performed a rigorous set of cargo resupply scenarios as programmed, allowing the ground-based operator to monitor progress, and make adjustments to aircraft positioning only when requested by the Marine Corps for demonstration purposes.”

    Performance attributes demonstrated included hovering at 12,000 ft. with a 1,500-pound sling load; delivering 3,000 pounds of cargo well within the six-hour required timeframe to a forward operating base (two 150 nm round-trip flights); remotely controlling flight and a precision load delivery by a ground-based operator in both day and night conditions; and uploading a new mission plan to the aircraft’s mission management system during flight.

    As an optional demonstration, Team K-MAX showcased the Unmanned K-MAX helicopter’s four-hook carousel, which enables multi-load deliveries in a single flight. Lifting a total cargo of 3,450 pounds, the aircraft flew to three pre-programmed delivery coordinates, autonomously releasing a sling load at each location. At the customer’s request, the fourth load delivery was performed under manual control by the ground operator.

    “The Unmanned System performed operationally representative cargo resupply scenarios, and each time the system delivered as promised,” said Sal Bordonaro, President, Kaman Helicopters, a division of Kaman Aerospace Corporation. “This capability gives the Marine Corps a proven unmanned power lifter to bring vital cargo to troops on the battlefield without the need for ground vehicles and manned helicopters.”

    Team K-MAX has flown the Unmanned K-MAX nearly 400 hours in unmanned mode since 2007. The demonstration fulfilled an $860,000 U.S. Marine Corps contract awarded to K-MAX manufacturer Kaman Aerospace in August 2009.

    A manned version of K-MAX has accumulated more than 250,000 flight hours, conducting repetitive lift operations for the construction and logging industries worldwide.

    Avant de terminer le lien sur le site du constructeur :


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Dim 28 Mar 2010 - 17:18

    Bonjour à tous,

    Le premier prototype de l'hélicoptère d'attaque dérivé du A-129 et destiné à la Turquie s'est écrasé. Le crash serait du à une perte de puissance dans le rotor anti-couple.

    Turkey's first T129 attack helicopter crashes

    he first prototype of AgustaWestland's T129 attack helicopter being developed for Turkey crashed on the afternoon of 19 March during a test flight, leaving its Italian test pilot and its test engineer needing hospital treatment for minor injuries.
    Early indications point to a loss of power to the tail rotor while flying at an elevation of 1,500ft (455m) near Verbania in northern Italy. Investigation of the incident will focus on establishing the exact cause of the power failure.

    actualités /  news - Page 2 Atak

    The $3 billion ATAK project, based on the A129 Mangusta, is likely to be delayed because of the crash. The deal was signed in 2008, and the first prototype, P1, made its first flight in September 2009. Turkey has ordered 50 production T129s for delivery from 2013 and has options on another 41.
    AgustaWestland will make two T129 prototypes in Italy, after which manufacture will shift to its Turkish partner TAI. The aircraft will be equipped with Turkish-made systems including electronics, forward-looking infrared sensor, cockpit avionics and mission computer from Aselsan, and weapon systems from Roketsan.


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Mer 31 Mar 2010 - 14:01

    Bonjour à tous,

    La Bulgarie voudrait annuler sa commande de 6 Panther destinés à sa marine tout en voulant que les avances payées servent à régler la commande de Cougar en cours de livraison et destinés à son armée de l'air.

    Bulgaria Wants To End Eurocopter Deal: Minister

    Bulgaria wants to terminate a contract with Eurocopter for six Panther-type helicopters in a bid to save money, Defense Minister Anyu Angelov said March 30.
    "In our next negotiations with Eurocopter, we want to find a mutually acceptable solution, without paying more," Angelov told the daily Trud.
    Eurocopter already delivered 11 out of 12 Cougar helicopters to Bulgaria as part of a contract for a total 18 choppers signed in 2005 and worth 358 million euros ($482.5 million).
    The six Panther helicopters were meant for the navy, while the Cougars were purchased for Bulgaria's air force.
    Angelov suggested that advance payments for the Panthers could be used to settle the bill for the already delivered Cougars.
    "We want to make this money count towards the payment of the already delivered aircraft as well as spare parts before we terminate the contract," Angelov added.


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par Beochien Jeu 20 Mai 2010 - 14:01

    Bonjour !

    Un superbe proto se Sykorsky X2 !
    Bat les records de vitesse, 168 kts, et vers les 250 !
    Belle bête !
    Double rotor contra et hélice propulsive, un autogyre à l'envers si on veut !
    Qui décharge la photo ??

    ----------------- Le lien Flightglobal -------------------------

    Sikorsky X2 breaks helicopter speed barrier
    By John Croft

    Sikorsky reports that its X2 advancing blade concept technology demonstrator has achieved 168kt (311km/h) forward speed, putting the dual counter-rotating pusher-prop compound beyond the typical maximum speed for traditional helicopters and outside the reach of the company's S-76 chase vehicle's 155kt capability.

    A follow-on flight, expected the week of 24 May, is to see X2 test pilot Kevin Bredenbeck accelerate the LHTEC T800-powered fly-by-wire pusher to 180kt, completing the third of four planned envelope expansion test phases. Phase four, which could begin as soon as mid-June, includes the first attempts to slow the X2's main rotors while opening the speed envelope to 250kt or more.

    The prototype is designed with no clutch between the main rotors and propulsor, which requires the pilot to increase forward speed through the variable pitch control on the six-bladed rear propeller. Once in the 180kt realm, the X2's computer will automatically slow the main rotors and increase collective pitch to prevent tip speeds from entering high-drag transonic region, with Bredenbeck correspondingly increasing propulsor pitch to increase the X2's speed as the propulsor also slows.

    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par art_way Mar 25 Mai 2010 - 10:10

    L'Allemagne suspend l'achat d'hélicoptères Tigre d'EADS.

    BERLIN (Reuters) - Le ministère allemand de la Défense a suspendu son
    projet d'achat d'hélicoptères de combat Tigre produits par EADS en
    raison de problèmes techniques, selon un rapport interne du ministère
    obtenu par Reuters. Ce rapport mentionne des problèmes graves
    avec l'installation électrique de l'appareil. Le problème se
    présente aussi avec les Tigre qui n'ont que quelques heures de vol,
    précise le rapport. Les achats seront suspendus jusqu'à ce que
    les problèmes techniques soient effectivement réglés, ajoute le

    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Lun 14 Juin 2010 - 16:16

    Bonjour à tous,

    Sikorsky aurait des visées sur les militaires allemands pour son CH148 Cyclone. Quel remplacement d'appareil Sikorsky vise-t-il ?

    Sikorsky Aerospace Services and ZFL Announce MoU for Aftermarket Services in Germany

    Sikorsky Aerospace Services and ZF Luftfahrttechnik GmbH (ZF Aviation Technology, ZFL) today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore opportunities for delivering improved aftermarket support to the German armed forces and introducing the CycloneTM multi-mission helicopter into Germany. Sikorsky Aerospace Services is the aftermarket division of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

    Under the Memorandum of Understanding, Helicopter Support, Inc. (HSI), a business unit of Sikorsky Aerospace Services, and ZFL will explore, identify and discuss projects of mutual interest and collaborative efforts in connection with the concept of improved spare parts delivery and technical support for the German armed forces.

    “This MOU allows us to consider the aftermarket services that could be possible through a synergistic relationship with ZFL, and we will continue to move forward to identify the ways in which our two companies can work together for our mutual success,” said Samir Mehta, President, HSI.

    Joseph Gigantelli, Sikorsky Vice President, European Sales, added: “As we explore the opportunities for participation with German industry, we are seeing the potential for the Cyclone helicopter to be a viable option for the German Air Force and Navy.”

    “Our intent is to provide Germany with the best technology that is available in-country and from around the world, and in doing so, provide a technologically superior aircraft,” Gigantelli added.

    The Cyclone helicopter provides multi-mission capabilities including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, and search and rescue. The aircraft is a derivative of the S-92®️ helicopter, which gets its basic design from the BLACK HAWK helicopter, a proven, rugged and durable aircraft.

    “We highly value our long standing cooperation with Sikorsky Aircraft and look forward to expanding our business in a slightly different role,” said Peter Tolksdorf, Director of Defense Programs, ZFL. “The MOU is another step toward strengthening our relationship with Sikorsky.”


    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par jullienaline Dim 20 Juin 2010 - 22:10

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Le nouveau gouvernement britannique, fraichement élu, remet à plat certains contrats passé par l'ancien gouvernement. Entre Autre, le contrat SAR-H attribué à Soteria, un consortium réunissant Thales UK, CHC Helicopters, the Royal Bank of Scotland et Sikorsky, et proposant le S-92, est suspendu est va être réexaminé. Soteria s'attendait à se réexamen et déclare être confiant dans la poursuite du programme.

    Soteria confident of SAR-H outcome

    The team awarded preferred bidder status for the UK’s Search and Rescue - Helicopter (SAR-H) programme is confident a government review of the project will vindicate its involvement.
    As part of a comprehensive review into spending decisions made by the previous Labour administration, the new coalition government has decided to axe 12 projects worth £2 billion, and suspend a further 12, worth more than £8 billion. Of these 12, SAR-H is the largest, coming in at £4.6 billion.
    Announcing the decision to the House of Commons on 17 June, Treasury Chief Secretary, Danny Alexander, said that SAR-H will be 'reviewed as a matter of urgency'.
    A spokesperson for Soteria said the move was not unexpected as the incoming administration had clearly stated its intention to review the major projects approved by the previous government in the last months of its tenure.
    ‘This is not unexpected. Soteria is convinced that they offer the UK a robust value for money solution and they continue to work closely with the customer towards contract award,’ the spokesperson said.
    The SAR-H programme is a joint Department for Transport (DfT) and Ministry of Defence (MoD) contract which would end the involvement of the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy in search and rescue operations and introduce a new harmonised fleet of aircraft which operate under the banner of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), although some military aircrew, roughly 66, will be retained to operate a handful of the new helicopters.
    The private finance initiative (PFI) programme was closely contested by bidders AirKnight and Soteria, but Soteria was announced as the preferred bidder on 9 February.
    The company was planning to use a fleet of 24 Sikorsky S-92s to replace the Sea Kings being used by the RAF and the Fleet Air Arm. The Sea Kings are due to exit service by 2016. No contract has been signed but had been expected later in the year.
    While the government has not released a lot of detail on the scope and timing of the review, those involved in the programme will have taken heart that of the projects suspended, SAR-H was the only one that has been tagged as 'urgent'.
    The coalition government had accused the previous Labour administration of operating a 'scorched earth' policy when it came to spending decisions in its final few months of power. SAR-H was one of a number of programmes agreed to by the Labour administration in three months leading up to the May general election.


    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par patrick1956 Mer 8 Jan 2014 - 15:57

    une belle info d'un nouveau helico dans le paysage
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par patrick1956 Ven 31 Jan 2014 - 13:49

    cela est vraiment une bonne nouvelle
    Whisky Quebec

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    Message par patrick1956 Jeu 13 Fév 2014 - 22:22

    une commande de la marine italienne
    Whisky Charlie

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    Message par Beochien Jeu 26 Juin 2014 - 12:11

    Pas brillants les Caracal avec l'armée Française au Mali !  actualités /  news - Page 2 662529 

    Le moteurs tiennent à peine 100 heures avec le sable local !  Embarassed
    Il faudrait des filtres sophistiqués, mais c'était bien trop cher ! charte 

    Et si on envoyait  Al Qaida au Pôle Nord ??

    Sur la tribune !

    Contenu sponsorisé

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      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 17 Nov 2024 - 16:58