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    Pétrole Empty PETROLES

    Message par Invité Lun 5 Jan 2009 - 14:48


    Royal Dutch Shell, Petro-Canada et SunCor, suspendent des projets :

    Du Times on line :

    Canada's once booming oil sands industry is cooling fast as the plunging oil price undermines investment. More than US$60 billion worth of projects to extract oil from the bitumen-rich sands of northern Alberta have been delayed in the past three months, according to a study of industry figures by The Times.
    A string of companies, including Royal Dutch Shell, Petro-Canada and SunCor, have been among those that have frozen multibillion dollar projects - in some cases indefinitely.

    As much as 175 billion barrels of oil are contained in the oil-rich sands of the Athabasca region - second only to Saudi Arabia in a ranking of different countries' proven oil reserves. But the process of extracting crude from sand, either by mining or injecting steam to recover it in situ, is both environmentally controversial, requiring the use of huge amounts of energy and water, and expensive.
    The cost of production can be as high as $70 a barrel compared with $5 a barrel for some of the largest onshore oilfields in the Middle-East.
    Last year, bolstered by soaring crude prices, which rose as high as $147 per barrel in July, investment poured into projects such as Petro-Canada's Fort Hills development.
    But some companies have paused projects as the recession saps global energy demand, driving oil prices down by more than $100.
    On Friday, US crude for delivery next month was trading around $41 a barrel.

    Annette Hester, a Calgary-based energy economist at the Centre for International Governance Innovation and a leading independent expert on the industry, said a number of factors had contributed to the slowdown, including high costs and a less attractive royalty regime introduced last year by Alberta's state government. The global credit crunch has also affected the ability of some companies to raise finance for oil sands projects. “We are absolutely seeing a slowdown in new projects although existing projects are continuing,” she said.

    Connacher Oil and Gas of Calgary announced last month that it was suspending one of its projects, the Algar oil sands facility near Fort McMurray. The group cited “the rapid and recent deterioration” in oil prices.

    Shell, the Anglo-Dutch oil group, said in October that it was delaying a second expansion of its oil sands project, a decision that independent experts said would affect about $11 billion of investment.
    The development, which is located east of Edmonton in the Fort Saskatchewan area, involves the construction of pipelines, extraction plants and an enlarged upgrader which turns viscous bitumen into synthetic crude oil.
    A spokesman for Shell said that the group remained committed to the industry and is continuing to invest in construction of facilities that will
    allow it to produce 250,000 barrels of crude a day by 2010. He said the secondary expansion had been delayed because of high costs and an unfavourable economic environment.
    Petro-Canada has also deferred construction of an upgrader for its $17 billion Fort Hills project. Other projects that have been affected include SunCor's $17 billion expansion of its Voyageur oil sands upgrader unit. The expansion is on hold for a year.

    Ms Hester said there was also a growing wariness within the industry about the position Barack Obama, the US President-elect, will take on crude oil produced from oil sands and the possibility of more restrictive environmental legislation. She said some companies were exploring the possibility of shifting some of their processing facilities inside the US in order to make a stronger case defending the industry.

    Environmentalists have welcomed the delays affecting the industry. A spokeswoman for the WWF said that there were growing questions about long-term viability of oil sands.
    “Carbon-intensive businesses do not look suited to a government which is serious about tackling climate change. A high carbon price under a cap and trade system will have a more significant effect with low oil prices,” she said.

    Shifting sands

    About 175 billion barrels of oil are contained in Canada's oil sands
    The oil sands are located in three major areas beneath 140,000 square kilometres of northeastern Alberta
    The first oil sands mining project began in 1967
    In 2007, Alberta produced about 1.8million barrels of crude per day from oil sands, 75 per cent of which was exported to the US
    The industry has been widely criticised by environmentalists for its use of large amounts of water and energy and the destruction of huge tracts of land

    Dernière édition par Xmad le Lun 12 Jan 2009 - 0:24, édité 2 fois
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Lun 5 Jan 2009 - 16:23

    Bonjour !

    Merci Xmad !

    Evidemment, en dessous de 70 $, pour certains, mais en dessous de 50-60 $ pour la majorité, la rentabilité devient problématique !
    Ce qui est installé ou en cours de finition va courrir dans les 2,5-3 Millions de Barrels quand même, en attendant des jours meilleurs !

    Voir :
    Energy Prices

    PETROLEUM ($/bbl)
    Nymex Crude Future 46.01 -.33 -.71 09:08
    Dated Brent Spot 46.44 -1.34 -2.80 09:38
    WTI Cushing Spot 46.00 -.34 -.73 09:0


    Par contre ceux qui se sont lancés au maxi prix, maxi vitesse, et maxi royalties à l'Alberta !
    Ils sont vraiment mal partis !
    Les salaires à 10 000 $ c'est fini aussi !
    Donc projets en attente !

    Tant mieux ...
    - Le temps de redescendre de l' échelle luxe à la marche du rationnel pour les investisseurs, et que les fonds d'investissement sur les Alberta Shingles cessent de se foutre du monde !
    - Le temps aussi de développer des techno plus propres pour l'environnement (Micro-ondes) qui seront nettement moins chères et sans la nécessité d'extraire et de séparer, et de répandre le sable!
    - Le temps que l'Alberta équipe sa région d'un minimum vivable (Logements, soins et routes) afin que les salaires du coin restent dans les normes Nord Américaines ... les employés à 10 000 $, c'est trop lourd !
    - Le temps que l'Alberta réfléchisse aux royalties démesurées qu'il demandait aux investisseurs, sans rendre vraiment les services attendus ???
    On cherche toujours sur les cartes, les routes qui desservent les gisements, par exemple ... despistes plutôt !

    Conclusion !
    La mise "On Hold" n'est pas forcément négative !
    Une remise en ordre s'imposait !
    RV dans 4-5 ans !
    Ceux qui ont les bonnes technos en développement, pourront continuer, une occasion aussi, de revoir les prix abusifs des fournisseurs de générateurs de micro-wawes, qui, sous couvert du manque de dispo des éléments de puissance, avaient aussi envoyé leurs prix aux nubes !
    A revoir aussi !!

    Ils vont finir par toucher terre dans l'Alberta!
    Pas un mal !


    Pétrole Empty Premier vol aux Algues 50-50

    Message par Invité Ven 9 Jan 2009 - 12:23

    An American airliner has completed the first ever test flight partly powered by biofuel derived from algae.

    The twin-engined Continental Boeing 737-800 flew without incident for 90 minutes on a 50-50 blend of biofuel and conventional aviation fuel. The biofuel used in the demonstration flight was a blend of oil derived from algae and jatropha – a plant that thrives in poor soils.

    Bon il n'y a pas que des algues. Il y a aussi un peu de Jatropha mais tout de même.

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Invité Ven 9 Jan 2009 - 17:26

    Merci Béochien et xmad Very Happy ,

    On peut dire que la place était toute chaude, je suis content de pouvoir continuer à discuter avec vous ici.

    Pour les 2,5 millions de barrils issus des sables, je crois que l' horizon est 2015, donc il faut patienter un peu.

    Des projets sont retardés, c' est vrai, on a été sans doute un peu trop vite

    Pour les investissements de l' Alberta, c' est vrai que c' est une priorité, mais la région restera difficile et polluée, souvent -40 ° C l' hiver, si bien que certains jours le travail et arrêté, les salaires des autres mêtiers non liés au pétrole et hors commercant ou immobilier (par exemple les institutrices, les facteurs, fonctionnaires) ne suivent pas l' envolée, donc ils sont obligés de partir, de quitter souvent leur région, car tout est trop cher pour eux, un vrai problème. Les salaires à 10000 $, c' est pour du 7/7 jours quand même, et les compagnies ne trouvent pas de personnes il faut les faire venir de loin. Si on offre pas un salaire à la hauteur, alors pas grand monde n' ira là-bas...

    J' ai entendu dire que des canons sont installés près des zones ou les eaux de traitements sont laissées, ils tirent toute la journée pour effrayer les oiseaux.

    Ca n' a pas l' air sympa... Enfin, oui, la crise va peut-être faire toucher terre en Alberta pour le coût des projets mais pour les salaires, je pense que cela prendra plus de temps.

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Rasta' Ven 9 Jan 2009 - 20:15

    Je commence déjà par un hors sujet, rendez-vous compte. Juste pour vous raconter que j'ai un lien particulier avec les schistes bitumineux: Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler de Pechelbronn, dans le nord de l'Alsace. Il y avait là une raffinerie et des mines de schistes bitumineux ce qui nous a d'ailleurs valu des bombardements durant la 2e guerre mondiale.
    Mon grand père y était mineur (et accessoirement jockey).

    Aujourd'hui, on y expérimente la géothermie profonde (deep heat mining ou Hot Dry Rocks). J'ai la fierté de compter un des pères de cette technologie parmi mes amis. Or outre la production d'électricité avec cette énergie renouvelable, la chaleur produite pourrait être remise au service de la production pétrolière. D'anciennes expérimentations basées sur des injections de vapeur pour faire remonter le pétrole ont eu lieu sur les sites abandonnés mais avaient dû être arrêtées en raison de leur coût.
    Aujourd'hui, tous les espoirs sont à nouveau permis car le sol regorge toujours de pétrole et la vapeur pourrait être produite à très bas coût.

    Affaire à suivre.

    Eh oui, le père Rasta est l'émir de l'Outre-Forêt. farao
    Cela se passe près de chez vous, en France.

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Invité Ven 9 Jan 2009 - 20:40

    Bonsoir Rasta, merci.

    Quand les avions voleront à l'huile de jaune d'œuf, tu seras hors sujet ! geek
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Dim 11 Jan 2009 - 17:29

    Le fuel Hedging de l'année !
    (C'est une Rumeur Anet pour l'instant ... pas vu de confirmation !)

    Le ponpon à la LOT, hedgée à 140 $ Et qui va au tapis ! car ils doivent payer la différence maintenant !

    Lufthansa au secours !

    Un extrait de chez ! Merci Delta777jet !

    two weeks ago, LOT cried for help of Lufthansa to rescue them, now it
    becomes clear what worries them. Beside slowing business traffic LOT
    listen to Mc Kinsey advisers and hedged the entire fuel for the next
    two years of operation at an level of 140 USD !!!

    Now this is 3 times more than market price and LOT was already in financial trouble before.

    Rumors going around that Centralwings will be closed down due to de-facto bancruptcy as the company is indebted hugely.

    Will the polish government let LOT go bust or will there be a bailout ?

    Dernière édition par Beochien le Dim 11 Jan 2009 - 17:55, édité 1 fois
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Et un Billion de Hedging négatif ! Pour CATHAY !

    Message par Beochien Dim 11 Jan 2009 - 17:53

    Bonsoir !

    Le tableau d'honneur des hedging négatifs acceuille de nombreux concurrents !

    Cathay sévérement épinglé, ça va être dur de financer de nouveaux avions, s'il faut laisser 1 milliard au marché du Hedging !
    Ryanair, essaye de se défendre et de re-négocier sur les échéances delivraison, pour diluer l'impact j'ai bien compris !
    Air France y est en plein, aussi, mais ne cause pas trop ! Juste pour les résultats trimestriels ... des fois que cela remonte !

    ---------------- Un article de l' Indépendant ! -----------------------

    Fuel hedging bets cost Cathay Pacific $1bn

    By Sarah Arnott
    Friday, 9 January 2009

    Cathay Pacific acknowledged paper losses of nearly $1bn (£657m) yesterday as the airline's fuel hedging policy backfired thanks to dramatic falls in the oil price.

    Last November, the Hong Kong-listed airline was already booking mark-to-market losses of HK$2.8 billion (£237m) on fuel hedging contracts, based on the oil price at the end of October. But with the
    oil price languishing around $45 per barrel by the end of the year - from July's unprecedented high of $147 - mark-to-market losses nearly tripled to HK$7.6bn ($980m, £644m). Cathay emphasised in
    yesterday's Stock Exchange statement predicting "disappointing" full-year financial results that future fluctuations in the oil price could ameliorate the as-yet unrealised hedging losses, and also that
    such losses are accounted for in a single financial year, rather than spread over the full period in which the contracts mature.

    But despite the attempts to put the figures in context, the company's shares closed down 7.6 per cent at HK$8.97. Airlines around the world are suffering as the dire effect of the ballooning oil price gives way to the book losses of hedging contracts entered into when it was still high. Passenger numbers are also falling off dramatically as straitened economic conditions bite on both consumer and business travelling. "Since the November announcement revenue has continued to weaken," Cathay Pacific said. "First and business class traffic in particular have fallen significantly and this decline, and the impact of currency
    movements, have caused a weakening of passenger yields."

    The outlook is no more positive. Not only are advance bookings for the first quarter of the new year are markedly down on the same period of 2008, according to yesterday's statement. But the cargo market is also being badly affected. "The percentage year-on-year reduction in cargo revenue has been greater than that of passenger revenue," Cathay Pacific said. The Asian group is not the only carrier to be
    hurt by hedging gone wrong.
    In November, Ryanair reported first half profits down by almost half because the budget Irish carrier had not hedging in place to take the sting out of the rocketing oil price in the six months to July. Attempting not to be caught out again,

    Ryanair had 25 per cent of its 2009/10 fuel requirements hedged at the equivalent of $77 per barrel at the end of 2008, and said this week that the arrangement has been extended to cover 50 per cent of
    requirements for the first three quarters of the year at an equivalent of $64 per barrel of crude. Michael O'Leary, the Ryanair chief executive, said: "This will lock in a 42 per cent reduction of our
    hedged fuel cost per passenger compared to fiscal 2008/09, and will enable Ryanair to continue to grow traffic and reduce fares during
    these recessionary times."

    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Lun 12 Jan 2009 - 12:31

    Une victime notoire de plus des Fuel Hedgings ... à ou vers les 140 $ le barrel affraid !!!

    Dans les 900 Millions de $ de trou, et pas forcément terminé !

    China Eastern, sera renflouée par l'état Chinois, son actionnaire ! santa

    --------------- L'article AP ---------------

    China Eastern: fuel hedging loss $900 million

    The Associated Press

    January 11, 2009

    China Eastern Airlines,
    one of the country's largest carriers, said it faces a 'significant
    loss' for 2008 after fuel price hedges turned bad to the tune of 6.2
    billion yuan ($906 million). The costs associated with the wrong
    way bets on jet fuel prices will be somewhat offset by lower fuel
    costs, the airline said in a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
    late Sunday. Crude oil prices plunged from about $147 a barrel in July
    to about $45 a barrel at the end of last year. State-run China Eastern's actual cash loss from fuel hedging was $14.15 million as of the end of last month, it said. 'The
    civil aviation industry is facing an industrywide crisis. In addition,
    the fourth quarter is the traditional offseason for the aviation
    industry. It is anticipated that the Company will suffer significant
    operating losses in 2008,' it said. The carrier, based in
    Shanghai, reported fuel hedging losses of 1.8 billion yuan in October.
    The latest figures are about double analysts' estimates, the Hong Kong
    newspaper South China Morning Post reported. Many airlines have been caught out by the reversal in oil prices in the second half of last year. Hong
    Kong-based carrier Cathay Pacific Airways reported last week that it
    could lose nearly $1 billion from hedging its jet fuel costs. Air China
    earlier reported potential hedging losses of 3.1 billion yuan. Financially
    troubled China Eastern reported an overall net loss of about 2.3
    billion yuan in the first three quarters of 2008. It carried 5.4
    percent fewer passengers in 2008 than in the year before. The
    government is injecting 7 billion yuan into the carrier, and billions
    more into other carriers, to help tide them through the crisis.
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Lun 12 Jan 2009 - 15:01

    Bon, le cours du Lundi !

    Juste pour s'en rappeler ! Le Barrel En baisse vers les 40 $

    Bonjour les Hedgings ...

    PETROLEUM ($/bbl)
    Pétrole Bl

    Nymex Crude Future38.55-2.28-5.5808:08
    Dated Brent Spot42.50-1.17-2.6808:38
    WTI Cushing Spot40.83-.87-2.0901/09

    Chez Bloomberg dans "Commodities"

    Béochien !

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Invité Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 21:25

    Heritage Oil trouve un gisement en Ouganda

    Du Times on line

    Heritage Oil announced details of a large oil discovery in Uganda yesterday, which the company claimed could be the largest onshore discovery in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Heritage said that its latest discovery – Giraffe1 – in the Lake Albert region, could total at least 400 million barrels of oil.

    However, Paul Atherton, chief financial officer, told The Times that the wider field it was developing, dubbed Buffalo-Giraffe, had several “billions of barrels of oil in place”, although it was unclear how much of this would be recoverable.

    He said that the field, which is 9,000 square kilometers in size – or six times the size of Greater London – was unquestionably the largest onshore discovery made in sub-Saharan Africa in at least 20 years, possibly ever.

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Invité Jeu 15 Jan 2009 - 23:34

    (Nymex), le baril de "light sweet crude" pour
    livraison en février a fini à 35,40 dollars

    Les Cies qui ont pris des couvertures ne rigolent pas...
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Ven 16 Jan 2009 - 12:01

    Merci Xmad,
    Et le commentaire de la Tribune m'a fait vérifier !
    Une énorme différentielle entre les marché US Sur-Stockés en plein Hiver et les cours internationaux plus reflètés par le "Brent"

    Voilà le Bloomberg de ce matin ... et une différentielle qui s'accentue !
    Le printemps va être chaud !

    Et L'ouganda qui trouve du pétrole !
    Et le Brésil qui doit se gratter un peu la tête devant son pétrole Off Shore bien profond et cher à exploiter !

    PETROLEUM ($/bbl)
    Pétrole Bl

    Nymex Crude Future35.39-.01-.0305:08
    Dated Brent Spot45.661.162.6005:38
    WTI Cushing Spot35.40-1.88-5.0401/15
    Whisky Quebec

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par alain57 Lun 19 Jan 2009 - 10:57

    total au USA dans les schistes bitumeux du Colorado...
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Lun 19 Jan 2009 - 11:30

    Merci Alain!

    Ben aprés les coups de massue, et l'effondrement des cours pétroliers ..

    Voici venir le temps des emplettes et des concessions raisonnables !
    D'autant plus que les US libéralisent un peu les concessions dans des Zones "Sensibles" à la pollution !
    Les fonds spéculatifs qui changent de cible et vendent, pour plus trop cher today !
    Le "Majeurs" qu s'y mettent, ils ont le temps du moins pour Total, la Shell est plus sur le grill !
    Et ... incorporer quelques "Réserves", c'est bien vu" !
    Quitte à les développer et exploiter, un peu plus tard, avec les technos propres, et à travers des projets à budget contrôlé !

    Bon, selancer sur un cours à 40 £, et des futurs à 1ou 2 ans tous au dessus de 60 $, le risque n'est pas énorme, et le prix d'achat, à du être raisonnable !

    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Mar 20 Jan 2009 - 17:13

    Bonjour !

    Algae !
    On y revien, une des plus sûres et extensives alternatives au pétrole !
    Les militaires ne s'y trompent pas !
    Un essai subventionné prévu pour convertir l'huile d'algues en JT8 !
    43 millions de $ quand même, de l'agence DARPA, aux USA !
    A prendre au sérieux !
    Surtout s'ils arrivent au 100% Algae ! Plusles additifs, bien sûr !

    ----------------- L'article Aero-news ----------------------
    Et Général Atomics, bénéficiaire del'étude /
    Et ... le JP-8 équivalent militaire du Jet A 1 ??

    General Atomics To Develop Algae-Derived Jet Fuel

    Tue, 20 Jan '09
    Will Search For Cheaper Methods To Produce Biofuel

    San Diego, CA-based General Atomics was awarded a contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop scalable processes for the cost-effective large-scale production of algae triglyceride oil and an algae-derived JP-8 jet fuel surrogate.

    The contract has a total value of up to $43M if all phases of the development program are completed.

    GA will lead a team of university and industrial partners that will examine all aspects of the algae to JP-8 production process. From a technical perspective, algae oil can be produced and converted to JP-8. The goal of the 36 month program is to reduce the cost of doing so to a level that will offer DOD an affordable, reliable long term supply of JP-8.

    Among the challenges posed to the team include identifying key cost drivers, and investigating multiple approaches to increasing productivity and reducing operating and/or capital costs.

    The program will address algae selection and growth; water, carbon dioxide and nutrient supply; algae harvesting; oil extraction; and conversion to JP-8 -- all in the context of an overall JP-8 life-cycle cost model. The contract will conclude with a pre-pilot scale demonstration.

    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Jeu 22 Jan 2009 - 9:53

    Bonjour les "Hedging"

    UAL .... Today
    UA, Que l'on à déjà peut être déjà croisé ici ou ailleurs ...
    1 milliard de $ sur l'autel des hedgings !
    En plus on ne sait pas trop combien sous les tapis ...

    Bon, leur Alpha, ils pourront le chercher encore longtemps, peut être demander à Tomas Enders qu'il leur prête sa boule de cristal ??

    Est ce plus clair pour AF ??
    Je ne crois pas !!
    Mais noter quand même que les échéances tombant mois aprés moi, une trés éventuelle envolée des cours pourrait sauver les spéculations de certaines compagnies ... on peut toujours rêver ! Sad

    La morale de l'article est exemplaire ... quand une compagnie oublie de tirer les bénéfices de son métier, et doit compter sur une spéculation, pétrolière dans ce cas, pour remplir ses caisses, la prise de risque attire ses conséquences un jour !
    Mais ou est passée la rentabilité de la cie dans son coeur de métier ??
    Sous le tapis, en compagnie de qq hedgings non matures ??

    ------------------ Extrait de SeekingAlpha---------------------

    UAL's Hedge Book Disaster
    by: George Gutowski January 22, 2009 | about stocks: UAUA

    UAL corp. (UAUA) the holding company whose primary subsidiary is United Airlines, reported results for the Q4 and it lost a lot of money. Well it’s an airline and so who is really surprised? In reading the press release the company had a lot of standard airline descriptions relating to passenger seat miles and costs based on capacity. (Call Transcript)

    Then the company tells you that it lost money primarily because the fuel hedges that it undertook went against it. It is not totally clear but the total cost of the hedges seems to have contributed approximately $1 billion dollars to the red. The company then goes on to say that it seems to be over and that these losses have been curtailed. Read this quote:

    Kathryn Mikells, senior vice president and CFO said. "The cash impact, while significant, is now behind us, and we are well positioned to manage through a challenging 2009 with good expected cost performance building on our momentum from this past year."

    OK that’s the CFO, she should know.

    Then read note 10 to the financial statements.

    ....based on the hedge portfolio as of January 16, 2009...... at an illustrative $35 per barrel the Company's January 16, 2009, required collateral provision to its derivative counterparties would be approximately $780 million.

    The reality is that UAL, as well as most other airlines, has become almost a pure oil play with the complicating factor of a hedge book that does not seem to be working in its favor.


    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Invité Ven 23 Jan 2009 - 13:21

    Light sweet crude pour mars 2009 à 42,2 USD, les annonces de l'OPEP n'ont pas de réels effets...

    Le Département de l’énergie américain annonce que les stocks commerciaux bruts sont passés de 6 à 332 millions de barils ( réserves stratégiques exclues )
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Ven 23 Jan 2009 - 16:35

    Bonjour !

    Et pan, encore des $ dans l'after burner !
    UA, United Airlines, vers un record côté "Fuel Hedging" 1.3 Billion $, et ce n'est peut être pas fini !
    Plan de contingence à la clé !
    Dire que 20 milliards de Dollars de $ ou plus, sur les fuel hedging, worldwide, se sont évaporé pour les Airliners, seulement depuis 3-4 mois ??
    Ce n'est peut être pas une grossièreté ???
    A comparer aux 70 Billions de $ d'avions à livrer par A et B !

    ------------------ L'article de ------------------

    The Bleeding Continues: UAL Posts Big Q4 Loss

    Thu, 22 Jan '09
    Embattled Airline Expects 1,000 More Job Cuts

    United Airlines says its attempt to hedge fuel more aggressively in 2008 turned out to be a bad bet. UAL Corporation reports that $370 million in cash losses on fuel contracts and another $566 million non-cash charge to adjust contracts to current market values drove a fourth-quarter loss totalling $1.3 billion dollars.

    Ticket sales were reported down 9.6 percent for the quarter.

    United now says it will increase the number of planned job cuts by about 1,000, raising the total to 9,000 by the end of this year. But capacity cuts, slated to be chopped 11 percent in 2009, will now be cut only 9.5 percent.

    Chief Operating Officer John Tague tells Bloomberg that United has seen demand drop, with customers "...not only traveling less, but buying down from premium cabins to coach cabins. We are seeing double-digit declines in international premium traffic."

    UAL stock fell from a high near $12.50 on Tuesday to below $10, but rebounded Thursday to close at $11.45.

    Whisky Quebec

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par alain57 Ven 23 Jan 2009 - 17:49

    a priori certain trader prennent encore des risques avec le pétrole ......
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Ven 23 Jan 2009 - 17:57

    Mouais... si c'est avec l'oseille de leur banque .... Bof !

    Mais si j'étais John Leahy, je publierais un AD pour mes clients !

    "SVP, arrêtez d'aller jouer mes avions neufs au casino des Fuel Hedgings " jocolor

    "Surtout si vous ne savez pas jouer " What a Face jocolor
    Whisky Quebec

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par alain57 Lun 26 Jan 2009 - 12:20

    les avions bientôt a l'éthanol de mais..????

    de gros progrès réalisé dans le cycle de fabrication ....
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Mar 27 Jan 2009 - 18:16

    Delta plonge de 600 M$ pour les FuelHedging, pour son dernier Trimestre !
    C'est pas les pires pale
    Avec quand même 1.4 Miliard de pertes ! Dont 900 pour les Employées equity awards ??? Comment traduire ! Distribution d'actions ??
    Ils réduisent encore la voilure !
    Sur un fond quand même pessimiste, malgré le merger Noth West !

    --------------------------- Extrait -----------------------------

    ATLANTA (AP) -- Delta Air Lines Inc., the world's biggest carrier, said Tuesday it lost $1.4 billion in the final three months of 2008 as it recorded a massive charge related to employee stock awards and wasn't able to fully benefit from the decline in oil prices because of bad bets on fuel hedges. Delta shares fell nearly 18 percent in early trading.

    The results, when one-time items are excluded, fell short of Wall Street expectations.

    The airline operator also projected that 2009 consolidated passenger unit revenue would be down 4 percent. It reiterated its previously announced plans to cut systemwide capacity 6 percent to 8 percent this year.

    The Atlanta-based carrier's net loss in the fourth quarter was equivalent to $2.11 a share for the October-December period, compared to a loss of $70 million, or 18 cents a share, for the same period a year earlier. The loss in the latest quarter included a $904 million charge related to employee equity awards.

    Delta had said that when it completed its acquisition of Northwest Airlines, it would issue a nearly 13.4 percent equity stake in the combined airline to employees.

    Excluding special items, Delta said it lost $340 million, or 50 cents a share. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, who generally exclude one-time items from their estimates, expected a loss of 34 cents a share. Delta said the analyst estimates did not factor in a 12 cents per share loss related to the non-cash impact of purchase accounting.

    UBS analyst Kevin Crissey said he was focusing on Delta's expected present and future performance rather than its performance in the fourth quarter of last year.

    "We were much more concerned with guidance given the noise from the merger in the fourth quarter," Crissey wrote in a research note.

    He said Delta's 2009 consolidated passenger unit revenue projection is worse than what his firm had been expecting.

    Revenue rose 43 percent to $6.7 billion in the fourth quarter, compared to $4.7 billion a year earlier, as Delta completed its acquisition of Northwest on Oct. 29, during the latest fourth quarter.

    Delta said it had a total net loss of $607 million in the fourth quarter related to fuel hedges. After locking in prices that looked reasonable earlier in 2008, some airlines finished the year paying substantially more than market price for a portion of their fuel.
    Whisky Charlie

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par Beochien Mar 27 Jan 2009 - 20:17

    Spéculations sur le Pétrole !
    Les bateaux les vieux tankers "citerne" dans les Lochs ... on en avait parlé !

    Ben en vlà qui apparaissent !
    Acheté à combien, ce pétrole ??
    Bon, on ne va pas pleurer pour eux !

    Shell Sells Oil Cargoes, Phibro Tanker Leaves Orkney (Update2)

    By Alexander Kwiatkowski

    Jan. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Royal Dutch Shell Plc sold more than 1 million barrels of crude stored off the U.K. and a vessel hired by Citigroup Inc.’s Phibro LLC left its anchorage in Scotland for the U.S. as the incentive to keep oil in tankers disappears.

    Shell sold two 600,000-barrel cargoes of North Sea Forties crude for delivery in mid-February at Scapa Flow near Scotland’s Orkney Islands to oil trader Vitol Group, the companies said. The oil, already on board the supertanker Oliva, has been anchored off the U.K. coast since at least December, according to Bloomberg vessel tracking data.

    Oil companies and traders have stored as much as 80 million barrels of crude on tankers as the so-called contango, a market where buyers pay more for supplies later in the year than now, allowed them to profit from storing crude. The incentive to store oil on vessels is shrinking as the spread between 1st- and 12th-month crude narrows to about $12 a barrel from $17 in early December.
    Whisky Quebec

    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

    Message par alain57 Mer 28 Jan 2009 - 20:59

    total se lance dans les sables bitumeux en Alberta.

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    Pétrole Empty Re: Pétrole

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