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Poncho (Admin)
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    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 15 Avr 2010 - 22:05

    Bonjour à tous

    Un lien (déjà donné) pour suivre la production

    Et pour noter que finalement les éléments pour le premier avion de China Southern sont annoncés dans un convoi vers Toulouse.
    Rien pour le premier de Korean

    Intéressant de parcourir le site pour ce rendre compte qu'à priori à toulouse les avions sortent et mais qu'à Hambourg, ils semblent s'entasser.

    A voir aussi l'impact des problèmes du fabricant de siège japonais

    Bonne soirée

    Whisky Quebec

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par pascal83 Ven 16 Avr 2010 - 17:00

    AF a recu le toisieme A380 sur quelle liaison va t'elle le mettre

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Ven 16 Avr 2010 - 17:17

    Vu qq part Jobourg AFS
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 19 Avr 2010 - 12:55


    Vu pour le N°3 d'AF

    Egalement cette news

    A priori le premier A308 pour KAL est en chemin vers la ligne d'assemblage
    Celui pour China Southern devrait suivre rapidement

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 26 Avr 2010 - 13:21

    Bonjour à tous

    La config de l'A308 LHA

    LHA 522 places 8/98/420 (en 10 de front côté éco).

    Pour rappel les petits copains

    SIA : 471 (12/60/399)
    Qantas : 450 (14/72/32/332)
    Emirates : 489 (14/76/399) ou 517 (14/76/427) sans l'espace de repos pilote
    Air France : 538 (9/80/449)

    SIA et Qantas ont des densités faibles
    LHA et AF sont assez proches

    Lufthansa has unveiled the planned configuration of its 526-seater Airbus A380-800 aircraft, which is appearing is the GDS as of 26APR10. Because the airline has not yet announce the inflight product on A380, the following are text description based on the seat map display:

    First Class 8 Seats
    Upper Deck
    Row 1 – 2
    Layout A – DG – K

    Business Class 98 Seats
    Upper Deck
    Row 10 – 21 (First section)
    Row 22 – 28 (Second section)
    Layout AC – DG – HK
    Remark There are No Row 13 and 17; No Seat 26 AC and 26 HK
    Wing section Row 10 – 20
    Bassinet Seat 10D, 22D
    Unaccompanied Minor Seat 21H
    “Preferred Access Seat” 16D/18D/19D

    Economy Class 420 Seats
    Lower Deck
    Row 50 – 94
    Layout ABC – DEFG – HJK
    Bulkhead Rows 50
    Layout Exceptions
    50 – 52 ABC – HJK
    59 – 60 ABC – HJK
    74 ABC – HJK
    75 AB – JK
    Exit Row 75
    Wing Section Row 60 – 79
    Bassinet Seat
    60 AK
    61 DG
    76 DG
    88 ADGK
    Unaccompanied Minor Seat
    61 HJK
    62 HJK
    87 DEFG – HJK
    “Premium Row” 50 – 54
    “Preferred Access Seat” 67-70D/80-83D

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 29 Avr 2010 - 9:39

    Bonjour à tous

    Un petit lien vers un suivi de la production de l'A380

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Jeu 29 Avr 2010 - 10:41

    Des fois qu'il y ait encore un Airbusien qui pense que le A380 sort bien !
    Beaucoup de graphiques pour expliquer que ça sur ce coup, presque un graphe par avion livré ! bounce Mad pale Embarassed Crying or Very sad Sad
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Sam 1 Mai 2010 - 15:29

    Un clin d'oeil de ANA pour le A380 ... au milieu (A la fin)du mess Malaysia Airlines !
    On peu voir un regain d'intérêt de ANA pour le A380, seulement dû à l'effet du même 380, il faut dire que beaucoup d'airlines l'utilisant ont inclut Tokyo sur les routes du A380 comme LH qui arrive bientôt ! Et la concurrence voit les coeff de remplissage !
    Un effet qui a mis du temps à se déclencher, faute de livraisons suffisantes, mais qui fait son chemin !

    ----------------- Du Seattle PI / AFP -------------------

    Airbus has delayed delivery of Malaysia Airlines' first A380 for the second time, Agence France Presse reported Friday.

    Airbus already had delayed delivery of the first of the carrier's six ordered A380s from July 2007 to late 2011. Now, Airbus has pushed first delivery to the first half of 2012, Malaysia Airlines Managing Director and Chief Executive Azmil Zahruddin said in a statement reported by AFP.

    A Singapore-based Airbus spokesman confirmed the delay to AFP, but said the new schedule wasn't finalized and declined to give a reason for it or say whether it would affect other deliveries.

    Meanwhile, Boeing 787 Dreamliner launch customer All Nippon Airways is taking a second look at the A380, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, quoting Hitoshi Kawahara, ANA's director of international and regulatory affairs.

    While ANA hasn't ordered the A380, it has renewed interest because of positive passenger reaction to the jet and competition from A380 operators such as Singapore Airlines, which may soon be able to fly passengers between Japan and the United States, Kawahara told The Journal.

    Whisky Quebec

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par macintosh Sam 1 Mai 2010 - 16:15

    Bonjour Beochien,
    En effet, vu l'état actuel de JAL, il y a de la place libre...
    J'ignorais que SQ allait faire des vols directs entre le Japon et les US.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Sam 1 Mai 2010 - 17:41

    En tout cas ce qui se confirme c'est que l'A380 est un formidable vecteur d'image.

    La pub de SIA à la télé (BFM notamment) est sous titrée: compagnie de lancement de l'A380 à Paris

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Mar 4 Mai 2010 - 10:18


    Louis Gallois déclare dans Bild, relayé par l'AFP ..
    Pas de ventes significatives de A380 avant fin 2011 - 2012, bon, ça laisse juste le temps de présenter des moteurs plus performants ... un petit break techno, aprés les 200 premiers, ce serait une bonne idée !

    Et à Hambourg, ils auront peut être appris à faire des avions d'ici là !

    ---------------------- L'Article AFP ------------------------

    European aircraft maker Airbus (Paris: NL0000235190 - news) must wait until late 2011 or 2012 before getting significant orders for its giant A380 airliner, the head of its parent company EADS said Tuesday in a German daily.

    "Airlines must get through the crisis first. For that reason, I do not expect many orders in 2010," EADS chief executive Louis Gallois told the newspaper Bild.

    "They will probably only become significant towards the end of 2011 or early 2012," the head of the European defence group said.

    Gallois added however that he was "absolutely convinced" the A380 would eventually be successful.

    In January, before the Icelandic volcano eruption grounded European air traffic for more than five days, Airbus had said it aimed to double the number of A380 deliveries this year to 20.

    But the airline federation IATA has estimated since that the exceptional event will cost airlines more than one billion euros (1.3 billion dollars).

    Au fait Thomas Enders, il a renoncé aussi à sa prime ???? parce qu'avec le brillant redressement de la Fab du A380 opéré à Hambourg ...
    Chez Boeing, il serait depuis longtemps hors circuit, ou affecté aux relations publiques ... jocolor

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 8:36

    Bonjour Beochien

    Evidemment quand le boss annonce pas de commandes en 2010 probable, certains grands pourfendeur de l'A380 (et d'airbus ?)
    Remettent le couvert

    Parmi l'habituelle rengaine quelques phrases intéressantes si elles sont fondées

    In the wake of volcanic ash disruption, murmurs from within British Airways are emanating from two camps - one favouring a further deferral to the A380’s it has on order with another orchestrating a move to slash the orders and cancel the rest to combat the financial plight the carrier is stuck in. An announcement could be made as early as this month when the airline reports its year end earnings.

    Obviously a cancellation, or even deferral would be yet another massive blow to the already beleaguered A380 program - and the longer it takes for Airbus to overcome the production and in-service reliability issues, the older and more inefficient the design and engines become in contrast to more hot selling jets like the A350XWB and 787.

    La commande de BA est elle en danger ?
    Dans la fusion IB/BA IB ne pourrait-elle pas être intéressée par cet avion ?

    Bonne journée

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 10:01

    La nullité et l'incompétence de Hambourg étant avérée, du moins pour assembler de gros avions ... 3-4 ans de mess sans grande évolution !
    On se demande pourquoi Airbus n'a pas ramené les finitions à Toulouse depuis longtemps !
    A mon avis, le ménage n'a pas été fait à Hambourg qui bénéficie de la sur-protection de Tomas Enders ... de là à conclure ....

    Airbus donne tous les arguments et les fouets aux adversaires du A380 ... Alors, qu'ils ne se plaignent pas !

    A part celà IB aura bien du mal à gérer une flotte de A 380, c'est un peu comme Alitalia, KLM, ou Tap, assez peu de directions phare, a part JFK ..
    Et gérer 3-4 A 380, c'est difficile ... sauf dans le cas d'un merger, donc peut être un jour des A380 sur New York et qq lignes haute densité, pour IB, KLM, Alitalia ... grâce à BA et AF , mais tout seuls ... c'est beaucoup moins sur !!
    Whisky Quebec

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par macintosh Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 10:12

    Bonjour Béochien,
    Tout à fait d'accord avec votre analyse sur IB. En fait, ce point est assez rarement mentionné : Fusions = Plus de possibilité d'exploiter des gros avions.
    - flotte pouvant être partagée ;
    - possible renforcement du traffic sur certaines lignes en exploitant les hubs de chacun.
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 10:21

    Merci Macintosh !
    J'ajouterais d'ailleurs que les Duo-pôles, comme Milan-Roma, et Madrid - Barcelona, ben, elles divisent largement le trafique int'l, donc diminuent d'autant les lignes à haute densité, comparé à Paris, Londres, ou même Frankfurt !
    Entre le Capitale to Capitale, le Hub to Hub, et le Point to Point, il y a toutes les nuances .... Zon pas fini de travailler les planificateurs !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 10:27

    Bonjour à vous deux

    Disons qu'à Hambourg on leur a peut être savonné la planche en ce début d'année : KOITO

    Quelques résultats d'une recherche Google sur Koito seats et A380

    Koito : prefererred supplier sur les sièges A380

    1 seul A380 concerné à priori, mais ça ne doit pas aider... (ils semblent manquer de place là bas...)... mais quelle est la réalité ?

    Bonne journée

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 18:06


    Bloomberg, un peu complice de Richard Aboulafia (Celui qui se trompe tout le temps) en mettent un bon coup au A380 !
    25 milliards de write off ... seulement, irréaliste , Bloomberg est plus sérieux d'habitude ... c'est peut être une manip pour les cours de Boeing !
    On peut se demander ou Benedikt Kammel émarge !
    25 milliards de $, a facturer à Hamburg et Tomas Enders éventuellement !

    Bon, on n'en est pas là, il y a 45-50 milliards à facturer today !
    Mais, à quand le retour du A380 à Toulouse ... on n'en serait pas là si celà avait été fait il y a 2 ans ....

    ---------------- L'article de business Week --------------

    Airbus ‘$25 Billion Write-Off’ A380 Jumbo Sits Out Order Boom
    May 05, 2010, 3:04 AM EDT
    More From Businessweek

    By Andrea Rothman

    May 5 (Bloomberg) -- The Airbus SAS A380 superjumbo risks becoming a double-decker dud.

    Five years after the first test flight, the 525-seat jet is more than 200 units short of making the program profitable. Only one new airline customer signed up for the plane since commercial operations began in 2007. Deliveries slowed to 10 A380s in 2009, from 12 a year earlier.

    The muted response for the Airbus flagship, with just 202 orders since the jet went on offer a decade ago, contrasts with a boom in global aircraft orders and sales that led airlines to sign up for more than 3,000 wide-body planes in the same period. Airbus says it is years from making money with the A380, which cost more than 18 billion euros ($24 billion) to challenge Boeing Co.’s decades-long grip on the market for long-haul jets.

    “There’s only a handful of routes you can use the A380 on, and if traffic drops on that route you’re stuck,” said Richard Aboulafia, vice president of Teal Group, an aerospace analysis company. “The A380 is best regarded as a $25 billion write-off and an act of industrial irresponsibility.”

    The superjumbo idea was championed in the 1990s by former Airbus Chief Executive Officer Jean Pierson. His successor, Noel Forgeard, pursued the plane with backing from Daimler AG and Lagardere SCA, the two largest shareholders of Airbus parent European Aeronautic, Defence and Space Co. Forgeard was fired in 2006 after a six-month delay on the A380 construction.


    Louis Gallois, who leads EADS today, said the A380 is a “winner,” and the more than 200 planes sold so far are a success, according to a May 4 interview with Bild-Zeitung.

    “Its size is the only right answer to the congestion at the overflowing airports around the world,” Gallois told the newspaper, according to comments confirmed by the company.

    Building the plane cost 50 percent more than Airbus had originally earmarked, as software glitches led to production breakdowns. The delays later stretched to 2 1/2 years. This year, Airbus aims to double deliveries to 20 planes, a goal the manufacturer itself has called “aggressive.”

    Deutsche Lufthansa AG gets its first A380 this month, the second European airline after Air France to operate the jet. Singapore Airlines has ordered 25 A380s, and Emirates Airline signed for 58. The list price for an A380 is $327 million, though early clients get discounts, and Airbus also owed penalties for late deliveries.

    First-Class Appeal

    The airplane manufacturer markets the A380 as more fuel- efficient per passenger mile than older and smaller jets, allowing airlines to alleviate congestion to major airports and on busy routes. Airlines operating the A380 say it’s a crowd pleaser, attracting flyers with its double-decker layout, and on-board perks such as first-class cabins and cocktail bars.

    “Our first-class suite optimizes beautifully on the main deck, and our business class suite optimizes perfectly for the upper deck and gives us both of these things that a single floor aircraft would have to compromise,” said Lyell Strambi, group executive of operations at Sydney-based Qantas Airways Ltd., which has six A380s in service, with orders to increase its superjumbo fleet to 20.

    The superjumbo’s perks may prove less attractive in a market reeling from a global recession that wiped out six years of premium travel growth, according to the International Air Transport Association. Qantas is removing first-class cabins from some A380 planes, and shrinking business class to add premium-economy and coach seats on other A380s.

    Lagging Indicator

    Airlines stand to lose a collective $2.8 billion this year, down from about $9.4 billion in 2009, according to a forecast IATA made before travel disruptions caused by a volcanic ash cloud last month cost airlines billions in lost revenue.

    The effects from rising or contracting air travel can take more than a year to feed through to manufacturers, as airlines take time to adapt their order patterns to demand. Manufacturers estimate that there’s typically a six-month lag between the time airlines’ profit rebounds and when they begin ordering new aircraft.

    Even as the economy picks up steam, airlines may be no more inclined to order the jet than during the recession. Several A380 customers have sought deferrals, while maintaining deliveries of smaller, wide-body planes. Those postponing include Air France KLM group, Etihad, Qatar Airways Ltd. and Virgin Atlantic Airways.

    Virgin Delays

    Virgin deferred the first of six planes on order to 2013 from 2009. The carrier has since pushed the date out to as late as 2015 and is indefinite about taking delivery at all.

    “We’ve left our options open to see where that plane is by 2015 and where the market is,” Chief Executive Steve Ridgway said in a telephone interview April 28.

    Virgin is now looking at Airbus’s A350, which seats 300 to 350, and plans to take delivery of 15 Boeing 787s as soon as they’re available, the CEO said. The 787, built in large parts from composite materials, seats 250 to 300 people.

    Before it even flew, Airbus predicted sales for the A380 of as many as 1,000. Today, Airbus’s official prediction for the next 20 years is 1,300 plane sales in the jumbo category, including the Boeing 747-8. Boeing sees potential for 740 units.

    Aviation analysts are less optimistic. Over the next 10 years, airlines worldwide will take deliveries of an estimated 100 very large planes and about 450 wide-body jets, according to a forecast released May 4 by Ascend Worldwide Ltd., a London- based aviation adviser and forecaster.

    Small in Japan

    One market where Airbus has so far failed to sell the A380 is Japan, a country it had targeted as one of the biggest recipients because of its dense population. Japanese airlines have been the largest operators of Boeing’s 747 jumbo plane, where the jet is used on domestic routes.

    Airbus’s market share has been less than 5 percent in Japan over the last decade, with no order backlog. That compares with Boeing’s order backlog of 173 aircraft in the country.

    Occupancy rates on routes where the A380 flies are as much as 10 percent higher than on models by competitors, said Richard Carcaillet, Airbus’s marketing director for the plane. That advantage means Japanese airlines will have no choice but to acquire the aircraft as carriers including Air France begin flying into Tokyo’s Narita, he said.

    “There is strong potential in Japan and the U.S.,” he said. “Maybe not in two years, maybe in five years, or eight years, but these carriers will in my view end up deciding on the A380.” Carcaillet predicts at least another 600 sales of A380s.

    Boeing’s Boom

    Even if Carcaillet were proven right, Airbus would sell less than half as many A380s than Boeing has delivered of its 747 jumbo jet since the model was launched in 1969. When the plane first flew, it was twice as large as anything else and offered more range than any other commercial transport, opening the door to inexpensive, mass transport.

    In the four decades that followed, wide-body models with long range and greater flexibility moved into the market for long-haul flights. Boeing’s 787, entering service late this year, already has 866 orders and Airbus’s A350, entering service in 2013, has 530 orders for the jet.

    As wide-body jets made from composite materials flock to the market, Airbus may find that its A380, with a maximum takeoff weight of 569 tons, lacks the flexibility that airlines demand to address travelers’ growing preference for direct flights instead of landing at major airports and then switching.

    “The market for the plane is too limited to ever make any real money, and I don’t think the end of the recession will change that,” said Hans Weber, president of aerospace advisory firm Tecop International in San Diego. “It’s been well-received by passengers and done pretty well as far as reliability but the market’s probably limited to no more than another 200 planes.”

    --With assistance from Robert Fenner in Sydney. Editors: Benedikt Kammel, Heather Harris.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Andrea Rothman in New York via

    To contact the editor responsible for this story: Benedikt Kammel at

    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 22:08


    Le tir de barrage anti A380 continue chez GLG ... style meute, côté USA !
    Faut pas rester en deça des collégues !
    J'estimais GLG plus impartiaux jusqu'a today !
    Le peu de succés du 748, n'y est peut être pas étranger ....
    Bon commentaire sur les moteurs, le seul auquel j'adhère !
    Si cela pouvait faire bouger Airbus et LG ... ce serait presque un tant mieux !

    --------------- L'article GLG ----------------

    Airbus A380 To Cause Continuous Misery For EADS

    May 5, 2010
    PrintSend to a FriendTweet this Analysis


    As long as the historic loss-making program remains in existence, the problems for the airplane and EADS will continue to grow.

    I make no apologies for being one of the biggest, if not the biggest and most vociferous critic of the Airbus A380. As long as the program difficulties remain, it is open to criticism.

    To that end, EADS’ CEO Louis Gallois admission that the A380 would struggle to gain traction serves as a timely reminder to all that despite the loss-lead deals seen in the last decade to secure orders, discounts of up to 65% off list price for some - proves that no matter how low you throw in a bid for an airplane tender, it just wont win if it doesn’t suit the airline.

    Even more distressing for EADS is that by ploughing in so much money and resources into the A380, just 202 orders have been won in a decade, around two thirds of which has been deferred (????) in the last two years alone as airlines dump the chase for premium passengers and instead turn to more price sensitive, low yield traffic growth with smaller airplanes

    Boeing’s own large 747-8 Intercontinental has struggled to sell, however, with a freighter model alongside it, the 747-8 family has amassed over half the A380 total in less than half the time of being available.

    Frequency growth, the strength in backlog of the long range 777, 787, A350 and even A330 airplanes has crippled the large airplane market – with the exception of the 747-8F, which remains the sole large cargo jet for the future market place.

    Gonflés ou vendus !

    EADS will be wounded for eternity if it fails to kill off this resource draining dinosaur – the impact to the A350XWB cannot be emphasised enough.

    Like the evaporating order book, the business case, viability and economics of the A380 disappears each day. In a decade’s time, the A380 will sport engines designed in the 1990s, wholly outdated, inefficient and costly to maintain.

    Outdated, maintenant oui, costly to maintain, assertion gratuite !

    This airplane has no future either as a freighter since it is almost impossible to convert due to the wiring woes and the fact that there is no infrastructure to support such a freighter airplane – this is why UPS and FedEx walked away from the dead-duck A380F. It was a hopeless proposition.

    Tout est faux !

    The A380 will forever remain at odds with the industry, which has spoken clearly – long range, twin engine jets are the future.
    Analyses are solely the work of the authors and have not been edited or endorsed by GLG.

    This author consults with leading institutions through GLG
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    Je ne lui confierais pas la gestion d'une affaire, à cet author !

    Contributed by a Member of the GLG Energy & Industrials Cou

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 22:51

    Salut Beochien

    Sur GLG si j'ai bien compris c'est assez ouvert... le gars de Fleetbuzz, réputé pour adorer l'europe continentale, semble y sévir parfois.

    C'est sûr que ce n'est pas à des vautous déplumés qu'on va la faire...

    Dans l'immédiat cependant, force est de constater que pour l'instant ceux qui profite le plus de l'A380 et de sa notoriété ce sont les cies qui en ont là maintenant.
    Effet vitrine garanti, même si à priori Qantas semble avoir un peu de mal à remplir ses zincs (attention assertion gratuite... hein).

    De toute manière, je vois un bel avenir dans la sécurité civile pour l'A380 comme bombardier d'eau... (j'suis embauché à GLG ? A380-800 - Page 8 662529 )

    Bon là dessus la messe est dite.
    L'OM est champion, ce qui finalement est rafraichissant.

    Bonne soirée

    Whisky Quebec

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par macintosh Mer 5 Mai 2010 - 23:27

    Atterrant, effectivement. Même concernant les moteurs, j'ai du mal à ne pas bondir. Parler de la situation dans 10 ans, sans prendre en compte ce qui devrait se passer d'ici là (optimisations de 2012, possibilité de feed back du Trent XWB sur le T900, possibilité de 380-900 d'ici qqes années, avec backlog moins important), c'est vraiment le contraire de ce que l'on devrait attendre d'une telle organisation.
    Il s'agit de doper les cours des actions B***g ou quoi ?
    Bonne soirée,

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Rasta' Jeu 6 Mai 2010 - 10:06

    Salut les gars!
    Je me permets un peu de DPO (sans craindre les foudres de Zeusvrien).
    Mais n'y aurait-il pas un vague lien avec
    - l'affaire des tankers
    - le récent avis et l'avis à venir de l'OMC?

    Pour la petite anecdote, ce sont les classes premium qui ont un peu de mal en ce moment avec un glissement de la clientèle vers les classes inférieures. Pour l'anecdote, j'ai un ami hôtelier qui gère un établissement de luxe qui m'a parlé du même phénomène.
    Faut dire qu'à 15000 euros le ZRH-Singapour en first contre 1000 en economy...

    Alors c'est un peu prématuré d'enterrer l'A380 de la sorte. A fortiori, j'y verrai même une solide dose de mauvaise foi.
    Faut dire aussi que le B748i est un fabuleux succès commercial, non?

    Je sais que je suis un peu théoricien du complot.


    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par pascal974 Jeu 6 Mai 2010 - 12:31

    Shoot The Dog (Part Five)

    They [airline orders] will probably only become significant towards the end of 2011 or early 2012,” laments Gallois, notwithstanding the fact the delivery target this year of 20 units will not be achieved with Korean Air’s first example being delayed into the first half of 2011.

    So already, the A380 target this year has been missed - and it will likely be revised down further in the wake of the recent Toulouse work stoppages.

    In the wake of volcanic ash disruption, murmurs from within British Airways are emanating from two camps - one favouring a further deferral to the A380’s it has on order with another orchestrating a move to slash the orders and cancel the rest to combat the financial plight the carrier is stuck in. An announcement could be made as early as this month when the airline reports its year end earnings.

    je voudrais répondre sur ce blog malheureusement mon anglais est un peu limité ...ils passent leur temps a dénigré airbuis A380-800 - Page 8 Icon_twisted A380-800 - Page 8 Icon_twisted A380-800 - Page 8 Icon_twisted

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par pascal974 Ven 7 Mai 2010 - 7:47

    seuls 3 A380 auront été livrés au premier rythme actuel, on arrive donc tout juste à 12 en 2010. A380-800 - Page 8 Icon_cry Il semblerait que l'usine d'Hambourg manque de place pour acceuillir les A380 assemblés à Toulouse. A court terme, il faudrait peut être revoir la répartition du travail sur les deux sites. A380-800 - Page 8 Icon_wink
    Whisky Quebec

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par macintosh Ven 7 Mai 2010 - 9:33

    Si j'en crois le post ci-dessous sur, il y aura bientôt 4 opérateurs d'A380 envoyant leurs machines à LHR, le 4ème étant... AF:
    Pour AF, la motivation serait de qualifier les équipages, tout en faisant quand même des vols commerciaux. Mais, bon cela semble tout de même potentiellement intéressant pour qui voudrait essayer la bête (je dois dire que l'idée d'aller faire un tour à Londres m'effleure l'esprit, à l'instant --reste à savoir si cela est exact, et combien de temps cela durerait).
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 7 Mai 2010 - 9:43

    Bonjour Macintosh

    J'avoue avoir eu la même idée

    Un petit aller/retour...


    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Rasta' Ven 7 Mai 2010 - 11:01

    Vous savez, lors du sommet de l'OTAN de Strasbourg, ils ont bien assuré un Karlsruhe/Baden Baden - Strasbourg en A340 (la distance étant d'une cinquantaine de kilomètres).
    Cela me rappelle aussi certains vols "parlementaires" sur Strasbourg en B747.
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par Beochien Ven 7 Mai 2010 - 11:09

    Je verrais bien une aile volante aménagée en salle de conférence, pour tenir une assemblée pour nos chers députés EU, en mal de ballades !
    Planant bien au dessus de leurs concitoyens consciencieusement plumés !

    Sans risquer les jets de pierres, au autres cocktails enflammés (Ceux de la buvette suffiront)
    Whisky Charlie

    A380-800 - Page 8 Empty Re: A380-800

    Message par art_way Lun 10 Mai 2010 - 15:03

    Airbus aims for 20-plus A380 deliveries in 2010

    By David

    Airbus is aiming to deliver at least 20 A380 aircraft this year, the
    airframer believing that it is making good progress on smoothing the
    production process.Speaking during a briefing at the company's UK
    manufacturing plant at Broughton, executive vice-president of
    programmes Tom Williams said production was "rapidly maturing".Out-of-sequence
    work on the final assembly lines is "decreasing constantly", he adds -
    citing a seven-fold reduction since early 2007 - and the focus has
    turned to stabilisation.Between the beginning of 2009 and last
    November, Airbus halved the amount of outstanding work at A380 final
    assembly.The airframer also reduced the backlog of production
    drawings by 80% and the time to resolve queries by 40%.Williams
    says production is "moving in the right direction" and Airbus is looking
    to deliver "20 or over 20" of the type this year.Airbus is
    planning to take production to three aircraft per month, he adds,
    although a rate increase beyond this is "not the most pressing issue".

    En espérant qu'il y a du vrai la dedans !!!
    20 dont 3 qui étaient déjà prêt fin 2009 A380-800 - Page 8 388111


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