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Poncho (Admin)
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    A330 conversions P2F

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 21 Nov 2011 - 10:56

    Bonjour à tous

    Sachant que le conversion P2f semble très ardemmment souhaitée par les uns
    Mais que les autres trouvent que pour le moment l'A330 est tjs un bon avion

    On abouti à cette situation

    Externalisation vers ST Aerospace de la conversion ?

    With Airbus not moving on an A330 passenger-to-freighter conversion program, Singapore Technologies Aerospace (ST Aero), a long-time Boeing aircraft conversion specialist, may launch the program.

    Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker, who is frustrated with Airbus for not offering an A330 conversion, has signaled that ST Aero is looking at the option. The absence of such an offering is driving Qatar to opt for Boeing 767 converted freighters and shed the passenger A330s it wanted to convert.

    ST Aero is coy about its own plans, noting only that “we are exploring some new PTF [passenger-to-freighter] capabilities, but as it is still at its infancy stage of explorations, we will only be able to share plans when it becomes firmed.”

    The official points out that ST Aerospace “has strong in-house engineering design and development capabilities, and possibilities are wide-ranging. We have developed our own FAA-approved 757-200SF STC and embarked on the passenger-to-passenger/cargo (combi) program for Guggenheim Aviation Partners this year, with plans to obtain FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency approved [supplemental type certificates] by end of this year.”

    The 757 conversion program STC is based on data licensed from Boeing. Conversions are done in Singapore and at ST Aero’s facility in Mobile, Ala.

    ST Aero, which has been converting aircraft for years, claims to have converted more than 130 aircraft, including Boeing 727s, 747s, 757s, 767s, DC-10s and MD-11s.

    Airbus itself may consider a joint-venture offering, but the company’s chief operating officer for customers, John Leahy, notes that engineering resources are stretched over a variety of programs and that the conversion is therefore not currently a priority.

    A suivre ?

    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Ven 2 Déc 2011 - 0:41

    Rien de bien nouveau, sous le soleil du Qatar ...

    Al Baker ne manque pas une occasion de râler et de taper de la patte ...
    Pour ses conversions de A330 en P2F !
    Il finira bien par l'obtenir ... un jour !

    De Flight Global !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 2 Déc 2011 - 9:33

    Qu'elle est la dispo réelle des cellules A330 sur le marché de l'occaz ?

    A part le cas particulier de certaines cies qui veulent convertir leur flotte, mais qui en plus de Qatar ?

    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par aeroduO5 Dim 4 Déc 2011 - 20:43

    Il n'y a pas d'A330 disponibles sur le marché actuellement.

    Seule Qatar a exprimé la volonté d'une conversion.

    Mais il y aura des compagnies de intéressées par ces avions récents en config passagers.

    Les seuls A330 qui sont potentiellement dispo sont des A330-300 produits au milieu des années 1990.

    Mais vu que ce sont des versions à MTOX réduit, ils n'ont aucun avenir en cargo.
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Dim 4 Déc 2011 - 21:07

    Bonsoir ...
    Mon idée perso, est que la montée en cadence de Boeing avec le 787 ...
    Devrait libérer des A330 dans les années à venir, ceux de Qatar dans ce cas, et d'autres encore !
    Le projet est à 2-3 ans, et il faut s'en occuper dés maintenant !

    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par aeroduO5 Sam 10 Déc 2011 - 21:44

    Pas si sûr.

    Le 787 va plutôt remplacer des A340 et des 767, l'A330 ne devrait pas trop le sentir pour le moment.

    N'oublions pas que le 1er A330-200 est sorti de la chaîne en 1998, et a donc seulement 13 ans.

    Avant cette date il n'y a pas eu beaucoup d'A330 produits. J'en compte une soixantaine.

    Donc le vivier d'avions d'un certain âge est assez réduit.

    Pour l'A340 les choses sont différentes.
    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Paul Dim 11 Déc 2011 - 5:11


    Vous êtes très optimiste. Si l'A330 va encore très bien, c'est justement grâce aux déboires du 787. Maintenent que le pire semble derrière eux (le 787), le 787-9 et l'A350 qui arriveront en 2014, je crois que les commandes iront en diminuant pour l'A330 et ce dès maintenant. Et la descente pourrait se faire beaucoup plus rapidement qu'on le pense si Boeing réussi à passer à 10 appareils par mois dans les délais prévus pour le 787.

    Vers 2015-2016, il n'y aura plus beaucoup d'A330 passagers qui sortiront des chaines d'assemblages, que des cargos et des MRTT ou presque, comme celles de l'A300 et du 767. Si le marché cargo reprend de la vigueur d'ici là, Airbus sera bien placé pour offrir un produit de qualité, disponible et fiable.

    À moins d'un A330neo mais je n'y crois pas.
    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par pascal83 Dim 11 Déc 2011 - 9:29

    Paul a écrit:Bonjour,

    Vous êtes très optimiste. Si l'A330 va encore très bien, c'est justement grâce aux déboires du 787. Maintenent que le pire semble derrière eux (le 787), le 787-9 et l'A350 qui arriveront en 2014, je crois que les commandes iront en diminuant pour l'A330 et ce dès maintenant. Et la descente pourrait se faire beaucoup plus rapidement qu'on le pense si Boeing réussi à passer à 10 appareils par mois dans les délais prévus pour le 787.

    Vers 2015-2016, il n'y aura plus beaucoup d'A330 passagers qui sortiront des chaines d'assemblages, que des cargos et des MRTT ou presque, comme celles de l'A300 et du 767. Si le marché cargo reprend de la vigueur d'ici là, Airbus sera bien placé pour offrir un produit de qualité, disponible et fiable.

    À moins d'un A330neo mais je n'y crois pas.

    Ils existent encore des marchés de niche tels que les lowcost qui prefereront les a330 au 787 ou a350 par rapport à leurs coups et certaine compagnies qui feront de meme. L'a330 à encore 15ans devant lui avant d'etre retirer de la production
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Dim 11 Déc 2011 - 11:01

    Bonjour !
    Même si beaucoup de freighters volent 2 ou 3 fois moins ...que pour les vols Pax,

    Ceux qui les utilisent (AR de l'EU, où USA vers la Chine tous les jours)intensivement ne vont pas attendre bien longtemps avant de demander des avions consommant nettement moins !
    On a vu Cargolux et LHA avec les 748-I!
    Je ne sais combien de temps Airbus pourra maintenir une FAL à 2-3 A330 par mois aprés 2016 si le 330 n'est pas plus attractif , sinon en le bradant à 100 M$ ! Comme le 767 !

    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par aeroduO5 Mer 14 Déc 2011 - 19:02

    La question qu'il faut se poser est: Airbus veut-il produire des A330 après 2016?

    Hormis pour des tankers, je ne vois pas trop pourquoi ils continueraient la prod.

    L'A350 sera lancé et il faudra de la place pour la montée en cadence.

    Concernant le 787.

    Il y a 1000 767 et pas loin de 400 A340 qui sont bien moins efficaces au coût par siège-kilomètre à remplacer avant de s'attaquer aux A330.

    Donc le remplacement n'est pas pour tout de suite. D'ici 2016, combien de 787 Boeing aura-t-il livré?

    Aujourd'hui personne ne le sait.
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Mer 14 Déc 2011 - 19:08

    Celà signifie peu où prou l'abandon du marché "Freighters" pour Airbus (Un A350 Freight, n'est guère visible avant 2020) !

    Et, de l'autre côté, le 767, restera en FAL, because les Tankers, et on peut compter sur Boeing, pour ne pas négliger ce créneau freighter, voir la propal, d'un 767 modernisé en cours pour Fedex (De mémoire)!
    Au point que l'on peut se retrouver un jour devant un 767 re-motorisé, lui! Seppuku

    Conjugué au coup de frein pour les A330 PDF !
    Celà signifie un abandon du marché pour Airbus, ni plus ni moins, si ils ne remotorisent pas le A330 !

    Bien, le coeur de cible est ailleurs selon les concept Mktg modernes ...
    A condition de ne pas se louper !
    C'est le risque pour Airbus !

    Et ... curieusement il s'est plus vendu de A330 que d'A350, en 2011, et peut être depuis 2 ans ... mais ça ne va plus durer ... le processus de mort lente est en train de tomber sur le A330 ! What a Face Suspect
    Sauf ... si Boeing en reprennent pour un tour avec le 787 ... menfin, on peut penser qu'aprés 4 ans de retard, ils sont prêts à produire ...

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 14 Déc 2011 - 22:48

    Sauf que l'A330F est quand même un développement récent
    Pas complètement anodin( c.f. la gondole et mes derniers PW)
    Et qui faire un Freighter neuf c'est plus que boulot que faire un P2F ? Non ?

    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Mer 14 Déc 2011 - 23:04

    Sauf que le Freighter ...le A330F
    Combien de vendu cette année, ou depuis 2 ans !

    Et le 767 en train de rafler la mise chez FEDEX, un comble !

    Je le vois bien stagnant le 330F, aprés les 50-60 premiers du lancement, alors que les 777F se vendent régulièrement !
    Ca devient une tendance à suivre de prés... pour moi du moins !
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par art_way Jeu 15 Déc 2011 - 15:53

    FedEx signs on for 27 767-300Fs

    FedEx plans to add 27 Boeing 767-300F freighters to its fleet beginning in 2014.
    The company in a statement said it signed an agreement covering the
    freighters, and plans to take delivery of three aircraft in 2014
    followed by six per year in fiscal 2015-2018.
    FedEx's decision to
    opt for the -300F follows evaluations it conducted with Boeing earlier
    this year for the development of a new tanker based on the 767-400ER,
    which would offer a production bridge to the US Air Force KC-46A
    refuelling tanker.
    "The 767s were selected as the best choice to
    begin replacing FedEx Express's MD10 aircraft, some of which are more
    than 40 years old," the company said. FedEx concluded the 767-300Fs will
    provide similar capacity as the MD-10s, with improved reliability, an
    approximate 30% increase in fuel efficiency and a 20% reduction in unit
    operating costs.
    At the same time FedEx revealed plans to delay
    delivery of 11 777Fs. Two aircraft are being deferred from fiscal 2013,
    five from fiscal 2014 and one per year in fiscal 2015-2018 in an effort
    to balance air network capacity with demand. FedEx stated it is
    exercising two 777F options targeted for delivery at the end of its
    refined delivery cycle.
    "FedEx Express took action during the
    quarter to adjust its network, particularly in Asia, as recent inventory
    destocking trends have impacted demand for our FedEx Express services,"
    said Alan Graf, FedEx executive chief financial officer. "The deferral
    of our 777 aircraft deliveries is a continuation of those efforts,
    enabling us to make appropriately-timed international 777 capacity
    additions over the next decade. With these actions, we expect fiscal
    2013 capital expenditures to moderate to approximately $3.8 billion."

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 4 Avr 2012 - 16:39

    Tiens on n'a pas parlé du P2F sous cette section quand il a été annoncé à Singapour

    Réperation de l'oubli

    The A330-300P2F will carry up to 60 metric tonnes over a distance of 2,200 nautical miles, or 61 tonnes to a range of 3,600 nautical miles for the higher MTOW (maximum takeoff weight) variants. The A330-200P2F has a payload capacity of up to 59 tonnes on ranges to 4,000 nautical miles.

    Voilà pour les idées de distance franchissable / charge utile

    Whisky Quebec

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par aeroduO5 Mer 4 Avr 2012 - 18:51

    Où l'on voit bien que les premiers A330-300 ne sont vraiment pas de bons candidats à la conversion.

    Leur rayon d'action est loin d'être fou.

    Après si ils ne coûtent rien à acheter pourquoi pas.

    Mais selon moi c'est un avion qui manque de flexibilité.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 5 Avr 2012 - 10:31

    Oui ça fait très court pour les premiers A330-300 on est bien d'accord
    Reste à savoir combien sont concernés...
    Et à garder en tête qu'il y a les A340-300 également dans la boucle.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 22 Mai 2012 - 10:06

    Bon voilà l'activation du processus qui va conduire en 2016 à l'A330P2F

    Réorganisation des participations dans EFW avec la montée de ST aero dans le capital

    EADS and ST Aerospace have signed an agreement formalising their launch of an Airbus A330 passenger-to-freighter conversion programme.

    Under the agreement, ST Aero will pay €110.5 million ($142 million) to subscribe to new shares in EADS EFW, the Dresden-based company that is also the main EADS passenger aircraft conversion facility.

    This will give the Singapore-headquartered firm a 35% stake in EADS EFW, while EADS will hold the remaining 65%. EADS has an option to buy ST Aero's stake, and this can be triggered during the engineering development phase of the programme.

    As part of the agreement, the EADS EFW facility in Dresden will also become ST Aero's European maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) centre. This "fills a gap" in its global airframe MRO footprint, says ST Aero.

    Et la com officielle d'airbus sur le programme

    Airbus, ST Aerospace and EADS EFW have finalised the agreement to establish the collaboration for the launch of the A330 Passenger-to-Freighter (P2F) conversion programme. This follows the MoU announced at the Singapore Airshow in February this year setting out the project’s foundation and granting ‘Authorisation To Offer’ for the A330P2F.

    ST Aerospace lead the A330P2F engineering development work in collaboration with Airbus and EADS EFW, while EADS EFW will lead the industrial phase and undertake marketing and sales activities, supported by Airbus. Most of the conversions will take place at EADS EFW facilities in Dresden, Germany, with the potential for additional capacity at ST Aerospace.

    “The strong demand from airlines for a programme to convert used A330s from passenger configuration into an attractive freighter is clear,” says Tom Williams, EVP of Programmes at Airbus. “Together with ST Aerospace and our sister company EADS EFW we have the perfect partnership to bring efficiency, reliability and profitability to our operators.”

    The A330P2F programme includes two versions – the A330-200P2F and the larger A330-300P2F. Of the two models, the larger A330-300P2F will be particularly suitable for integrators and express carriers thanks to its high volumetric payload capability with lower-density cargo. Meanwhile, the A330-200P2F will be optimised for higher-density freight and longer range performance. Entry-into-service of the first A330P2F is targeted for 2016.

    As well as complementing the factory-built A330-200F in service today, the A330P2F freighter conversion programme will also enhance and sustain A330 Family residual values by extending the economic lives of A330 airframes.

    Approximately 2,700 freighters will be required over the next 20 years, and around half of these will be in the mid-sized freighter segment, including 900 conversions. Addressing this requirement, both the A330-200P2F and the A330-300P2F facilitate the change to environmentally-friendly, new-technology converted freighters, while recognising the operators’ focus on capital cost.

    Voilà de quoi assurer la valeur résiduelle de l'avion et donc pourquoi pas de continuer à vendre des avions neufs aussi

    A suivre pour le détail des specs
    (et à suivre aussi je suppute aussi des tweaks sur l'A330-200F )

    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Mar 22 Mai 2012 - 10:32

    Merci Poncho !
    C'est enfin clair !
    2016, c'est presque loin pour Qatar !
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 22 Mai 2012 - 10:43

    Non parce qu'il faut quand même compter le temps de la conversion ...

    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Mar 22 Mai 2012 - 10:54

    Bon ... si l'on tient compte des délais pour l'arrivée des A350 chez Qatar Airways ... Embarassed et une bonne année pour les conversions, on n'est plus trés loin du compte ! alien
    Tu as certainement raison qq part !
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 22 Mai 2012 - 10:55

    De toute manière toute modif d'un avion même simple c'est presque 2 ans ... 6 mois d'étude, 6 mois de construction, 12 mois essais / certif ...

    Et si tu changes les moteurs, tu rajoutes facile 2 ans aussi ...

    Donc tu vois d'ailleurs A330 NEO -> délai 4 ans

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 5 Juin 2012 - 10:55

    Bonjour à tous

    Airbus has not had the best of times with freighter programmes in the past five years. First orders for the A380 freighter melted away due to delays with the passenger version, and then last year a planned A320 passenger-to-freighter joint venture was abruptly cancelled.

    The A330-200 Freighter has also had its rocky moments, with its 2007 launch just in time to catch the global economic downturn, and orders dropping from 77 at their peak to 58 today. Then there was clamour for an A330 passenger-to-freighter (P2F) conversion programme to be launched, a step Airbus seemed to be reluctant to take, perhaps for fear of cannibalising production freighter sales.

    This last indecision at least seems to have been resolved, with EADS EFW, Airbus's conversion arm announcing the launch of a programme in February. Engineering development - something Airbus is too over-stretched to do itself - will be performed by ST Aerospace. The first deliveries are expected by 2016.

    But will the converted freighters cannibalise demand for the production freighter? Even with its reduced order book, 29 of the outstanding 47 orders for the A330-200F are destined for lessors, all of whom are doubtless hoping to place the aircraft once the global economy recovers in a year or two. Will the prospect of cheaper conversions on the horizon undermine that market, as well as further production sales?

    As it is, the production freighter has arguably made a reasonable start, given the economic conditions. It won a new order of four aircraft from Avianca in September, its first Latin American customer, and as Jon Lesieur, freighter marketing manager for Airbus, points out, carriers who are already operating the A330F have also committed to further orders.

    These include Etihad, the launch customer, which in January added two orders to the existing two it has in service. Turkish Airlines and MASKargo, the cargo arm of Malaysian Airlines, also boosted initial orders (MASKargo has four already in service, Turkish has two, with three to come). MNG Airlines of Turkey is about to become the latest carrier to take delivery.

    Perhaps even more crucially, China - a key market that Airbus wants to conquer - is taking to the freighter. Hong Kong Airlines has three in service, leased from Aircastle, and five orders from BOC are destined for Yangtze River Express, with the first to be delivered later this year.

    Even the fall in orders since 2007 can be explained away. One early order for 12 was from the mysterious Flyington Freighters of India which never saw the light of day, and some lessors switched from freighter to passenger orders simply because of unexpectedly strong demand on that side.

    "There is good demand for passenger A330s at the moment, and we happened to close some campaigns there," says Volker Fabian, Intrepid's chief commercial officer, at Intrepid, which changed five of its 20 orders to passenger last year. "But the freighters are a great medium- to long-term asset, and I continue to be very positive about them."

    This still leaves 29 lessor orders (15 for Intrepid, eight for Oak Hill Capital/Avion and six for MatlinPatterson) for which there are no announced customers as yet, and into this mix the A330 conversion programme has now been added.

    Details are still being worked out for this, but early P2Fs will almost certainly be A330-300s, the oldest of which is now 19 years old. This will likely have 60-61t of payload, initially - for conversions of early 209t MTOW models - with range of 2,300nm, though eventually with a range of 3,600nm once 21st-century 233t MTOW conversion candidates become available.

    This compares with a payload of 65t over 4,000nm or 70t over 3,200nm for the factory-built freighter. Conversions of the A330-200, which entered service in 1998, might have a payload of 59t over 4,000nm.

    In 2011 EFW executives made bullish predictions about the orders that might flow for a conversion programme, but none have yet materialised. In particular, Qatar Airways, which pushed so vocally for the P2F programme to be launched, has so far been silent. "We have no communication so far on orders, or on the type of aircraft we'll be using for conversion," said the airline when approached for this article.

    Not surprisingly, John Howey, director of sales for EFW EADS says it is in dialogue with Qatar and other potential customers: "That being said, there are a lot of details to be discussed until we have a product that satisfies Qatar's needs."

    Another unspoken potential customer for the conversion was surely FedEx, which has 76 MD-10Fs for which the A330-300P2F might seem the perfect replacement, as well as 71 A330-600Fs and 54 A310Fs for which the A330-300P2F would be an upgrade (28% more payload and volume than the A300-600F, and so the same cargo density). However, FedEx instead ordered 27 new 767-300ERFs in December, saying these were to replace its MD-10Fs.

    This matters because Airbus pitches the -300P2F - with its extra 2,500sq ft of volume and three to four extra maindeck positions - as the ideal package freighter. By contrast it sees the factory-built -200F, with its greater range and density, as appealing to general cargo operators.

    Howey points out that FedEx was a big customer for A300 and A310 conversions in the past, and that it has 130 aircraft that the A330F might ultimately replace, not to mention future regional fleet growth. "It is important to remember that the A330P2F will be around for at least 20 years or so," he says. "For much of that time we'll be the only player in the medium widebody sector."

    Otherwise, Howey sees demand in China, Southeast Asia, Russia and Latin America as trade within those regions develops. China is particularly exciting. "The freighter fleet in the US increased fivefold between 1980 and 2000, much of it on the back of the express operators. China is at the very beginning of that growth curve, and in the end potentially much bigger."

    Question marks over the conversion programme include feedstock - at least in the shorter term until A350 deliveries start in 2014. If the A330 passenger variant remains so popular, will residual values come down enough?

    There is also the question of the cost of the conversion. The A330-200 has a nose-down attitude in passenger operation that has to be corrected for freighter operation, and as a more modern aircraft than those previously converted, more precisely engineered to purpose, will need more work to design and simulate the modification. This will make it more expensive than the A300-600 conversion - but still cheaper than the production freighter, of course.

    In the meantime, owners of the A330-200F seem happy, praising the aircraft's economics, its versatility on both regional routes and longer hauls - such as Istanbul to Shanghai, or Kuala Lumpur to Frankfurt via Dubai - as well as its ability to operate into smaller markets for which a B747F would be too large.

    Fabian at Intrepid insists that there is huge interest from other carriers, particularly in Asia. "Every airline we talk to there sees it as a fantastic aircraft for flying in the Asia-Pacific and to the Middle East, and if it was not for the global economy, I think we would already have a number of customers," he says. "These are larger carriers with widebody equipment who feel the A330 would be the perfect complement to those larger freighters."

    For this reason, Fabian reckons that once the global economy recovers, the A330F will be very successful, but the question remains: successful for whom? Lessors, Airbus and EFW have all placed their bets. Can they all get the returns they are hoping for?

    Pour rappel :
    A330-300 P2F 60-61t de CU initially à 2300 Nm pour les premiers avions (209t) et 3600 nm pour les versions 233t
    A330-200 P2F 59 t à 4000 nm
    A330-200F : 65 t à 4000 nm et 70t à 3200 nm
    soit significativement plus,

    Et perso j'attends des améliorations sur le -F (qui des 236t, 238t possible sur le -200P ou 235 t sur l'A330-300P ?).
    Actuellement, le MZFW du -200F en mode range est identique à celui de l'A330-300 235t et +5t vs celui de l'A330-200 238t. Un prono : version -200F 238t et 60 t à 5000 Nm

    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Beochien Mar 5 Juin 2012 - 11:15

    Merci Poncho !

    Le A330 est effectivement assez branché sur les 2-4000 nm, c'est bien pour l'EU ou le Golf, voire les USA en interne, pas de chance, Boeing a bradé ses B767F récemment aux USA ! Les conversions, c'est pour dans 3-4 ans, surtout quand les A330 de seconde main deviendront disponibles !

    Par contre, la "Cour des grands" CHINE EU (5000-5500 Nm) et CHINE USA (6500-7500 Nm) n'est pas faite pour le A330, du moins en liaison directe, et avec une charge suffisante !

    A choisir une fenêtre pour le Mktg, je préfère nettement les voir monter en CU qu'en allonge les A330F... bien que ça va souvent ensemble !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    A330 conversions P2F Empty Re: A330 conversions P2F

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 5 Juin 2012 - 11:17

    La conversion qui va bien pour chine-Usa c'est l'A340-300


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