D'après le vice-premier ministre Sergueï Ivanov, il reste 170 vols à effectuer pour obtenir l'homologation du Sukhoi SuperJet-100. Cela ménerait en 2011.
September 20, Turin - On completion of 5 validation flights Sukhoi Superjet 100 has been cleared by AR IAC and EASA for noise program certification flights. At the Levaldigi airport SSJ100 is performing certification flights. Thanks to a telemetry equipment interfacing with on-board Aircraft testing instrumentation, the noise relevant flight parameters, including the aircraft trajectory, will be shown in real-time to flight test specialists sitting in Alenia Aeronautica Control Room located in Torino Caselle airport. Subsequent to the flight, the data will be analyzed in the same Alenia laboratories to provide quick look assessment of aircraft noise characteristics. Since meteo data are essential for Noise tests, both on-ground and in-flight measurements will be taken during tests, the last by using an helicopter equipped by a special probe.
Prior to the clearance AR IAC and EASA verified the aircraft 95004 configuration, reference trajectories for noise certification, flight test procedures, flight and ground test instrumentation and calibration status. In course of AR IAC-EASA parallel certification, EASA experts have already taken part in high angles of attack program, airstairs ejection and hydraulic system pressurization checks.
“SSJ100 Noise and HIRF testing, conducted in Italy is not just a program which tests certain aircraft parameters, it’s an essential part of a big effort of AR IAC and EASA in harmonization of the certification standards of Russia, CIS and Europe. And this job is made possible owing to Sukhoi Superjet 100 Program, as SSJ100 is the pioneering aircraft which is designated for the both Russian and world market and has to meet the international certification norms”, - said Igor Vinogradov, SCAC’s SVP on Certification.
According to ENAC, the four aircraft involved in the Superjet 100 certification programme have logged around 840 sorties and more than 2,070 flying hours, with Russian certification expected by the end of November.
ICAO Bruit Stage4 à priori acquis
October 12, Turin - Under supervision of AR IAC and EASA, the SSJ 100 has successfully passed noise testing program performed as a part of the overall certification campaign. At the Cuneo-Levaldigi airport the aircraft made 8 certification flights. The preliminary results show that the aircraft noise levels show full compliance with ICAO CAEPIV requirements.
Being now cleared by AR IAC and EASA, the same aircraft #95004 is undergoing HIRF testing, in the same premises. HIRF testing methodology was elaborated by the SCAC engineering team in collaboration with Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, and relevant certification authorities.
HIRF certification is required to demonstrate that the aircraft electric and electronic equipments are not influenced by external electromagnetic fields like those produced by a TV or radio station or by a radar. HIRF testing technique consists in radiating the aircraft with radio waves whose frequencies and levels of emission are set by Certification rules. The aircraft can be electrically powered or unpowered, and engines can also run. The electromagnetic fields and currents on cables inside the aircraft are measured during radiation and avionic equipments are kept under control to check for any malfunction. Telemetry is used to monitor aircraft parameters in real time as well as to avoid people exposure to radiation during tests with powered aircraft.
“Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the first aircraft in Russia that has compliance with international noise standards proven in flight under supervision of Russian and European certification authorities. It’s a real milestone of the SSJ 100 Program which confirms good perspective for the aircraft worldwide sales”, - said Igor Vinogradov, SCAC’s SVP on Certification, commenting the finalization of the noise testing program.
Superjet International (SJI) is gearing up to support the service debut of the Superjet 100 with Aeroflot early next year, as the completion of noise testing brings the transport a step nearer to certification.
The new twinjet is due to receive Russian approval before the end of 2010, clearing the way for deliveries to launch customers Aeroflot and Armavia. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification is scheduled for 2011.
The SSJ has passed an important milestone in the test program, when under supervision of Russia’s Interstate Aviation Committee aviation register (AR IAC) and EASA it completed its noise-testing campaign.
This achievement was confirmed by Sukhoi on Oct. 12 and followed a series of eight certification flights by SSJ No. 95004 at Turin’s Cuneo-Levaldigi Airport. “The preliminary results indicate that levels show full compliance with ICAO CAEPIV requirements,” says Sukhoi.
Aeroflot is expected to inaugurate SSJ revenue services “after the new year” from its base at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, says Dmitry Mirgorodsky, head of the Russian branch of the Alenia Aeronautica/Sukhoi joint venture SJI. “Aeroflot has a good logistics facility at Sheremetyevo which we are using to support the aircraft,” he says.
In preparation for service entry, the Russian flag carrier recently carried out a dry run of Superjet International’s global support system. “This was like a beta test of our customer care center based in Venice, before the real operations begin next year,” Mirgorodsky told AVIATION WEEK at the Wings of Russia international aviation forum in Moscow.
“Aeroflot tested our automated systems and made some comments on some things it would like to be changed.”
SJI engineering teams currently are undergoing maintenance training at the SSJ’s production plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, says Mirgorodsky. “SJI will provide line-maintenance for Aeroflot’s Superjet operation during the first six months, and in parallel undertake on-the-job training of the airline’s own maintenance personnel.”
He adds that Armavia has its own staff trained for the SSJ’s introduction, but SJI can support the airline if needed.
Meanwhile, having completed noise trials, SSJ 95004 is undergoing high-intensity radiated fields trials in Turin to demonstrate that its electrical systems are not affected by external electromagnetic fields. Testing involves immersing the aircraft in radio waves at prescribed frequencies and emission levels, says Sukhoi.
Présentation Projet
Analyse pédagogique, conception et réalisation d’une suite logicielle (contenant les outils, le contenu des cours, évaluations QCM) pour le nouvel avion régional russe SSJ 100.
Besoin du client couvert
Support pédagogique complet pour la formation théorique des personnels au sol (maintenance) et en vol (pilotes, personnel navigant commercial).
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) a été créé en 2000 pour mener son projet principal– Sukhoi Superjet 100. Le SSJ100 est conceptuellement une nouvelle plateforme qui a été conçue pour un segment de 100 places et qui offre un niveau élevé de confort, une flexibilité opérationnelle et des technologies avancées. La famille Sukhoi Superjet 100 est composée d’avions à 78 et 98 places à la configuration de base (SSJ100/95B & SSJ100/75B) et long-range (SSJ100/95LR and SSJ100/75LR).
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company a sélectionné OKTAL pour la fourniture et le support de ses logiciels de formation pour le Sukhoi Superjet100 . Une formation dédiée au personnel aérien (Pilotes, personnel naviguant commercial, personnel de maintenance) sera fournie conformément aux exigences des normes européennes EASA and JAA.
Le projet comprend les objectifs suivants:
•fournir à SCAC une aide et expertise à la définition de la politique du futur centre de formation (organisation, conception générale du programme de formation)
•Concevoir et réaliser pour le Sukhoi Superjet 100 un environnement logiciel complet comprenant des outils pour l’instructeur, la conception et réalisation des tests, et le déploiement.
•Par conséquent, SCAC sera autonome pendant et après la fin du projet : cet objectif sera atteint grâce à la participation du personnel de SCAC pendant la conception et réalisation du projet .
Conformité aux règlementations des normes européennes en vigueur (Part66, JAR-FCL, JAR-OPS).
Environnement logiciel complet permettant la diffusion des formations théoriques soit par un instructeur (cours de salle), soit de façon autonome, ainsi que le contrôle des acquis (sous forme de QCM).
Les docs pour les utilisateurs du SSJ ne seront pas russes...
Présentation Projet
Pour les activités de support client, le centre de formation de la société SNECMA Services (maintenance, réparation et support pour moteurs d'avions) est intégrateur pour la réalisation de Systèmes d'Instruction de moteurs.
Besoin du client couvert
OKTAL a réalisé cet outil de gestion des cours permettant l'acquisition des compétences d'entretien du réacteur :
•Pour les personnels de maintenance en ligne et en base,
•Pour les personnels d'atelier d'entretien.
Dans le cadre des travaux liés au moteur SaM146 équipant le futur avion Sukhoi Superjet 100, OKTAL développe également des supports de cours à structure modulaire et des aides didactiques nécessaires à l'enseignement de ces compétences.
Le SaM146 bénéficie d’une architecture moderne basée sur l’expérience du CFM56 - le moteur le plus fiable et le plus économique - Les cours developpés vont s'adresser dans un premier temps aux centres d'essais et aux premiers utilisateurs.
Le moteur SaM146 a reçu le 13 août 2010 le "Type Certificate" de "Interstate Aviation Committee Aviation Register (IAC AR)", autorité de certification russe. Snecma et NPO Saturn, partenaires de PowerJet, se consacrent désormais à la montée en cadence de la production en série du moteur et à l’entrée en service du Sukhoi Superjet 100 auprès des deux compagnies de lancement, Aeroflot (Russie) et Armavia (Arménie).
Entretien avec Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk, président de Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC).
SCAC a choisi le moteur SaM146 conçu et produit par PowerJet, filiale 50/50 de Snecma et de NPO Saturn. Quels sont les avantages de ce moteur ?
Au cours de son programme de certification, le SaM146 a démontré un très haut niveau de fiabilité et de sécurité et a confirmé toutes les caractéristiques attendues. Il a été certifié par l’Agence européenne de la sécurité aérienne (AESA) le 23 juin et par le Russian Aviation Register, l’agence russe de certification, le 13 août dernier.
Le Sukhoi Superjet 100 poursuit actuellement ses tests vers la certification. Où en est-il précisément ?
Les trois prototypes du SSJ 100, qui participent à la certification, ont accumulé à ce jour plus de 2 000 heures de vol. La majeure partie du programme d’essais en vol est maintenant achevée, y compris les essais les plus critiques destinés à confirmer l’enveloppe de vol de l’appareil et à démontrer qu’aucune modification supplémentaire de sa configuration de base n’est nécessaire. Tous les essais de performance générale, de même que les essais de démonstration de ses capacités au décollage et à l’atterrissage, sont maintenant terminés. L’avion a également réussi sa campagne d’essais dans des conditions météorologiques extrêmes (Yakutsk, Archangelsk) et à haute altitude (Arménie).
Au centre d’essais en vol de Zhukovsky, près de Moscou, l’avion a achevé les essais de démonstration de ses performances sur piste inondée, avec un fonctionnement sans incident des APU et des moteurs dans toutes les conditions, y compris à basse vitesse, au décollage et avec une inversion de poussée maximale.
Deux des trois prototypes font actuellement l’objet d’une évaluation de leurs systèmes et de tests de sûreté de fonctionnement. Les essais du système de climatisation sont également en cours. Et ceux portant sur le système carburant sont terminés. Une série d’essais de visibilité réduite a été réalisée afin de vérifier les performances de l’avion dans de telles conditions. Ces mêmes prototypes sont utilisés pour les tests de navigation, de pilote automatique et d’inversion de poussée. Ces essais comportent des vols sans escale reliant Moscou à Saint-Pétersbourg, Moscou à Kazan et Moscou à Mourmansk, avec atterrissage aux instruments lorsque l’avion arrive à destination. Ces vols confirment clairement le rayon d’action de l’appareil – plus de 4 000 km.
Le quatrième prototype, qui était présenté à Farnborough, participe également aux essais au sol, afin de vérifier les interférences électromagnétiques avec différentes sources électriques dans l’avion.
Quelles sont les prochaines étapes majeures pour le Sukhoi Superjet 100 ?
D’autres tests finaux sont encore nécessaires avant la certification, avec des essais au sol qui restent à réaliser et quelques essais en vol, notamment pour les interférences électromagnétiques et le rayonnement. Nous nous consacrerons ensuite à l’entrée en service du Sukhoi Superjet 100 auprès des compagnies Aeroflot et Armavia dont les premières livraisons sont prévues pour la fin de l’année. Dix-huit avions sont actuellement à différents stades de production, et six avions sont en phase d’assemblage final. Les trois premiers seront livrés cette année, les trois autres en 2011.
Quelles sont les perspectives pour le Sukhoi Superjet 100 ?
Nous avons d’ores et déjà signé plusieurs contrats, à l’occasion du salon de Farnborough. La compagnie régionale indonésienne Kartika Airlines a finalisé une commande portant sur trente SSJ100/95B. La compagnie U.S. Pearl Aircraft Corporation va acquérir trente Sukhoi Superjet 100 et Orient Thai Airlines, douze avions. La compagnie russe Gaspromavia a, pour sa part, commandé dix appareils pour remplacer une partie de sa flotte. Ainsi, Sukhoï Civil Aircraft Company enregristre 164 avions en commande ou en intention de commande.
A l’avenir, nous espérons renforcer nos liens avec les compagnies aériennes d’Asie du Sud-Est, car c’est un marché prometteur pour notre avion. Je suis certain que l’expérience de notre premier client Kartika Airlines va ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles commandes dans la région. Une campagne de marketing va être lancée par notre partenaire SuperJet International, en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.
Enfin, nous allons continuer à développer les capacités de l’avion, même après sa certification. A titre d’exemple, nous avons déjà lancé le programme d’excellence opérationnelle destiné à optimiser les économies de carburant et à accroître les capacités opérationnelles de l’appareil, avec l’adjonction de fonctions nouvelles, comme une capacité d’approche à forte pente, l’atterrissage en Cat. IIIA, etc. D’ici à 2012, nous allons également augmenter le rayon d’action de l’avion et voulons être certains qu’il réponde aux besoins opérationnels actuels et futurs de nos clients.
Deliveries of Superjets to Aeroflot are due to begin in mid-December - two years behind the original schedule agreed with Sukhoi.
Kurmashov says: "There could be two aircraft [this year], but they will not be of the kind fully meeting our specifications. These will require further work to bring them up to standard."
Kurmashov does not elaborate, but sources familiar with the situation say Aeroflot's team in charge of aircraft acceptance has compiled a list of discrepancies between originally planned and actual technical characteristics of the Superjet 100.
These reportedly stem from a heavier-than-expected operating empty weight and ensuing need for higher engine thrust and fuel consumption.
Sukhoi's civil division senior vice-president Igor Syrtsov recently said the weight of the baseline Superjet 100 model had risen by 3t, but that this does not affect its fuel efficiency.
Kurmashov also spoke out over potential action against Boeing. The US airframer has rescheduled delivery of 20 787s, out of the 22 ordered by the carrier, to 2016 from 2014.
"Of course, we'll impose penalties," says Kurmashov, estimating the amount at around $100 million. "We're entitled to this right by the purchase agreement and may exercise it in certain circumstances, such as changes in delivery terms."
The planemaker expects to have certification from European regulator EASA by mid-2011, a requirement to deliver the jet to European Union countries. Among orders is one for 20 planes from an undisclosed customer, which Revelli-Beaumont said is a Western airline, without saying which one.
Regulatory approval from US should follow soon after EASA, he said. The plane first flew in May 2008 and has logged over 800 flights with four test aircraft. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft is 25 percent owned by Italy's Finmeccanica.
The baseline 95 seater will be followed by “a stretched version for 110-115 passengers and then, at a third stage, we will consider a 70-75 seater version”. Pogosyan further said that the stretch will be offered at “about 30 million dollars per unit”, which is “a bit higher that we ask for the baseline
aeroduO5 a écrit:Pour 4 versions ça me paraît beaucoup.
Par contre pour 2 ça passe.
Quant aux versions de 60 et 75 places on verra bien mais elles ne sont pas près de sortir pour le moment.
Ca coûterait cher pour un marché limité où les turboprops prennent de plus en plus de place.
aubla a écrit:Bonsoir
Le premier SSJ 100 de série, SN95007, a effectué son vol inaugural le 4 novembre à Komsomolsk-sur-Amour. L’appareil est destiné à la compagnie arménienne Armavia.
17 appareils sont en cours de fabrication.
les 1ères livraisons ne vont pas tarder.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 Certification Program is progressing towards completion
08 November 2010, Moscow - Sukhoi Superjet 100 certification campaign is successfully progressing towards completion. All major certification flight programs are accomplished. The prototypes have gained 2245 flight hours in 948 flights.
On October 28 the aircraft 95003 returned from Iceland after a month testing for operation in side winds, having fully confirmed its compliance with certification requirements at side wind speed up to 15m/sec. Keflavík International Airport is situated at the Atlantic coast of Iceland. Its runways are built at 90 degrees angle each other, so when the wind follows the direction of one runway, it causes side wind at another one bringing the possibility tο conduct test landings іn side wind, nο matter whісh direction thе wind blows. Because of its unique wind conditions, Keflavik Airport is widely used for side wind testing by the European and American manufacturer. Keflavik has been used for side winds testing by A380 and B787.
Along with side winds testing program, the aircraft has successfully performed a series of testing for CATII landing, which is enough to get the Type Certification. Preparation to CATIIIA testing is in progress.
In Zhukovsky Flight Test Center SCAC engineers successfully completed air stairs and cargo compartment equipment testing.
“We’ve already gone through the most challenging testing certification programs. As per our estimations our team has already covered 90% of the overall certification testing scope. Now we are finalizing avionics safety failure testing, EMC, HIRF with emergency evacuation testing to follow”, - said Igor Vinogradov, SVP Certification.
Sukhoi's Superjet 100 is easing closer to certification following the completion of high-intensity radiation field exposure in Italy and flight-management system tests.
One of the flying prototypes, number 95004, has been undergoing radiation field tests at Turin, to ensure that the twinjet is not susceptible to external electromagnetic interference.
"Our airliner is the first Russian aircraft that has compliance with international standards in this domain," says Sukhoi Civil Aircraft's certification chief Igor Vinogradov.
Sukhoi has been demonstrating the aircraft to its latest prospective customer, Russia's UTAir, which is looking to acquire 24 of the type to replace its Tupolev Tu-134 fleet.
Its fully furnished prototype, 95005, has arrived in Khanty-Mansiysk as the two sides seek to finalise an agreement to deliver Superjets to UTAir from 2013.
"The Superjet fully meets the airline's technical and economic requirements," says UTAir general director Andrei Martirosov.
Sukhoi is striving to complete the certification of the aircraft by the end of this year, in preparation for initial deliveries to Armavia and Aeroflot.
Russian and Canadian pilots have undertaken joint flight-testing of the type's flight-management system, as well as a series of ground tests, to evaluate capabilities including vertical navigation.
"These verifications are required to ensure safety and aircraft performance in dense air traffic operations," says Sukhoi.
Superjets have collectively carried out 950 flights accumulating more than 2,200h as part of the certification campaign.
Prototype aircraft 95003 finished crosswind testing in Iceland at the end of October, while the first serial production airframe, 95007 for Armavia, made its maiden flight on 4 November.
Last week, the SSJ 100 began route proving tests, entering the final stage of it's certification campaign. After having received its experimental airworthiness certificate from AR IAC, the aircraft has successfully conducted 14 flights on the Moscow-Ufa-Moscow route, on the Moscow-Orenburg-Moscow, Moscow-Yekaterinburg- Moscow and Moscow-Chelyabinsk-Moscow routes. All are domestic Aeroflot routes. The experimental airworthiness certificate also allows pilots to begin training on the aircraft. In December 2010 the SSJ 100 will complete the AR IAC certification campaign with the deliveries to follow right after. The EASA certification is scheduled for Q2 2011.
Sukhoi has set the timeframe for handing over three serially-built examples of its Superjet 100 to launch customers in the first quarter of 2011.
The company says it will deliver the first twinjet, serial number 95007, to Armenian flag-carrier Armavia in February and the other two, 95008 and 95010, to Aeroflot in March.
A spokesman for Sukhoi indicates that the type is to receive certification from the CIS airworthiness authority ARMAK in 2010, which would allow both airlines to put all three aircraft into commercial service without delay.
Over the next year the manufacturer intends to supply 17 Superjet 100s. It expects to achieve break-even on the project costs in 2018 after having sold 369 aircraft.
The spokesman says the Superjet programme envisages producing 893 aircraft and yielding $5.5 billion in profits on sales revenue of $31.5 billion.