par Beochien Jeu 31 Aoû 2017 - 18:56
Bon, aprés ne pas avoir réussi à décrocher Aer Lingus, MOL, de Ryanair s'intéresse à Alitalia !
Pas toute sa flotte, juste les jets !
MOL pose qq conditions, quand même ... mais rien contre la flotte Airbus, il fera avec.
A suivre ... ils ont déjà 35% du marché Italien ...
Chez FG !
He says that all-Boeing operator Ryanair would not have a problem with adding Airbus aircraft and their crews and engineers, noting: "We bid previously for Aer Lingus three times – they have only Airbus jets. [When] you bid for an airline, it might have Airbus aircraft, but it also has Airbus pilots, Airbus engineers."
O'Leary adds: "We do not have the aircraft to go and replace all of Alitalia's fleet tomorrow, or in one year, or in two years, so we would be very willing to buy Alitalia."
Ryanair will not be bidding for the Alitalia's turboprop fleet, in which O'Leary says his airline has no interest. He admits that the process of acquiring the jets is "complicated" because the majority of Alitalia's fleet is leased not owned.
"The jets are all leased, so we would want those leases, but clearly we want the bankruptcy administrator to restructure the leases," he says.