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Poncho (Admin)
13 participants

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS


    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Invité Ven 12 Juin 2009 - 14:49

    MAS, première perte d’exploitation depuis 2006.

    Sur Forbes :

    Associated Press, 06.12.09, 06:05 AM EDT

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Malaysia Airlines said Friday it plunged into the red in the first quarter, hit by a triple blow of overcapacity, fuel hedging losses and the global economic
    slump which hurt passenger and cargo demand.

    It warned of tough prospects this year as airlines are forced to cut fares to boost sales.

    The flag carrier posted a net loss of 695 million ringgit ($199 million) for January-March, compared to a profit of 120 million ringgit a year earlier. The decline was blamed on derivative losses - mostly losses on its fuel hedging contracts - of 557 million ringgit, it said in a statement.

    Revenue fell 28 percent to 2.7 billion ringgit ($771 million) as the percentage of seats filled fell
    sharply while yields - which measures income per seat - dwindled further, it said.

    Managing Director Idris Jala said the airline has cut passenger capacity by 11 percent in the first quarter and may further reduce capacity to cut cost in line with falling demand.

    Its operating loss for the quarter was 138 million ringgit ($39 million).

    "This is the first operational loss for Malaysia Airlines since the third quarter of 2006 as it faced a triple squeeze: overcapacity, extreme fuel volatility and a global slump," he told reporters.

    But he said the airline's fundamentals remained strong, with a cash balance of 3.8 billion ringgit ($1.1 billion).

    The airline said air travel demand was expected to remain soft. It warned that the "outlook remains challenging as yield pressures continue to mount as airlines proceed to reduce fares and fuel surcharges to encourage consumers to travel."

    The flag carrier said it has decided to maintain its fuel hedges as oil prices rallied past $70 a barrel recently. It has hedged 47 percent of its fuel requirement this year, 60 percent of its needs for 2010 and 40 percent for 2011 at a price of around $100 a barrel, Jala said.

    He said Malaysia Airlines will further trim costs by up to 1 billion ringgit ($286 million) this year
    with no new aircraft deliveries until the end of 2010, freezing new recruitment and cutting budgets across the company.

    He said the World Health Organization's move to raise its influenza pandemic alert for swine flu to its highest level was a "point of concern going forward" but didn't elaborate.

    Malaysia Airlines had net profit of 244 million ringgit ($68 million) in 2008, down sharply from a record 851 million ringgit in 2007.

    The International Air Transport Association on Monday predicted the world's airlines would
    collectively lose $9 billion this year - nearly double the previous projections. Asia-Pacific's carriers are expected to be the hardest hit with losses of $3.3 billion, worse than the previous forecast of $1.7 billion.

    Je place un tableau que l'on trouve rarement en ligne sur Wikipedia, en

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Mas_fi10

    Et sur le même site, la composition de la flotte pax :

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Maspas10
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 29 Sep 2009 - 14:01

    Bonjour à tous

    MAS rethink on A380?
    By Presenna NambiarPublished: 2009/09/26

    S&P says it understands that MAS has broached the idea of swapping the A380 for smaller wide-body aircraft to avoid up to US$300 million in penalty if it were to cancel the order

    Malaysia Airlines (MAS) (3786) may be considering replacing its order for six Airbus A380 superjumbos with smaller wide-body aircraft such as the A330 or A350, according to a Standard & Poor's (S&P) report.

    "We understand that MAS has broached the idea of swapping the A380 for smaller wide-body aircraft such as the A330 and Airbus' upcoming A350 to avoid a massive penalty of up to US$300 million (RM1 billion) if it were to cancel the A380 orders," S&P Asia Equity Research analyst Shukor Yusof said in a report.

    According to a source familiar with the situation, MAS is looking to buy as many as 18 A330s, with the option to buy another seven.

    "MAS recently sent its technical staff to Toulouse (France), where Airbus is headquartered, to evaluate the smaller wide-body aircraft," the source told Business Times.
    When contacted yesterday, MAS chief executive officer and managing director Datuk Tengku Azmil Zahruddin dismissed the S&P report as unfounded.

    "The fact is, we have said that we are planning to replace our wide-body aircraft. Currently, we are evaluating various options to ensure that the aircraft complement our fleet replacement strategy.

    "At the same time, we need to match the new aircraft to our network growth plans, especially for key markets such as South Asia, China, Australia and the Middle East. For these key areas, we want to offer our customers increased frequencies for added convenience and better connectivity," Tengku Azmil said through e-mail.

    "In the meantime, we continue to evaluate our options on the wide-body aircraft," he said.

    In his report, Shukor said that MAS was having second thoughts on the operational viability of the A380, the first of which is scheduled for delivery in 2011, due to the current economic recession and a decline in air traffic.

    Recent reports on launch customer Singapore Airlines' inability to fully maximise the yields on its A380 were also said to have given MAS cold feet in proceeding with the purchase.

    MAS ordered the A380s in late 2003 through Penerbangan Malaysia Bhd, a leasing company owned by the Ministry of Finance.

    MAS currently operates 14 A330-200/300s with an average age of 13 years.

    "If the swap were to take place, MAS would likely phase out its entire fleet of Boeing wide-body aircraft comprising seventeen 777-200s and thirteen 747-400s," said Shukor.

    MAS already has an order for 35 narrow-body 737-800s, with another 20 on option, delivery of which will start in the fourth quarter of next year. However, these planes are more for regional flights.

    "A re-fleeting of its aircraft would be a major step for MAS considering that the 777s and 747s have been the workhorses for MAS and many other successful airlines. MAS will have to carefully consider whether the A330s or A350s can serve the airline as well as the Boeings did," Shukor told Business Times over the telephone from Singapore.

    He said that while cancelling the A380 orders was an option, it appeared to be the best in the long run, even if costly for MAS.

    MAS a songé a annulé ses A380 pour les remplacer par des A330 et A350.
    Les pénalités trop élévées l'ont dissuadé

    Dans les tuyaux cependant une commande de 18 A330 et une option pour 7...
    Elmer, Pascal ou Macintosh, avez vous des pistes sur ce point ?

    La flotte d'A330 est assez agée (14 ans en moyenne) et la pression d'AirAsiaX va se faire sentir pour MAS.
    L'A380 un bon moyen avec un grosse classe éco de résister à AirAsiaX ?

    Si, comme indiqué dans l'article les 17 777-200( bi classe, intercontinental principalement) et 11 747-400 (triclasse, transcontinental principalement) on peut pense que :
    1) le nombre d'A380 n'est pas suffisant
    2) l'A350-1000 peut être intéressant pour MAS

    MAS exploite des flottes diversement motorisées... PW majoritairement (quand le choix se présente) et RR aussi.

    bonne journée


    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par 87_Arnac Mar 29 Sep 2009 - 14:14

    Merci Poncho !

    Pour mémoire, Kuala Lumpur et un joli noeud "hot" (à défaut d'être high)

    Y remplacer des Quad par des Gros Bi n'est si trivial.

    Des A340-600 peuvent être à l'aise dans ces conditions Wink (voir des -500)
    Thai peut-il faire des offres ?

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 18 Aoû 2010 - 13:11

    Bonjour à tous

    Reprise cargop pour MAS
    Discussions pour augmenter la flotte d'A330-200F d'ici à 2012...
    (conversion d'option ?)

    A suivre

    La suite est là :

    Malaysia Airlines' cargo arm MASkargo plans to add another two Airbus A330-200 freighters to its fleet by the first half of 2012.
    The carrier placed a firm order for two A330-200Fs in March, along with options for another two.
    A MASkargo spokeswoman declines to confirm if the carrier is converting the options into firm orders, but says: "Discussions are also underway to get the other two freighters delivered by the first half of 2012."
    MASkargo will receive its first freighter in September 2011, and the second in November 2011, she adds.
    The airline also expects a fifth Boeing 747-200F, leased from US operator Southern Air, to arrive by September.
    This will be used as a spare aircraft to support MASkargo's four 747-200Fs, all leased from Southern Air.
    The addition will take MASkargo's 747 freighter fleet to seven aircraft, says the spokeswoman.

    Bonne journée
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    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par aubla Lun 6 Juin 2011 - 6:29


    Malaysian Airlines va rejoindre l'alliance ONEWORLD

    c'est le 3ième regroupement de compagnie après STAR ALLIANCE et SKYTEAM

    le lien :

    Bonne journée
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par jullienaline Jeu 30 Juin 2011 - 22:49

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Alors celle-là est fort de café !
    Je vous laisse juger.

    Malaysia Airlines justifie le refus des bébés en 1ère classe

    KUALA LUMPUR — La compagnie aérienne malaisienne Malaysia Airlines a justifié jeudi son refus d'accueillir des bébés en 1ère classe par les plaintes reçues de voyageurs dérangés par des cris ou des pleurs.

    "Nous n'acceptons pas les enfants en 1ère classe, que ce soit sur un siège ou sur les genoux. Il est possible que nous perdions certains clients mais nous avons reçu de nombreuses plaintes", notamment de passagers importunés dans leur sommeil, a expliqué Tengku Azmil Zahruddin, le directeur-général de la compagnie nationale, sur un message envoyé sur Twitter.

    "Comme je l'ai déjà dit, c'est une décision difficile. Il y aura des mécontents quoi qu'il en soit", a-t-il ajouté.

    M. Azmil répondait aux critiques lancées sur l'internet après l'annonce que les jeunes enfants seraient indésirables en 1ère classe sur les Airbus A380 qui complèteront la flotte de Malaysia en 2012.

    La compagnie, soucieuse de préserver sa réputation de qualité, a déjà retiré les équipements pour bébés des cabines de ses Boeing 747 effectuant certains vols long-courriers vers l'Europe ou l'Australie.

    Les bébés restent acceptés dans les autres classes.


    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 9 Aoû 2011 - 10:11

    Bonjour à tous

    Je pense que celle-ci est intéressante

    Report: AirAsia to take 20% stake in Malaysia Airlines
    By: Geoffrey Thomas
    Malaysia Airlines and arch rival AirAsia are reported to be planning a share swap that would give AirAsia's parent a 20% stake in Malaysia's national airline, according to Reuters. The news wire reported that Malaysia's state investment arm, Khazanah Nasional, which owns nearly 70% of MAS, would take a 10% stake in AirAsia. Analysts suggest the deal would enable MAS to focus exclusively on premium long-haul services and leave domestic routes and short-haul routes to AirAsia.

    According to the report, AirAsia founder and CEO Tony Fernandes and his deputy Kamarudin Meranun will sit on the MAS board following completion of the transaction. AirAsia officials did not return calls from ATW seeking comment.

    Lending credence to the report is the fact that both carriers have temporarily halted trading. Reuters reported that the trading halt will last until Tuesday with an announcement about "a material transaction" to be made by Tuesday.

    The development has fascinating ramifications for Qantas and low-cost subsidiary Jetstar. In June, QF announced it was sponsoring MAS's entry into oneworld and indicated the partnership would be a springboard for growth (ATW Daily News, June 7). In 2010, Jetstar and AirAsia entered into an alliance to reduce costs and pool expertise (ATW Daily News, Jan. 7, 2010). At the time, Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation Chairman Peter Harbison said the agreement could be the start of something bigger, with codesharing and equity exchanges at a later stage. "This is all about let's live together before we get married," he said.

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par art_way Lun 9 Jan 2012 - 18:39

    La compagnie aérienne Malaysia Airlines a revu à la baisse l’aménagement de ses futurs Airbus A380, qui n’emporteront plus que 487 passagers au lieu des 503 annoncés.

    Les A380 de la compagnie nationale de Malaisie accueilleront donc
    huit passagers en Première (pont inférieur), 64 en classe Affaires (pont
    supérieur, au lieu de 52 prévus), et 415 en classe Economie (347 sur le
    pont inférieur, 68 sur le pont supérieur). Malaysia Airlines doit
    recevoir son premier superjumbo au cours du premier semestre 2012, sur
    un total de six commandés.

    La compagnie, future membre de l’alliance Oneworld, déploiera son A380 à partir du 1er juillet 2012 entre Kuala Lumpur et l’aéroport de Londres – Heathrow,
    avec des départs les mardi, vendredi et dimanche à 23h40 (arrivée le
    lendemain à 5h50) et des retours depuis l’Angleterre les lundi, mercredi
    et samedi à 12h00 (arrivée 7h25 le lendemain). Il faudra attendre le 25
    août pour voir l’A380 opéré tous les jours sur cette route, où Malaysia
    Airlines fait face à la seule concurrence de la low cost long-courrier AirAsia X – qui est entré l’année dernière dans son capital.

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Beochien Lun 9 Jan 2012 - 19:07

    Merci Art Way !

    L'heure n'est plus éloignée où Londres Heathrow, LA et NY JFK devront recevoir 4-6 visiteurs du type A380 en même temps ... gare aux aménagements des terminaux !

    Des Aéroports où aucune compagnie "Native" ne possède de A380, pour le moment, pour BA ce sera vers 2013 ?? !
    Ca va finir par gratter les cies US, je le sens !

    J'avais eu un argument sur le sujet, il y qq mois avec un sceptique par nature ...

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Beochien Mer 29 Fév 2012 - 20:03

    Bonsoir !

    Une reaction intéressante de MAS (Client d'une poignée de A330F) !

    Ils dévaluent la valeur de leur parque de A330F ...
    Because l'annonce de la conversion PDF des A330 !
    La faute à Airbus ??? Holé !

    Mais pas vraiment aux marchés fret en "Piqué" et à la sur-capacité "Freight" actuelle ! Hum !
    En gros , le "Freight glut", c'est la faute au (Futur) PDF du A330 .... !
    Finalement, Cargolux ne devrait pas se plaindre s'il manque 8-10 tonnes de capacité d'emport (Avant le nouveau MTOW) au 748-F , petits joueurs va ! désopilant

    Drôle d'approche comptable, une dévaluation du parque concerné juste par un projet A330 PDF à 3-4 ans peut être ... et à 1/2000 ou moins pour chaque avion converti ...
    C'est FEDEX qui devrait pleurer le plus avec sa cde de 767 F Neufs... les malheureux ! What a Face

    Ca veut dire que Airbus ne va plus vendre de A330 F ...
    Et gare aux 777-300 quand viendra l'heure des reconversions PDF, aussi pour eux ...

    Beuh ....

    A lire Flightglobal, qui accorde beaucoup de crédit à cette affaire MAS ...

    MAS writes down value of A330Fs, blames P2F programme

    ------------ Le lien FlightGlobal, Dominic Perry ------------------

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 29 Fév 2012 - 23:30


    Etonnant effectivement

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Beochien Jeu 8 Mar 2012 - 16:17


    Malaysian, dans le trou, de 825m, pour le bilan 2011 !
    Pourront ils assurer pour les A380 à venir ?? $$$$ !
    Pas étonnant qu'ils râlaient pour les valeurs résiduelles des A330F !
    Faut bien trouver des raisons ...

    --------------- De UBMA, le lien ---------

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par art_way Ven 9 Mar 2012 - 9:27

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je sais pas si vous avez vu l'A380 de MAS, mais je le trouve le plus beau tous, et vous ?

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 9 Mar 2012 - 10:05

    Effectivement il est bien joli

    Qq photos de l'intérieur

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 25 Mai 2012 - 16:49

    Malaysian a la plus grosse !

    Malaysian Airline System Bhd. (MAS) has taken a 5-inch lead over Singapore Airlines Ltd.
    That’s how much wider the carrier’s first-class seats will be than Singapore Air’s when it starts flying the Airbus SAS A380 in July. In total, passengers will have more space than on a single-bed mattress, with seats measuring 40 inches by 87 inches.

    The new seats, costing about $9,000 for a round trip to London, will spearhead Malaysian Air’s push to win corporate and long-haul travelers after higher fuel prices and competition from budget carrier AirAsia Bhd. (AIRA) led to a 2.5 billion ringgit ($795 million) loss last year. Thai Airways International Pcl (THAI) will also get its first A380s this year, adding a further challenge for Singapore Air.
    “Malaysian Air has to improve on their premium services in order to be able to compete,” said Joshua Ng, an analyst at RHB Research Institute Sdn. in Kuala Lumpur. “There is a bit of national pride involved as well -- especially when you’re talking about competing with Singapore Air.”
    The carrier, the eighth A380 operator, will start flights with the plane on July 1 with a trip to London. Daily services on the route will begin Aug. 25. Flights to Australia and another country will be added as more of the planes enter service, Anbarasu Sundram, a spokesman for the airline based in Subang outside Kuala Lumpur, said by phone. The last is due to arrive in February.

    Widest Seats
    Malaysian Air, controlled by state investment fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd., will fit its A380s with 494 seats. The eight first-class units, which will be on the lower deck, are wider than any seats listed on comparison website The planes will also have 66 business-class seats on their upper floors and 420 coach seats divided between the two decks.
    Yields, a measure of average ticket prices, are typically 5.5 times higher in first class than coach, compared with business-class’s 3.6 ratio, according to aviation consultant Rigan Doganis. The seats are also important in terms of marketing and for maintaining the loyalty of business travelers through potential upgrades.
    “First-class is retained for prestige and brand, and as an incentive in the frequent flier-program,” said Andrew Wong, London-based regional director for TripAdvisor Inc. (TRIP)’s flights division, which owns Few first-class passengers buy tickets themselves, he said.
    Asian and Middle East carriers have kept first-class cabins, which have been largely eliminated by North American carriers, because of their greater focus on long-haul routes, he said. Emirates Airline, the largest A380 operator, has fitted showers in the premium cabins of its superjumbos.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 4 Juil 2012 - 16:21


    Malaysian s'interroge sur le remplacement de 17 777-200ER
    Et pense aux A330-300 à masse accrue...
    Vu les délais de livraison des 787-9 / -10 et autres A350 ...

    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Beochien Mer 4 Juil 2012 - 18:17

    Un A330 NEO ?? Embarassed
    Qui sait un jour ...

    Déjà les nouveaux winglets à la vista pour Malaysian, un 2% possible !
    Et peut être un moteur à la hauteur un jour (Ce n'est pas pour demain !) Crying or Very sad

    Je me suis toujours demandé pourquoi RR , si prompt à proposer 8% sur les VR 2500 Yoda pour sortir de l'impasse ...
    RR n'a jamais voulu faire un effort sérieux pour le T700 ... on attendait mieux que des PIP à 1% ...

    Traire la vache, ce n'est pas moi qui ai lançé l'expression Yoda !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 19 Avr 2013 - 10:04


    MAS introduit son A380 sur les 1400 Nm de la route Hong Kong - Kuala Lumpur
    En complément de deux 737-8 et en remplacement d'un troisième ...
    Qu'en conclure ?

    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Paul Ven 29 Aoû 2014 - 11:39

    MAS est en restructuration. 6000 emplois coupés et terminé les routes non profitables. Le transporteur sera privatisé avant la fin de l'année.
    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Jeannot Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 7:33

    Malaysia s'interesse fortement au 350 mais... veut des livraisons dès mars 2015

    Malaysia Airlines could decide between the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 as its future of its long-range fleet as early as March/2015 for delivery in 2017 as a first step in a sweeping restructuring of the airline.
    “The A350 and 787 are both very good aircraft, as to which we choose, it depends whether Airbus and  Boeing can convince us which is the better fit” Lee said, “but so far we have not looked into the 777X.”
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 7:45

    2017 jeannot. ... avec les lessors c'est possible non?

    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par pascal83 Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 8:04


    Les Lessors ayant commander des A350  sont juste ILFC 20 A350-900, CIT 15 A350-900, AWAS 2 A350-900 , ALFACO 12 A350-900 et ALC 20 A350-900 et 5 A350-1000.

    Pour MAS les options avec les lessors doivent être très limité car je pense que c'est commande sont déjà pourvu.

    L'autre option et les 45 créneaux restant d'Emirates mais je doute qu'il libère les créneaux d'autant qu'EMIRATES reveux de l'A350-900 et1000
    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Jeannot Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 9:06

    Mais sur le 787 ce n'est pas mieux alors ?
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 9:55

    EK c'était des créneaux 2019... donc !

    Par contre le jeu c'est pour ceux qui sont intéressés conversion A350-800/900 en A330-800/-900 et libération des créneaux pour des nouveaux clients
    Il y a Air AsiaX dans ce cas par exemple

    Whisky Quebec

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par pascal83 Lun 1 Déc 2014 - 11:15

    effectivement un transfère des a350-900 d'airasiaX à MAS possible

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS Empty Re: Malaysian Airlines ! MH ! MAS

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 8 Sep 2024 - 4:35