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A+, Sevrien
alain57 a écrit:d'accord avec vous Beochien, mais peuvent'ils abandonner le programme, l'investissement déjà engagé doit être considérable a ce jour. de plus OBAMA a besoin de son AF1.....[/quote[/url]]Jeannot a écrit:Le conflit entre Boeing et ses ingénieurs n'est pas encore terminé.
Selon le Herald Net
The union representing engineers at Boeing Co.'s military aircraft plant in Wichita, Kan., urged its members Friday to reject what Boeing calls its final contract offer. Bob Brewer, Midwest director for the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, said the union hopes to get workers to reject the contract and get the company back to the negotiating table. Thursday's vote will not include a strike authorization at Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems facility in Wichita, where the union represents 700 engineers.