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Poncho (Admin)
24 participants

    Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 19:05

    Bonsoir !

    d'aprés Guy Norris !
    Va pour des changements mineurs dans les baies, et qq morceaux de software !
    Pas de raisons d'en douter ... la FAA, sera derrière, bien sûr !
    Ca commence à être plus clair ! Plus trop de campagne sur les FOD ... pssschtttt .. bien!
    Pour les délais ... a suivre !

    --------------- Le lien, de Aviation Week --------------



    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Vortex Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 21:07

    Admin a écrit:Je reviens sur la cause supposée par Ostrower

    "FOD clogging cooling duct"
    Et je me rappelle d'une interview dans science et vie d'un resp de Safran ou d'un autre fournisseur français dans le domaine (mais pas zodiac)
    Avec toute cette électricité à bord, le refroidissement des circuits de puissance devient un vrai challenge... il y a donc des circuits spécialisés pour le refroidissement

    On peut interpréter l'info d'Ostrower comme suit
    Baisse de refroidissement -> Surchauffe -> Feu

    Et les parades ? il doivent déjà être intégrées dans la bécane?

    Protection thermique
    Redondance refroidissement

    Enfin j'élucubre

    Bonne soirée

    Ben donc, la cause à effet serait du côté des sous-traitants européens... et pas des chinois. ou des japonnais. Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 879774

    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Dim 28 Nov 2010 - 21:35

    Bonsoir Vortex
    Bonsoir à tous

    Des moteurs sont montés sous les ailes des 787

    Il s'agit des deux avions complémentaires, de série, pour accélérer les essais en vol

    Boeing has rolled out the first production 787 to be equiped with engines to the flightline. The Trent 1000 powered 787 (LN 8, ZA102) spent months being prepared for first flight in Boeing's final assembly hall. It will be the first production 787 to fly and will undertake ETOPS, funtionality and reliabilty as well as a host of other tests. The results will be then compared to similar test already flwon by the 787 teswt flight fleet. It was to have its first flight this months but given the upheaval in the 787 program bought on by the fire on ZA002, that time line is in flux. A second production 787, ZA101, is also being fitted with its Trent 1000 engines and will perform ground tests at Everett.

    Matt Cawby got some great photos and video of ZA102 at the compass rose at Everett.

    Quelle version pour les T1000 ?

    A suivre donc

    Bonne soirée
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Lun 29 Nov 2010 - 19:32


    ANA change de ton, Vs Boeing, et quand les très polis et respectueux Japonais en arrivent à parler de "grand désappointement"... et pour ceux qui connaissent, c'est beaucoup plus sérieux que le remue ménage et les coups d'éventail du Golf !
    Tout le monde est fatigué de la langue de bois et des désinformations des Mktg et PR des grands avionneurs comme des motoristes d'ailleurs !
    Le temps de dire la vérité et de la clarté est peut être venu, pour éviter d prendre une annulation de 787, voire de T1000 chez ANA!

    -----Extrait de Air-Journal, origine du FT/ mais pas consultable in extenso -------

    La compagnie aérienne japonaise ANA, cliente de lancement du Boeing 787 Dreamliner, met la pression sur le constructeur américain qui s’apprête à annoncer un énième délai dans le programme.

    Parlant de grand désappointement, le dirigeant d’All Nippon Airways Shinichiro Ito exige de Boeing un calendrier précis pour la réception du premier des 55 Dreamliners qu’il a commandés, et des réponses tout aussi précises sur les raisons de l’incendie d’un panneau de contrôle électrique. C’est en effet à la suite de ce dernier incident au début du mois de novembre que Boeing doit décider de repousser la première livraison du 787, sans pour l’instant fournir de délai exact. Mais les spécialistes estiment à au moins mi-2011 l’arrivée dans la flotte d’ANA, au lieu de février comme prévu jusque là.


    Whisky Quebec

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par macintosh Lun 29 Nov 2010 - 21:26

    Bonsoir Beochien,

    Oui, et il y a probablement encore plus inquiétant que les commentaires du CEO d'ANA.
    China Eastern pourrait bien annuler (l'annulation est en fait présentée comme l'issue la plus probable) :

    China Eastern Airlines is considering canceling its order for 15 Boeing 787s owing to the aircraft program's continuous delays, according to a CEA insider. "Most probably we [will] cancel," the source told ATW. "We are negotiating with Boeing about choosing [a] replacement aircraft type…now." The cancellation would be another blow for the troubled Dreamliner program, on which flight testing was indefinitely suspended following a Nov. 9 inflight fire that began as either a short circuit or an electrical arc on the P100 electrical panel, according to Boeing. The manufacturer is widely expected to delay first delivery to ANA, currently slated for the 2011 first quarter, by another six to nine months (ATW Daily News, Nov. 22). On Nov. 24, Boeing said it was developing "minor design changes" to power distribution panels on the 787 and updates to the systems software that manages and protects power distribution on the airplane. It added that a revised 787 program schedule "is expected to be finalized in the next few weeks." Bernstein Research has moved its projection for the first delivery of the 787 back six months to August 2011 and forecasts that Boeing will only deliver eight aircraft in 2011 instead of the 29 it had planned. Bernstein believes that Boeing will deliver 61 787s in 2012, 78 in 2013 and 107 in 2014. CEA placed its Dreamliner order in 2005. Its wholly owned subsidiary, Shanghai Airlines, also has nine 787s on order; it is unclear whether CEA will cancel SAL's 787 orders in addition to axing its 15. CEA is planning an aggressive expansion of international services starting next year, and had planned to facilitate the growth in part through the addition of the15 Dreamliners. It ordered 16 Airbus A330s at the end of last year (ATW Daily News, Jan. 6) to ensure it could expandeven if the 787s arrived later than expected. The A330s are expected to be delivered from 2011-2014. CEA General Manager Ma Xulun told ATW the carrier will operate the aircraft on routes to Europe. Chinese carriers have ordered a total of 57 787s, including 24 by CEA/SAL, 15 by Air China, 10 by China Southern Airlines and eight by Hainan Airlines.
    Et le fil où j'ai pêché cette info :
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 29 Nov 2010 - 21:49

    Tiens et dire qu'airbus a lancé un ballon d'essai pour un A330-300 235t ...

    Disponibles à partir de quand?

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Lun 29 Nov 2010 - 22:04

    Merci McIntosh !

    Pascal a levé le lièvre dans le thread "Annulations" !

    Mais bien d'accord , de plus le risque pourrait être de 15+9 en prime !

    beaucoup de questions restent en suspens encore pour le 787, et la transparence n'est pas au RV pour l'instant du côté du tout électrique .... dont qq points fondamentaux, comme la clim et la circulation d'air tout électrique, et l'évacuation des fumées en cas de feu électrique qui réduit la puissance disponible !
    Vu sur et ailleurs !
    Ca va plus loin que des PB d'armoires électriques redondantes !
    Ils ont eu de la fumée, sans moyens de l'évacuer à mon avis !

    Et les clients qui ont payé des dizaines de millions d'avances, et qui ont leur avenir en partie suspendu au renouvellement de leur flotte ... ben ils voudraient bien être un peu mieux informés ... et ne pas devoir lire pour savoir ou leur cde en est !

    Whisky Quebec

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par macintosh Lun 29 Nov 2010 - 23:04

    Bonsoir Beochien,

    Oui, en effet, j'ai vu après coup. Désolé pour le doublon, Pascal...
    (bon après tout, je préfère encore quelques interférences de ce style plutôt que de voir chaque message reposté dans chaque catégorie liée de près ou de loin, en NNN exemplaires).

    Vous avez raison pour les annulations qui se profilent. Je ne sais pas si je préfèrerai avoir à face à moi des clients japonais mécontents ou des clients chinois mécontents... En tous cas les deux sont sûrement pires que Al Baker... C'est vraiment un moment difficile pour Boeing, et j'espère les voir sortir de là rapidement, le secteur aéronautique a trop besoin de cet avion (que ce soit les clients, les équipementiers, Boeing).
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par jullienaline Mar 30 Nov 2010 - 19:31

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Jim Albaugh reconnait le report de la livraison du premier appareil sans donner plus de précision.
    Et ANA continue de se ronger les ongles !


    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Mar 30 Nov 2010 - 21:42

    LE 787 002 a été réparé à Laredo, et rentre à la maison !
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Ven 3 Déc 2010 - 10:12

    Bonjour !

    Les Ethiopiens, pas trop pressés d'essayer les premiers 787 et encore moins les premiers GE pour le Hot & Hight ... bien, c'est peut être la raison !
    Prenez votre temps mrs de Boeing, ... retard pour retard, on n'est plus pressé !
    Intéressant: GE annoncerait des améliorations du GEnx pour plus tard selon Ethiopian ??????????

    Fiabilité de tout ce discours, Bof !

    -------------- Le lien sur FlightGlobal ------------

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Ven 3 Déc 2010 - 19:54

    Bonsoir !

    A Wichita, Spirit joue une autre partition de country !

    Hands off pour le B787, on passe à autre chose en attendant (Houlà mon investissement partner !!)

    Le 737 ! Une valeur plus sûre (Zon pas vu le NEO arriver Arrrrgh !)

    ------------- Le lien Kansas.Com ! ---------

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 6 Déc 2010 - 10:20

    Bonjour à tous

    On attend l'annonce du nouveau retard de Boeing
    Cette semaine ça fera 1 mois que l'incident sur le système électrique du 787 à déclenché l'arrêt des essais en vol.

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Mar 7 Déc 2010 - 13:10

    Bonjour !

    Un réquisitoire - compilation de Ben Sandilands contre le 787 et Boeing !

    Il n'a pas digéré Sandilands que "Ses" photos aient été interdites et retirées par et pour les PR Boeing!
    Petites causes PR, grands effets éditoriaux !
    Banzaï sur Boeing !
    Et pas de quoi rassurer Qantas ... houlà mes ETOP'S foutent le camp !

    C'est vrai que le manque d'infos depuis presque un mois, et la suspension des activités à Seattle, sont pour le moins assez inquiétants !
    Toujours le manque d'info qui fait aller les spéculations bon train ...Etops, Certification etc ...
    Un an de retard ... programme réformé , et sur, pourquoi pas abandonné ...
    Je ne crois pas que le sang coule jusqu'à la rivière quand même !
    M'enfin un peu de clarté ...

    Boeing doit parler et re-donner des délais cette année et il reste 15 jours !
    Tous ses clients et fournisseurs, travaillent sur leurs stratégies annuelles et doivent boucler l'année en sachant ou ils vont !
    C'est valable pour RR aussi, au passage !

    ------------- Ben Sandilands, extrait et lien de Planetalking -----------

    Continental contradicts Boeing position on 787 delays
    December 7, 2010 – 6:26 pm, by Ben Sandilands

    Continental, now officially a unit of United Continental Holdings, has burned a hole through the guidance Boeing has been giving about further delays to the 787 Dreamliner.

    In this story, CO spokesperson Julie King, says the airline expects to learn more about a revised delivery schedule from Boeing ‘early’ in the New Year.

    But after the November 9 fire on board Dreamliner test aircraft ZA002 in an emergency landing at Laredo, Texas, Boeing said the delays to the program would be clarified within a few weeks.

    Or a month ago. Boeing is at last word, still saying it is a few weeks before it can announce the impact of the fire on deliveries.

    Boeing has also said on several occasions that the issues arising from the fire will involve minor changes. Those who saw the photos of the damage published by Plane Talking and by the Seattle Times know that this statement was either deliberately misleading or delusional. Boeing is nothing if not consistent throughout this program in issuing statements that prove to be completely wrong in relation to anything less than two weeks into the future.

    Continental was to launch non-stop services between Houston and Auckland with the 787-8 next November and has said in the story referenced above that this will not now happen until some time in 2012.

    We think this is an optimistic prediction by the airline for the following reasons:

    * The 787 has to be certified with 180 minutes ETOPS on delivery to have any chance of doing Houston-Auckland and 330 minutes ETOPS (which is not currently granted to any twin engined jet) is required to give Continental a good chance of flying the remote south Pacific route reliably.
    * The 787 will not achieve ETOPS 180 unless the reliability of the engines and systems of the jet meet FAA requirements, and this is starting to look under threat.

    * Careful reading of the statements Boeing has made about the cause of the fire in an electrical bay under the passenger floor to the rear of ZA002 do not categorically confirm that foreign object damage or FOD sparked (oops) the fire.
    * Whatever the cause of the fire, it revealed serious deficiencies in the electrical architecture of the plastic jet, which will require a redesign of that architecture and its components of unknown magnitude, which of itself takes time, before those changes are incorporated in the test and certification fleet (currently grounded), and then tested to the satisfaction of the FAA.
    * The fire turned the insulation blanket between the source of the blaze and the fuselage of laminated epoxy resin bonded carbon fibre reinforced plastic into what looked like burned toast.
    * Boeing has said the plastic structure of ZA002 will be repaired by ‘conventional’ means, but has not actually provided more information, such as whether sections of the panels will be cut out and reinforced with metal plates, or alternatively by the application of plastic patches.

    It is not surprising that some estimates of the further delay to the Dreamliner entry-into-service are as long as a year or more, given the steps and certification requirements involved, and the application of the necessary changes to the test fleet of six 787s plus several dozen partially completed 787s scheduled for delivery from the first quarter of next year.


    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par art_way Jeu 9 Déc 2010 - 10:51


    une petite idée du délai

    Boeing pourrait repousser les premières livraisons du 787 à l'été (presse) :

    Les premières livraisons du nouvel avion long-courrier du constructeur américain Boeing, le B787 "Dreamliner", pourraient être repoussées à l'été prochain au lieu du premier trimestre, selon le quotidien Les Echos de jeudi.

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 9 Déc 2010 - 21:48

    Bonsoir !

    Boursorama fait confiance aux Echos (Les Américains du Seattle PI Aussi)
    Les Echos font confiance à Air France (Qui n'a pas commandé de 787, en plus )
    Et Scott Hamilton ne fait confiance à personne et lance un concours de pronostiques !

    C'est pas encore Carnaval pourtant clown

    Allez, patience tout le monde parie sur une annonce proche ds fêtes ! Basketball

    Les analystes = drunken Sleep

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Ven 10 Déc 2010 - 19:33

    Bonjour !

    Du crédible pour le panneau kramé du B787 !

    Chez AviationWeeek, exfiltré de Zodiac et les Echos; Un vrai descriptif des dégâts, mais pas les raisons ... ils sauront ou ils vont fin d'année et pourraient re-voler début Janvier, si la FAA le veut bien !
    Pour l'EIS ... rien n'est écrit, ça dépend du travail de certification ... (Mon avis)

    ----------------- Extrait de AviationWeek ---------------

    The Les Echos report says Boeing and its Hamilton Sundstrand-Zodiac partners on the electrical system aim “to complete corrections by the end of the year to resume test flights in January, and lead to certification in June.” However, it adds that Boeing must obtain clearance from the FAA before resuming flight tests.

    In the meantime, more information is emerging about the specific areas of damage and the precise location of the fire behind the P100 panel. This structure takes the electrical power generated by the left engine and distributes it to power vital systems. The panel, which is about 3.5 ft. tall, is located about 1 ft. below the passenger floor in the aft electronics bay just behind the wing. It contains electrical boxes, including control units, circuit breakers and relays.

    Forensic evidence from the fire damage pinpoints Contactor CK2435505, one of two in the P100 panel, as the source of the ignition. The contactors are electrical control boxes that relay the power from the generators on the engine and distribute it as needed. They open circuits or close as power needs fluctuate. Contactor CK2435505, on top of the panel, was “melted” according to a leaked Boeing engineering report, while the lower contactor, CK2421501, suffered “extensive fire and smoke damage to backside.”

    Fire from the contactor burned a hole between 12 and 15 in. long in the back of the P100 panel, and badly charred the adjacent fuselage insulation blanket material, which effectively did its job in preventing burn-through to the interior of the 787’s primary composite fuselage skin structure.


    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par art_way Mar 14 Déc 2010 - 11:35

    La fin officielle du 787-3

    Boeing abandonne la version du 787 pour les courtes distances

    NEW YORK, 13 déc 2010 (AFP)
    Le constructeur aéronautique américain Boeing a annoncé lundi qu'il cessait de fabriquer la version pour les courtes distances de son nouvel avion 787, dit le Dreamliner, plombé par des problèmes techniques ayant entraîné trois ans de retard sur le calendrier initial.

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Mar 14 Déc 2010 - 19:24

    Bonjour !

    En plus de l'arrêt officiel du B787-3 !
    Boeing augmente ses prix catalogue !
    Bon , ce n'est pas significatif non plus, après viennent les remises !

    --------- Du Seattle Times - Bloomberg / Extrait de l' Article ------------

    Boeing raises aircraft prices 5.2%, cancels short-haul 787

    Boeing is raising aircraft prices by about 5.2 percent, the first increase in two years, and dropping the short-haul version ...

    By Susanna Ray

    Bloomberg News

    Boeing is raising aircraft prices by about 5.2 percent, the first increase in two years, and dropping the short-haul version of the 787 Dreamliner.

    Higher costs for wages, goods and services are driving the price boost, said Boeing spokesman Jim Proulx. He confirmed the changes made to the price list on Boeing's website Monday, as well as the withdrawal of the 787-3 variant.

    Boeing's last price increase, an average 2.6 percent boost, was for 2008, Proulx said. Prices were raised 5.6 percent in 2007. Most carriers and leasing companies get discounts.

    "If I were an airline, I'd be reading this as a message that Boeing thinks it can get higher prices because demand is rising and supply is limited, but you'll still have the usual discussion over discounts," said Rob Stallard, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets in New York.

    "Boeing and Airbus deeply discount to airlines, so theoretically they could raise list prices and boost the discounts, and it would all be the same," he said.

    Boeing and rival Airbus are pushing production rates to records to work through a seven-year backlog of orders from carriers seeking to expand and refresh their fleets with more fuel-efficient jets. Demand is recovering this year after dipping in 2009 amid the recession.

    In an upbeat 20-year outlook issued Monday, Airbus said it expects the international aircraft industry will recover faster than expected.

    It predicted a global need for about $3.2 trillion in new passenger and freighter planes from all manufacturers over the next 20 years. That translates to nearly 26,000 aircraft, up slightly from a forecast for 25,000 planes valued at $3.1 trillion.

    With Boeing's latest price increases, the average price for the smallest Boeing jet, the single-aisle 737, is about $71.4 million, up from about $69.3 million. The 777's list price rose to about $258.2 million from $246 million.

    The two 787 models still being offered now average $201.7 million, up from $183.3 million, according to Boeing's website.

    The 787-3 was designed to carry up to 330 passengers as far as 3,500 miles, compared with the 787-8's top capacity of 250 people and 9,400-mile range. Boeing has been reviewing the model's future after All Nippon Airways swapped its 787-3 order for another variant in January.

    All Nippon had been the last carrier to hold an order for the 787-3, which was designed specifically for the Japanese market.


    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Mer 15 Déc 2010 - 19:15

    Un an déjà !

    Première bougie, pas vraiment en l'air, ni au Japon le 787 !
    Bon, ça n'arrive pas qu'à Boeing non plus !
    Whisky Quebec

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par voodoo Mer 15 Déc 2010 - 21:13

    Après tant de marketing autour de la différenciation entre moyen courrier et long courrier lors de la conception du 787, cela devrait ouvrir un boulevard pour le 330, car il n'y a plus d'optimisation MC sur le 787. Peut-être s'agit-il d'un marché de niche ?
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 16 Déc 2010 - 8:14

    Bonjour Voodoo !

    Oui un boulevard, pour un 330 NEO-Motorisé peut être, un GENx2B posé à la Hussarde, par exemple !
    Sinon, dés que la production de 787 sera bien présente, je crois que le boulevard se rétrécira sérieusement ...
    Resteront les prix, pour un certain temps, car ceux de Boeing ne baisseront pas avant qq années, avec le carnet de cdes qu'ils ont en main pour le 787 du moins !

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 11:15

    Bonjour !

    Un rapport totale monstrueux de Dominic Gates du Seattle Times !

    Sur fond d'entrevues d'hommes de terrain de Boeing, sous couvert d'anonymat !
    C'est terrible !
    Tout y passe ...
    Un Hymalaya de fixes , 100 000 opérations entre 1 jour et des semaines chacune à réaliser ! La cadence actuelle est de 1500 , par mois! Il y en à pour 6 ans + !

    La pluie (Condensation)dans l'avion oblige à inventer des gouttières spéciales !

    Les Fix du T1000 ne sont pas encore approuvés (Par la FAA ??)vont pouvoir l'arranger en même temps que le T900, à mon avis !

    La FAA laisse entendre que ces premiers 787, ne seront pas "Intercontinental" pas d'ETOPS au début !

    Des avis commencent à circuler que les 20 (Ou 30) premiers avion, posent trop de PB inextricables, et pourraient être laissés "Derrière", place nette pour de nouveaux !

    (Perso je crois qu'ils en sauveront une poignée en 2011, pour l'honneur et pour ANA, s'ils en veulent !)

    La note approche les 20 billions au passage !

    Je vous laisse lire, c'est too much à la fois !

    ------ L'article complet du Seattle Times, c'est trés long ----------

    Dreamliner's woes pile up

    As Boeing prepares to announce yet another delay for the 787 Dreamliner — at least three months, possibly six or more — the crucial jet program is in even worse shape than it appears.

    By Dominic Gates

    Seattle Times aerospace reporter

    Unfinished Dreamliners are seen last week parked on the flight line at Paine Field in Everett. Beyond the 787's production problems, engine and electrical issues have raised reliability questions that could complicate the plane's certification for intercontinental flights.

    Firefighters responded when an onboard fire forced an emergency landing at the Laredo, Texas, airport during 787 test flight Nov. 9.

    What's wrong with the 787 Dreamliner?

    A Rolls-Royce engine blew up on a test stand last summer. A proposed software and hardware fix has yet to be vetted by regulators.

    An electrical fire on a test flight last month caused a cascading series of system failures. A redesign of the power-distribution system will have to be approved by regulators.

    After those failures, the FAA has told Boeing that it won't get early certification needed to fly the 787 on transocean and transpolar routes without proof of engine and system reliability.

    Alenia of Italy built the horizontal tails badly, and each one is different. Mechanics are slowly working through the 20 Dreamliners already built.

    The morass of rework and unfinished installation of systems on the planes already rolled out — more than 100,000 tasks outstanding — will take many months to complete.

    The supply chain is halted for the fourth time this year. The test planes are grounded. Boeing will announce, likely before Christmas, another delay in the first delivery.
    As Boeing prepares to announce yet another delay for the 787 Dreamliner — at least three months, possibly six or more — the crucial jet program is in even worse shape than it appears.

    The problems go well beyond the latest setback, an in-flight electrical fire last month that has grounded the test planes.

    A year after the airplane's first flight, the cascade of systems failures caused by that fire, as well as two major problems since summer with the 787's Rolls-Royce engine, have raised red flags with aviation regulators.

    A top Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) official 10 days ago warned Boeing that without further proof of the plane's reliability, it won't be certified to fly the long intercontinental routes that airlines expect it to serve.

    Meanwhile, on the production side, one veteran employee on the 787 said he's witnessing "the perfect storm of manufacturing hell."

    The global supply chain is at a standstill, and outside the Everett factory the rows of partly finished jets will take many months to complete.

    To deliver the 20 Dreamliners built since the six flight-test planes, mechanics will have to complete more than 100,000 tasks.

    Among the 787's lesser ongoing problems is "rain in the plane," the term used for heavy condensation dripping inside the jet's composite plastic fuselage. Yet that issue is piddling compared with the major flaws that have brought a wave of successive delays.

    "The purpose of flight tests is to find out what you did wrong," said a senior engineer who expects the 787 will ultimately prove successful. "But the amount of stuff we are finding is horrible. We shouldn't be dealing with this many issues this late in the program."

    With the Dreamliner nearly three years overdue — and a postponement of the mid-February target for first delivery expected to be announced by Christmas — analysts estimate Boeing's cost overruns at a staggering $12 billion or more.

    The head of the 787 program, Scott Fancher, conceded in an interview this past week that he and his team have "a tough job in front of us."

    "There's no doubt we've had a lot of challenges," Fancher said. "The development of a new airplane is hard, especially one with as much innovation as this."

    Costs soaring

    More than a dozen people who work on the Dreamliner or have some knowledge of the program's state were interviewed for this story. All were granted anonymity because Boeing doesn't permit employees to speak publicly about its internal problems.

    Boeing has bet its future on the 787, which made its maiden flight one year ago. The company aimed to reduce the cost and risk by outsourcing an unprecedented share of manufacturing and design work to partners around the globe.

    It's the first new Boeing jet in more than 15 years, and the first airliner built largely from light, tough carbon-fiber-reinforced composite plastic. And it's been a marketing blockbuster: Despite a total of 120 cancellations, Boeing still has 846 orders.

    Yet the 787 has run into more trouble than any previous Boeing jet.

    The company's original internal target for its own development costs was $5 billion. But with yet another delay, several Wall Street analysts estimate that fixing the litany of manufacturing problems, plus paying penalties to suppliers and airlines, has piled on an additional $12 billion to $18 billion.

    The 20 built but incomplete Dreamliners sitting in Everett are emblematic of all that has gone wrong.

    They are so far from done that the total number of unfinished jobs exceeds 105,000.

    Counting further rework planned after some of the jets are flown to San Antonio, Texas, for refurbishment before delivery, the tally of incomplete jobs is more than 140,000.

    "Some jobs take a day, some take weeks," said a worker dealing with the backlog.

    Boeing is reworking six partly finished jets at a time, two of them in an empty bay inside the factory, two in a hangar at the south end of Paine Field, and two more on the flight line. Mechanics can complete only about 500 jobs a month out on the field, and perhaps 1,000 jobs a month on those inside the factory, the person said.

    These jets have no seats or sidewalls, and many interior systems are missing or incomplete. Passenger doors are missing. Mechanics installed temporary air-conditioning units after those fitted initially kept failing.

    Horizontal tails poorly built by Alenia in Italy are still being reworked. With the workmanship on the tails varying from one plane to the next, mechanics have to painstakingly customize the fixes plane by plane.

    (That headache at least produced one piece of good 787 news for this region. Alenia will still build 787 tails, but as Boeing ramps up beyond seven planes a month, it plans to build the additional tails in the Puget Sound area, possibly at its parts-manufacturing plant in Auburn, according to employees.)

    Despite the attention focused on achieving the first delivery, the manufacturing quagmire suggests that Boeing will be slow to deliver the next few dozen planes.

    "Hopping around"

    With its parked Dreamliners many months from completion, Fancher said Boeing is likely to skip over earlier planes that need more work and move up the delivery of some later-built, more completed jets.

    "You may see us hopping around a bit," he said, adding that it's a matter of balancing the most efficient way to finish the work with the customers' need to get a specific jet by a specific date.

    The worker dealing with the backlog puts it differently: "They've dug a hole so deep, they have no choice but to go around it and leave the hole there."

    On Boeing's 747, 767 and 737NG programs, parts shortages and late redesigns on early planes also stacked up dozens of incomplete jets on the flight line. But the company worked through those stacks without skipping over a significant number of deliveries.

    Meanwhile, the flight tests have brought new design problems to light.

    After runway tests in Roswell, N.M., in September, four Rolls-Royce engines had to be swapped out from the flight-test airplanes. According to a person familiar with the problem, mechanics discovered cracking of small blades called airfoils in one of the engine's compressors.

    GE and Rolls both provide 787 engines, but the Rolls engine will power most of the early Dreamliners.

    A separate and more serious incident occurred a month earlier, when a Rolls engine blew up on a ground test stand in England, sending metal pieces shooting out of the engine casing.

    Another person with knowledge of that event said an investigation afterward revealed that one of the engine shafts can, under certain conditions, turn too fast. That may not have caused the blowup, but it is out of compliance with FAA regulations.

    Rolls is testing hardware and software changes to solve the problem, though it hasn't won approval from the regulatory agencies.

    Company spokesman Josh Rosenstock said Rolls is convinced the engine will pass muster with the FAA in time for Boeing's delivery schedule.

    However, the engine modifications, plus an electrical system redesign needed as a result of the in-flight fire last month, will add to the glut of out-of-sequence work in the jets already built.

    FAA issues

    Worse, the engine and electrical issues have also raised crucial questions late in the program about the plane's reliability, potentially affecting regulators' certification of the airplane.

    Earlier this month, John Hickey, the FAA's deputy associate administrator for aviation safety, visited Seattle and warned 787 executives that in the current state of the program, the jet cannot be certified for long-distance transocean and transpolar flights, according to a person familiar with the details.

    Boeing designed and marketed the 787 as an ultra-long-range jet, and its customers are counting on that capability from the moment the plane enters service.

    But the 787 wouldn't be allowed to fly more than 60 minutes from the nearest airport without the certification known as ETOPS, for Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards. That would drastically curtail the use of the jet for many airlines, including launch customer All Nippon Airways of Japan.

    Hickey, a former Boeing engineer, put Boeing on notice that to get an early ETOPS rating the company will have to do more to demonstrate the plane's reliability, including specifically the reliability of the engine and electrical systems.

    Dreamliner chief Fancher confirmed the recent meeting with the FAA over ETOPS and acknowledged that engine and electrical system reliability were discussed. But he said that such meetings about the FAA's certification requirements are "typical," and that Boeing will "fully address their concerns."

    Also drawing separate FAA scrutiny is repeated poor-quality workmanship in the 787 fuel tank, including issues with fasteners, said the person familiar with the FAA visit.

    That problem reaches back into the 787 supply pipeline, which continues to stutter.

    Suppliers go slow

    In November, for the fourth time this year, Boeing stopped moving planes forward on its final assembly line and halted deliveries of the major sections to Everett. Just one airplane had come off the line since the previous line stoppage in October.

    Fancher said the line halts are part of his "balancing act" to allow some suppliers to catch up with others and to slow the flow onto Paine Field of new planes needing to have the latest fixes applied.

    Despite the slowdown, he said, the supply chain is improving.

    Fancher cited "solid progress" at Boeing Charleston, which makes the 787's rear end. He conceded that Alenia of Italy "definitely remains a challenge."

    The other partners and the final-assembly team in Everett are "coming down the learning curve nicely," he said.

    For now, though, the pipeline is still blocked.

    Spirit AeroSystems of Wichita, Kan., which makes the Dreamliner's forward section, has reassigned most of its 787 work force until work picks up again. And though in recent years Boeing's 787 employees have worked through most of the Christmas holidays to catch up, a worker at Boeing Charleston said that plant this year will largely shut down its production lines.

    The latest delay will at least give engineers more time to test design fixes, including some for less consequential troubles, not uncommon on new jets, such as the maddening drip, drip, drip of "rain in the plane." On 787 flight tests, drip trays padded with squares of absorbent cloth are positioned to collect the condensation.

    Fancher said "a good design fix" to dehumidify the interior is being installed and will be tested when the Dreamliners resume flying.

    Employees working on the 787 complain about insufficient oversight of suppliers and a management system that the senior engineer called "totally broken."

    "This program is not like anything we've seen," said the veteran 787 employee. "It's a screwed-up mess."

    Yet Fancher said the feedback he receives is that employees are "proud to be part of an adventure like this."

    He insists his team will surmount all the problems.

    "This is a great airplane. It will deliver on the promises," Fancher said. "Our job is to get it over the goal line."

    Dominic Gates: 206-464-2963 or

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 12:12

    Bonjour !

    Au passage le B787 s'est gagné un nouveau qualificatif "the perfect storm of manufacturing hell."

    J'ajoute cela, Quote Gerfaut sur Aweb !

    L'avis de Ben Sandilands, qui surveille les787, because Qantas en à qq uns en cde et aprés les déconvenues des A380 Trent 900, ben il vaudrait quand même mieux que leurs B787, aient le jambes ou les ETOPS, sinon Qantas finira en cie Régionale !

    Un commentaire intéressant aussi concerne les pluies tropicales à l'intérieur du 787, comique, pour un avion à ambiance "Plus humide, moins humide" mais pas vraiment contrôlée ...
    Bof on n'arrête pas le progrès, Boeing n'at il pas érigé l'humidité en argument de vente fortement claironné, la clim, la pluie à volonté, bientôt la neige ! Manque plus que les parapluie !
    Gare aux poids de l'humidité quand même ... qq centaines de KG !
    Et éviter les niagara dans les armoires électriques, par exemple !

    Bon, pas trop d'accord sur la possibilité d'une "pré fuite pré annonce " organisée par Boeing, c'est trop saignant pour être amical !
    Si Albraught annonce, 3, voire seulement 6 mois de délais suplt, aprés cet article, il va se faire Lyncher par les analystes !

    les jours qui viennent seront intéressants !

    ---------- Le lien etle final de Crikey / Sandilands Merci Gerfaut ---------

    La conclusion :

    However this story suggests that as well as yet another delay the 787 could fail to match the initial mission critical requirements that the airlines had in mind when they ordered it.

    Think about it. The 787 could be delivered three to four years late and unfit for the range and payload performances the airlines thought they were buying.

    J'ajoute un thread en pleine expansion chez !

    Topic A.Net "Deleted " sais pas pourquoi !
    Bien on va voir ... la suite !
    L'article de D. Gates, on le tient et en édité, just in case les PR de Boeing s'agitent encore une foi!


    Dernière édition par Beochien le Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 17:10, édité 1 fois
    Whisky Quebec

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par macintosh Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 17:09

    Beochien a écrit:
    J'ajoute un thread en pleine expansion chez !


    Vous allez rire. Ce fil a été supprimé. :briques:

    Sinon, oui, c'est la pagaille. Comme toujours, l'article de presse n'est pas explicite à 100% sur les craintes qu'il est légitime d'avoir :
    - qu'est ce qu'un task ? (e.g., par exemple : ont ils tous une solution connue ?).
    - si pas d'ETOPS à l'EIS signifie seulement qu'il est possible de l'avoir quelques mois après, cela ne devrait pas gêner trop les clients, qui risquent de positionner d'abord l'appareil sur des vols plus courts (qualification d'équipages, mise en place des procédures d'accueil aux aéroports, etc). Ou bien, cette situation risque-t'elle de subsister pendant 12 mois et plus ? (forte gêne prévisible).
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 17:30

    Oui Mac Intosh, on était dessus ensemble, moi en train de modifier mon post !

    Chez, à mon avis ils sont bien "Sensibles" aux PR Boeing !
    Voire combien de temps tiendra l'article de D. Gates !

    Pour les Task, ben ça va du fastener à changer dans la queue à ... un système d'Air conditionné qui fait pleuvoir !

    Dans le thread effacé, une question était posée, les 1500 task par mois effectuées, étaient elles pour le parque d'avions en cours(20-25), ou par avion, ou pour les 6 avion en chantier ensemble ... et personne ne sait vraiment !

    Pour les ETOPS ... hum, les périodes transitoires d'apprentissage, c'est entre qq semaines et un mois, et comme la grande majorité des avions ont été achetés pour l'intercont'l, ben il vaut mieux que ça ne traîne pas trop !

    Et à part pour ANA, il vaudrait presque mieux que le nécessaire soit fait avant l'EIS client, sinon , des pleurs et réclamations "A la Qantas", faudra les compter par dizaines !
    Très possible aussi (Et c'était dans le thread "deleted") que les clients, tout simplement n'acceptent pas l'avion sans ses ETOPS , point !

    Sans ETOPS, ou avec des ETOPS "On ne sait quand" les annulations pourraient donc se multiplier aussi !
    Va falloir commencer à croire au père Noël chez Boeing !

    A mon avis, des têtes vont tomber cette foi , les paris sont ouverts pour désigner le prochain fusible Francher, Albaught, ou Mc Nerney, au choix, en dessous cela a déjà sauté une foi au moins!

    Et John Leahy doit se frotter le mains .. 737 NEO, 777 NEO, ce sera seulement après avoir sorti le 787 de l'ornière ... et les 12-18 mois tranquilles dont il a tant besoin, semblent bien possibles !

    Whisky Quebec

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par macintosh Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 18:12

    Bonsoir Beochien,
    Oui, effectivement, mon post et votre édition dans la même minute...

    J'avais pu lire le post sur les tasks et la question de leur signification, d'où mon interrogation à ce sujet.
    Pour l'ETOPS, je ne voyais pas le problème comme étant aussi dramatique, car il me semble avoir lu que ANA, par exemple, envisageait d'abord des lignes courtes, voire domestiques. Bien, il semble donc qu'un retard d'EIS serait quasiment préférable à un retard d'ETOPS.

    Quoi qu'il en soit, la com officielle n'est toujours pas là, et cela pose, une fois de plus problème (ce n'est pas les bribes confiées à AF lors d'une livraison de 777, puis ébruitées ensuite qui vont être suffisantes).
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 1) - Page 36 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 1)

    Message par Beochien Dim 19 Déc 2010 - 18:26

    Bonsoir McIntosh

    Je crois qu'ANA est un des très rares clientsdu B787 à vouloir utiliser ses 787 en CC et MC, entre leurs iles et sur l'Asie proche!
    Ne pas oublier que leur cde originale était en partie des 787-3, modèle annulé !

    Reste que des T1000 et un 787 avec ETOPS ce serait quand même mieux, ne serait ce que pour aller en Chine , Taiwan, et Manille !

    En plus, ils vont toucher exactement ce qu'il ne faut pas pour le Short-Medium Haul, des "Petits" 787-8, des 330 avec des T700, feraient mieux le boulot ! !

    A mon avis très perso, , entre remises, indemnités de retards et les divers dédommagements pour les non-perfs etc ..., ils ne vont pas les payer le prix d'un A 320 leurs 787-8, ce qui expliquerait un certain Stoïcisme !

    Bon à part cela les plus affûtés prévoient une com de Boeing, juste avant Noël, quand les analystes seront en vacances, mais avec la sortie de D Gates, m'est avis qu'ils vont devoir la ré-écrire !

    J'ajoute que la sortie "Massacrante" de D.Gates, fait qq vagues ... chez les BCL, reste à savoir quelle mouche l'a piqué, ou s'il a toutes les raisons ou infos pour le faire si durement , à suivre les réactions des analystes, dés ce lundi !

    Tiens Keesje de rappelle une ligne du règlement "" Marrant !

    Mon avis: Le PR de Boeing est entré en action contre cet article ... on va voir s'ils arrivent à convaincre les Seattle Times et D.Gates de le retirer !
    Moi, je fais ma sauvegarde !

    I can understand what you mean, I'm surprised too, brings back memories. We have to stick to the rules (7g: ) "We reserve the right to delete, without explanation and entirely at our discretion, any post, thread or user for any or no reason."


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