Bien pour Airbus, qui approche les 600 cdes de nouveau pour le A350 !
Un petit effort à Farnborough et on les verra !
he RB3025 would have a 132.5-in.-dia. fan delivering a 12:1 bypass ratio. The overall pressure ratio would reach 62:1. It is “quite an aggressive engine,” Nuttall argues, which should be ready toward the end of the decade. It would feature a rising line compressor, a change in architecture now being introduced in the TrentXWB.
Le motoriste britannique Rolls-Royce, qui a dû transmettre des
informations à l'office britannique de lutte contre la délinquance
financière (SFO) en raison de soupçons de corruption sur des marchés à
l'étranger dont la Chine, a annoncé jeudi qu'il pourrait être poursuivi.
Qu'est ce qu'on entend par regulatory environnement ?
Now, citing "the current regulatory environment", Rolls-Royce says "the parties have agreed not to proceed with the partnership". The tie-up had been targeted after they and the other members of the International Aero Engines consortium failed to agree on an offering for the Airbus A320neo family. That led Pratt & Whitney to strike out on its own with the PW1100G.
"Rolls-Royce remains fully committed to this important market segment, and will continue to invest in technologies that will enable us to take advantage of opportunities as they arise," says the UK manufacturer.
UTC-owned Pratt & Whitney says it "will continue independently to invest in and develop applications of its geared turbofan engine to power the next generation of mid-sized aircraft".