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Poncho (Admin)
13 participants

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 30 Mai 2011 - 9:14


    Fil ouvert pour les rumeurs / LOI et autres MOU sur les commandes

    Bonne journée

    Dernière édition par Admin le Lun 8 Avr 2013 - 11:25, édité 2 fois

    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Lun 30 Mai 2011 - 12:39

    GoAir may place order at Paris Air Show

    GoAir could
    place an order for anywhere up to 50-70 aircraft, which may include several
    options, this official said. Airlines usually place an order with options, which
    they can later firm up. It’s last order was in 2006 for 10 Airbus A320 aircraft.
    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 18:30 me permets de mettre ce lmien que je trouve bizarre, mais venant ilfc cela pourrait etre plausible, il doublerai leur commande d'a320 soit +111 à voir
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 18:53

    Salut Pascal !

    J'étais dessus avec Bloomberg !

    Un peu dans le désordre ton lien "Figaro" !
    Suspect, en plus Une MAJ de 2001 en 2011, pour les 111 avions (Le lien marche sur Aweb !)

    Corrections :
    C'est Virgin Américan (Je ne comprend pas trop non plus ) Qui peut être louerait 30 A320 NEO / LeapX à ILFC ! NON !
    ILFC passe les 40 A320 NEO qui restaient sans définition "Moteur" chez CFMI !
    Donc la cde ILFC reste à 100 ! Là dessus pas trop de doute !

    Champagne quand même chez SNECMA / GE !

    Ca pourrait être interprêté comme si Virgin avait choisi AUSSI le CFMI Leapx !

    Juste attendre un peu ça devrait s'éclairer !

    ----------Le lien d'origine Bloomberg ! L'article ------------

    General Electric Co. (GE)’s engine venture
    won its first orders for the new Leap-X model on the upgraded
    A320 jets made by Airbus SAS, the world’s biggest commercial
    planemaker, people familiar with the plans said.
    International Lease Finance Corp. will put CFM
    International’s Leap-X on 40 A320neo planes on order and Virgin
    America Inc. will use it on 30 of the twin-engine jets, said the
    people, who didn’t want to be identified because the details
    aren’t yet public.
    CFM, the 50-50 joint venture of GE and France’s Safran SA (SAF),
    probably will announce several orders around the time of the
    Paris Air Show this month, the people said. Airlines’ purchases
    would signal confidence in the fuel-efficient Leap-X after Pratt
    & Whitney’s geared turbofan model won the first wave of orders
    earlier this year to equip Airbus’s new narrow-body jet.
    While CFM previously won Leap-X orders for China’s C919
    narrow-body jet, the deals with ILFC and Virgin America would be
    the first to put the engine on an A320neo. The Airbus jet
    competes with Boeing Co. (BA)’s 737 in the single-aisle jet market,
    the biggest segment of the global airline industry.
    Company Responses

    A CFM spokeswoman, Jamie Jewell, declined to comment. ILFC
    Chief Executive Officer Henri Courpron and Virgin America CEO
    David Cush also declined to comment through spokesmen.
    ILFC is the Los Angeles-based aircraft-leasing unit of
    American International Group Inc. (AIG), the insurer that received a
    government bailout, and Virgin America is the Burlingame,
    California-based start-up carrier partly owned by U.K.
    billionaire Richard Branson.
    GE slid 28 cents, or 1.4 percent, to $19.36 at 12:03 p.m.
    in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, while Safran fell
    5 cents to 28.20 euros in Paris.
    The Leap-X relies on improvements in the engine’s core, or
    hot section, to help cut fuel consumption, while Pratt’s geared
    turbofan uses a gear to slow the outer fan of the engine, adding
    efficiency and reducing noise. Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE
    is the world’s largest maker of jet engines. Pratt & Whitney is
    a unit of Hartford, Connecticut-based United Technologies Corp. (UTX)

    Dernière édition par Beochien le Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 13:56, édité 2 fois
    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 19:16

    béo une autre possibilité cette commande et nouvelle et il faut s'attendre avoir delta et usairways passer commande
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 19:19

    Salut Pascal !

    Hum ... à voir , faut pas grimper aux arbres non plus ... j'ai un peu l'impression que c'est Virgin qui a basculé en leasing, on verra ! (J'ajoute : Non, aprés vérifications)
    Sir Richard Branson aurait fait beaucoup plus de bruit s'il avait passé 30 NEO de plus...
    Bon, on verra, il a plusieurs compagnies !
    Essaye donc de re-mettre en bon ordre ton lien du Figaro, si tu peux Pascal !


    Dernière édition par Beochien le Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 13:52, édité 1 fois
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 13:49

    Bonjour Errare ...

    Bon, d'aprés Jon Ostrower ...
    Ce serait 30 (Virgin) et 40 qui étaient attendus chez (ILFC) Les moteurs LeapX pour les A320 NEO !
    Ca commence et ça s'arrête là !
    Pas de leasing, comme je l'avais pensé, influencé par le morceau d'article du Figaro, partiellement lisible !

    Bien pour CFMI !

    Leap-X nets Virgin America, ILFC
    International Lease Finance Corp. will put CFM
    International’s Leap-X on 40 A320neo planes on order and Virgin
    America Inc. will use it on 30 of the twin-engine jets, said the
    people, who didn’t want to be identified because the details
    aren’t yet public.

    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 14:11

    salut béoDonc on peut s'attendre à une nouvelle commande de la part d'ilfc sur a320néo voir l'article, il y a certainement beaucoup de compagnie intéresse et peut de slot à distribuer rendez vous au salon pour en savoir plus
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 14:42

    Non ! Pascal !

    Rien que des infos "Moteurs" CFMI, pas de leasing, ni d'indication de cde suplt !
    Sauf une indication, peut être, que ILFC trouve des clients pour des locations de 320 NEO LeapX !
    Vers Virgin, possible, mais rien ne le dit ... si ce n'est la synchro de l'annonce qui à confondu un peu tout le monde !
    Mais l'info de référence, citée par "Bloomberg", on ne sait pas trop si c'est : GE/ CFMI, Virgin A ou ILFC, dans ce dernier cas, une synergie d'intérêt avec Virgin A. est effectivement possible ... qui sait ???

    Faut attendre qq nouvelles lignes de plus sur le net, on verra !

    Pour l'instant Statut Quo ! 332 A320 NEO entre fermes et un peu MOU !

    Mon petit doigt me dit que ça devrait faire bouger GECAS! Au salon peut être !
    Gecas apparaît en général aprés 1 ou 2 clients de lancement, et les loueurs ne sont pas de bons clients de lancement ! La preuve, ILFC à attendu que Virgin sorte du bois ! Twisted Evil

    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 15:04

    Béo, AF est client ilfc ainsi que us airways, delta qui sont intéreesé par le néo pour des slots rapide à suivre
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 15:39

    Certainement à suivre Pascal !

    Mais rien today !
    Et les moteurs, on verra ... ceux qui prendront Aussi du C Séries, pourront être tentés par le P&W ???? Cf LH !

    Et AF, hum, c'est sûr qu'en ce moment ils préfèrent louer des Airbus, que de passer des cdes directes !
    Juste mon idée, et tant que ça tiraille sur AF447 !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 2 Juin 2011 - 22:09

    Donc on tiens un client de lancement leapX
    Pour quelle échéance? par contre

    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par aubla Dim 5 Juin 2011 - 7:23


    Un petit exercice du genre "boule de cristal" de la part d'AirInsight :

    Outlook for Paris Air Show

    As we head into the Paris Air Show, here is AirInsight’s outlook:
    The big news at air shows are orders for new aircraft.
    Forget the drivel that Airbus “saves” up orders for the show and
    Boeing doesn’t. Customers drive when the announcements are made, and
    many like the limelight of air shows, and some don’t. Boeing has
    announced many orders at air shows that were “Unidentified” on the order
    books. Airbus typically has fewer Unidentified orders on its
    spreadsheet and we know that Airbus works mightily to conclude orders at
    the air show—as well as converting MOUs to firm orders during the show
    and re-announcing them—but this is all part of the game.
    So here is a company-by-company run-down of what we expect:
    This going to be Airbus’ show.
    We expect hundreds of A320neo orders to be firmed up and new ones to
    be announced, from perhaps as many as about a dozen customers. We expect
    the long-talked about AirAsia to place an order to as many as 175
    A320neos; we also think GECAS may be ready to place its first neo order.
    We know any neo order by GECAS will be with family-member CFM LEAP-X
    engines; GECAS has a corporate policy that it will not place orders with
    rival engine companies. We also believe AirAsia will select CFM
    Other neo orders likely:

    • Republic Holdings, which placed a deposit to hold neo positions, is
      expected to announce an order (which also keeps its Bombardier CSeries
      orders, despite speculation to the contrary), although news last week
      that Republic is under financial pressure and wanting to cut $100m in
      spending raises a question in our mind about this deal;
    • In addition to GECAS, another lessor to join ILFC’s previously announced and firmed-up order for 100;
    • a long-rumored order from Qatar, and several existing A320 customers adding neo to their fleets.

    The anticipated neo order from Delta Air Lines is not likely to be
    ready until later this year. There is an outside chance it could happen
    at Paris, but we believe it will be later this year.
    A330 and A350
    We think there will be only a smattering of A330 orders. There should
    be some big news for the A350 program, not only on the order front but
    also about the program itself. We anticipate some more A350s from China
    and we believe there could be an order coming from the Air France-KLM
    group–but this might not be ready, so this one could go either way. A
    few other carriers may have some orders, but given that there are no
    significant delivery slots until 2018, there’s little reason for
    customers to rush an order in time for the air show.
    Lufthansa is comfortably down the road.
    Airbus should have some new A380 customers to announce at Paris. The
    one from Hong Kong Airlines, thought to be a Zhuhai Air Show order that
    did not materialize, may be back on track and ready for Paris, for five
    aircraft. A few additional orders are likely. Emirates however, while
    likely to place another order for 30 A380s, may hold off until the
    Dubai Air Show.
    The big question facing Boeing is what will they do to compete with
    the neo – will it stick with the existing model with incremental
    improvements, re-engine the airplane, or focus on an entirely new
    aircraft for the 2019-2020 time frame. Boeing has been purposely
    ambiguous on this issue to the point that it has caused Embraer to
    indicate that they will “wait for Boeing” before deciding on their new
    aircraft. Right now, Boeing has little incentive to announce its
    intentions, but has been hinting at an all-new aircraft to potential neo
    buyers. So far, that strategy isn’t working very well.
    While we expect new 737 orders, they won’t be near the volume of neo orders for Airbus.
    We expect modest 737 orders to be announced (some undoubtedly coming
    from “Unidentified”), including the 737-900ER, which has been finally
    catching on. Boeing plans a briefing about the 737 and the new
    airplane, but there won’t be any announcements or decisions about
    intentions. Inevitably there will some questions from reporters about
    the prospect of re-engining the 737.
    The shift from the -700 to the -800 and -900 are strong indications
    that Boeing will focus on the 160-180-200 seat size for its 737
    Boeing’s sales force has been working mightily to gets orders (mostly
    from Asia) for the slow-selling 747-8 Intercontinental. Despite
    Boeing’s protests that it doesn’t save up orders for the air show, we
    know that sales has been working hard to get these orders for an air
    show splash. We believe there will be some success.
    As for the 787? There might be some, but this airplane is largely in
    the same predicament as the A350: no significant near-in delivery
    slots. We largely expect more stagnation in 787 orders until Boeing
    starts delivering the airplane and ramping up production. Air France-KLM
    is also a prospect to announce a 787 order, sharing its medium
    twin-aisle order with the A350, but we don’t know the split.
    Furthermore, as noted above, this order might not be quite ready for
    Bombardier disappointed at Farnborough because expectations elsewhere
    for CSeries orders weren’t met. AirInsight predicted 10 days or so
    before Farnborough that there would be no orders announced and we were
    right. This year we predict the drought is over (a position we came to
    before the pre-Air Show order for 10+10 from Braathens Leasing for
    Given the smaller market segment of the CSeries, the number of orders
    won’t be anything like those to be announced by Airbus and Boeing, and
    we’re not predicting as many as 100, but we do expect multiple customers
    in groups of five to 10 to 20. Braathens started the process, and we
    expect the long-rumored order from Qatar to finally get back on track.
    On the other hand, Akbar Al-Baker is so unpredictable that this might
    not happen, either. You can never tell with him–he’s alternative
    embarrassed Boeing, Airbus and Bombardier. We just don’t know how to
    predict Qatar.
    Turboprops always do well in high fuel cost environments, and with
    high fuel prices, we expect additional orders for the efficient Q400.
    The real question, with PW and GE each working on new turboprop engines
    that are more efficient, is when the 90+ seat “Q500” will arrive with
    even better seat-mile economics. We don’t expect an announcement this
    year, but perhaps by Farnborough next year, there will be a new model
    added to the line-up. Bombardier has indicated 2015 might be a
    reasonable time frame for a new airplane.
    The CRJ-1000, the latest version of the CRJ line, shows that
    Bombardier is a master at stretching designs for better seat-mile
    economics. For existing CRJ operators, this is a strong candidate to
    replace CRJ-200s that are becoming economically obsolete. But with the
    CSeries offering a better cabin in the 110 seat size, we see only a
    handful of orders at the show, but enough to keep the line moving until
    CSeries production begins.
    Embraer is waiting to see what Boeing does before deciding to enter
    the market with a competing aircraft in the 120 to 155-seat range,
    slightly larger than the CSeries. If Boeing continues to compete in the
    market below 150 seats (unlikely with a new airplane, but continued
    offering of the 737-700), Embraer may not move forward, and simply
    re-engine its E170-190 series to more effectively compete with the
    CSeries and MRJ, each of which will have a fuel efficiency advantage
    from the PW GTF engine. (We consider this scenario unlikely.) Of
    course, having announced that they will wait for a decision from Boeing,
    this provides Boeing an incentive to delay their decision as long as
    possible to keep Embraer from launching an aircraft that could
    potentially compete at the low end with their airplane.
    Embraer appears to be afraid to go head-to-head against Boeing or
    Airbus, unlike Bombardier, which has caused quite a stir as well as
    concern in Toulouse and Seattle.
    We forecast limited success for the E170-190 series in the
    short-term, with a few additional orders. With the CSeries and MRJ
    looming three years out with superior economics, the competitions will
    begin to heat up significantly for what has been a very good airplane.
    Additions to existing fleets and those needing immediate lift will
    purchase, but several potential large orders will be decided in
    competition with the MRJ and CSeries, both of which will have a fuel
    savings advantage with the PW GTF.
    Embraer is considering a re-engining for the E-series, which is still
    quite young in its product life cycle. A design implemented just
    before a step change in engine economics from the GTF and LEAP-X will
    simply not have the operating economics to compete once new models enter
    the market. A re-engining with the GTF or LEAP-X would re-invigorate
    the E-Series, already the market leader in its size class.
    Business Jets
    Embraer has quite rapidly become a major player in business jets, and
    its Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 models are rapidly becoming the
    replacement for the venerable Cessna Citation series. We expect
    continued success from Embraer as it expands its product line in this
    market using derivative models of passenger airliners, including the
    Legacy that derived from the EMB-145 series. Bombardier proved the
    synergy of business and airline markets with the Challenger and CRJ, and
    Embraer entered with its Legacy derivative with modest success. The
    Phenom, their first pure business jet designs, has done quite well and
    has quickly made Embraer as a key player in the business aviation
    Mitsubishi Regional Jet
    We understand that a major order from ANI in Indonesia is near
    completion, which would provide additional momentum to the MRJ program.
    With the Trans States deal finalized, the MRJ, like the CSeries, needs
    to build backlog. With the GTF now selected by Airbus, customers that
    were initially skeptical of the GTF are now seriously considering the
    product as initial entry into service is within 2 years.
    We expect at least one and perhaps several orders for the MRJ over the next few month
    CFM International
    CFM will have its first A320neo orders at the show, including as
    noted above an order from family member GECAS. In addition, we expect
    AirAsia (historically financed by GE) and Virgin America (an existing
    CFM customer) to go with LEAP-X. ILFC will also likely split the
    remainder of their 100 aircraft order with 40 LEAP-X orders (60 GTF
    were already announced). Word on ILFC and Virgin America leaked out in a
    news report this week, but none of the parties confirmed it. Our
    sources tell us CFM has these deals.
    Engine Alliance
    The GE-PW Engine Alliance has the market share advantage on the A380,
    and will continue that with new orders from Emirates. While the recent
    engine difficulties were costly to RR on the A380, with the problem
    fixed we would expect them to continue to do well in attracting
    GE Engines
    GE Aircraft Engines will chug along on the 787 and 777, as well as
    gain some orders for the 747-8. While we are not expecting a major
    volume of wide-body orders, GE will maintain its market share. GE and
    Rolls-Royce will likely split any A330 orders.
    Pratt & Whitney
    PW will continue to dominate A320neo orders, and we expect about at 2/3rd – 1/3rd
    split over the longer term between the GTF and LEAP-X. In the
    short-term, LEAP-X may appear to gain some momentum with large orders at
    the show, but we expect several additional PW orders on neo by the end
    of the year, if not by the end of the show, that will cement its market
    In the wide body sector, we don’t expect much for PW in the
    short-term, but note that the GTF technology is applicable in the
    100,000 thrust range as well, which could make life interesting given
    its superior economics. The 777 replacement aircraft could be an
    interesting first application—but this isn’t likely until the next
    Despite the negative headlines in the last year, Rolls is well
    positioned on 787 and A380 programs and it remains the dominate supplier
    on the A330 and it is, of course, the sole-source engine provider on
    the A350 XWB.
    We expect a major announcement from Rolls at the Air Show, however;
    we believe Rolls is going to announce a larger version of the Trent XWB
    for the A350-1000, with an incremental thrust increase of perhaps 5,000
    The disconcerting element for Rolls is the loss of the narrow-body
    market, which they participated in through IAE and the V2500, replaced
    by the GTF for neo. The good news for IAE is that it appears to be the
    engine of choice for the Brazilian KC-390 tanker developed by Embraer.
    The ATR42-600 and ATR-72-600 series models are now certified (or
    close for the -72) and will make major inroads at Paris. We expect a
    major order for ATR to be announced from an unlikely customer.
    With a strong market in Asia, we expect some additional orders for
    both growth and replacement of earlier ATR models. In high fuel cost
    environments, turboprops thrive, and we expect new orders and continued
    momentum for ATR.
    The Sukhoi Superjet has been gaining momentum, but still has
    a majority of its customer base in Eastern Europe, which needs to
    change. With the help of Alenia in marketing and strong western
    content, this aircraft is much more appealing than older Russian models,
    but still faces a skeptical audience among western airlines.
    Irkut, building the MS-21 trunkliner, has selected the PW
    GTF and numerous western vendors to create an aircraft that should be
    quite competitive with the 737 and A320 families. While it is still
    too early to expect orders, Irkut could build some interest at Paris
    with its design.
    COMAC will bring the fuselage mockup of its C919 to Paris
    and tout the C919 aircraft, which is primarily aimed at the Chinese
    market. While we expect the aircraft to sell well in China, we don’t
    yet see a level of confidence in the market that China can itself build a
    competitive aircraft. There may, however, be some orders from Chinese
    allies in Africa, effectively trading natural resources for aircraft.
    There probably won’t be any blockbuster announcements this year at
    Paris. Boeing will remain quiet about its decisions, and it will be
    Airbus show to tout the neo and their 500 commitments goal that will
    easily be surpassed. It may also be a coming out party for the GTF,
    which with four applications, and two other potential applications
    waiting in the wings, has taken the mantle of leadership on new programs
    from CFM.
    But there are always a few interesting surprises, so stay tuned.

    Rien de bien extraordinaire donc.
    On fera le point à l'arrivée.

    le lien :

    Bonne journée
    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Dim 5 Juin 2011 - 14:34 THai devrai commander 26 LC et 11 MC leurs choix devrait etre partagé pour le LC et les MC cela devrait revenir à airbus à suivre
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Dim 5 Juin 2011 - 15:52

    Salut Pascal !

    C'est bien d'être optimiste pour les MC ! Very Happy
    Mais à bien lire le texte, les MC ... ce n'est pas dans la poche pour Thaï... et c'est pour 1° Sem. 2012 ! Sans NEO ni Sharklets ..
    Sauf si Tony Fernandez et Airbus leur font une énorme faveur ($$$) par exemple ... Rolling Eyes 11 conversions de moins, ça arrangerait bien ... il manque juste un peu d'imagination !

    Allez j'ouvre une partie du lien de FG / Pascal!

    Thai has said it is planning a 37-aircraft order, for delivery from
    2012 to 2017. Of these, 26 will be widebody aircraft to be used for
    long-haul routes while the remaining will be narrowbodies.Amranand
    said the 26 widebodies will be "new generation" aircraft, adding that
    the Star Alliance carrier is considering the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and
    the Airbus A350. "The 11 narrowbodies we plan to order will be
    for Thai Wing," he added, referring to the working name of the new
    regional airline that Thai announced recently.To be wholly owned by Thai, the new airline is expected to begin operations in the second quarter of 2012, said Amranand."We
    are hoping for the first delivery of the 11 aircraft to be around that
    time," he added. While reports have indicated that the regional airline
    will operate a fleet of Boeing 737s, Amranand said Thai is also
    considering the A320 for the new carrier, which will operate a single
    aircraft type.

    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par art_way Mar 7 Juin 2011 - 15:12

    Hazy in talks with Airbus about Air Lease A320neo deal
    By Max Kingsley-Jones

    Air Lease Corporation (ALC)
    chief executive Steve Udvar-Hazy has indicated that the leasing company
    could place an order for the Airbus A320neo at this month's Paris air
    show. He is also hopeful that Boeing will soon declare its intentions
    over a competitive response.

    "We're in delicate negotiations. There's still two weeks to go [until
    Paris]," said Udvar-Hazy, regarding talks with Airbus about the
    re-engined A320.
    Speaking to Flightglobal at the IATA AGM in Singapore, Udvar-Hazy
    said ALC's existing deal with Airbus for A320 family aircraft comprises
    orders for 21 A320s and 30 A321s, with deliveries due to conclude in
    2013 and June 2015, respectively. "Virtually all the A320s are placed,"
    he added.
    That deal, announced at last year's Farnborough air show, does not
    include any additional options or purchase rights but does have the
    flexibility to convert unassigned aircraft to the A320neo variant.
    However deliveries would have to be recycled as the A320neo is not
    available before October 2015.
    Udvar-Hazy added that ALC would evaluate both engines offered on the
    A320neo, which include the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G and CFM
    International Leap-X.
    Meanwhile the leasing chief is awaiting news from Boeing on its next
    move in the single-aisle sector, as the airframer evaluates launching
    either a 737 re-engining or an all-new aircraft. "We're encouraging
    Boeing to decide its strategy soon. We want to see what's on the menu. I
    think they're leaning towards an all-new aircraft at the moment."
    Udvar-Hazy said he was keen to establish the likely competitive
    landscape in the single-aisle sector as he evaluates whether to order
    the A320neo. If Boeing goes for an all-new design it could force Airbus
    to respond with its own clean-sheet aircraft, which could hamper the
    longer-term prospects for the re-engined variant. "The issue is, are we
    looking at an aircraft with a 20-30 year life? If Boeing launches an
    all-new airplane and Airbus has to respond with an all-new aircraft in
    the early 2020s, what happens to the Neo?" he said.
    The arrival of the A320neo family is affecting efforts by Bombardier
    to increase the order book for its PW1000G-powered CSeries family, said
    Udvar-Hazy: "The A319neo impacts the larger CS300 variant - no
    Regarding air show announcements, Udvar-Hazy indicated that ALC would
    be making some news about orders at Le Bourget this month, saying:
    "We've been ordering widebodies, we just haven't announced them yet."

    Qui a dit que SUH n'allait pas commander d'A320 NEo car il est plus intelligent que les autres... ? Very Happy

    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Mar 7 Juin 2011 - 15:54

    Bien vu Art-Way !

    Ben le SUH il a fait ce qu'il devait pour lancer une compagnie nouvelle !
    Des avions vite, et faciles à placer !
    Noter qu'il avait sa clause pour passer au NEO, just in case ! Ouarf !
    JL si il voit cela publié Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 625415 Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 83948 Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 26759 le cactus est assuré !

    Au fait, Airbus devrait lui expliquer, à SUH les PB de transformations P2F ! clown

    A part celà le couplet habituel sur les valeurs résiduelles hum ... alien il ne peut plus se désavouer, et va avoir besoin de qq 320 NEO le grand écart ça fait mal à son age Mad !!

    Et bien besoin des meilleures conditions de Airbus, pas trop cher et pas trop de dépôts etc ...
    Juste noter que les valeurs résiduelles des 320 NEO seront bien supérieures à celles des "Classic" donc ce sont des achats moins risqués et les banquiers en tiendront compte pour les crédits ! Twisted Evil

    Evidemment dans son cas spécifique, une flotte toute neuve, de 737 et A320, ça dérange un peu, surtout si Boeing re-motorise aussi ?? Basketball

    Bien SUH semble avoir rempli le calendrier et le business plan jusqu'à 2015, il lui faut bien penser à la suite !
    C'est positif !
    Et il a levé pas mal d'argent !
    La question pourrait être , à quand les wide body, neuf ?? Ca c'est déjà moins facile ! Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 706191
    Correction !
    SUH en a commandé qq uns , il les annoncera au Bourget !

    Regarding air show announcements, Udvar-Hazy indicated that ALC would be
    making some news about orders at Le Bourget this month, saying: "We've
    been ordering widebodies, we just haven't announced them yet."

    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Jeu 9 Juin 2011 - 6:56 GOair commanderai 50 a320 néo au salonJetairways 10 a330
    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Sam 11 Juin 2011 - 21:08

    D'apres air & cosmos de cette semaine airbus recevrait une commande de cathay lors du salon pour 10 A380 et + quelque option
    Whisky Quebec

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par pascal83 Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 10:24 hong kong airlines serait preneur de super jumbo A380 pour concurrencer cathay qui a clairement annoncé l'achat de 10 a380
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 10:56

    Merci Pascal ....

    J'ajoute, c'est l'ordre qui avait été "Loupé par Airbus" Au dernier show à HK !
    PB administratifs, ou de doc, pas terminés, ou incomplets à l'époque !

    Et Cathay qui est en train de se faire remonter ... à ne pas choisir entre B748 et A380, j'ai l'impression que ce n'est pas fait Pascal !

    Noter l'importance des restrictions de slots à HK !

    De Bloomberg !

    The A380s, the world’s largest commercial airliner, may
    help Hong Kong Air compete with Cathay on long-haul routes and
    let it overcome a looming shortage of slots at the city’s
    airport caused by delays in building a new runway
    . The full-
    service carrier also agreed to order 32 Boeing Co. (BA) 787s and six
    777 freighters earlier this year as it bolsters its network in a
    bid to lure business travelers.

    Cathay Pacific has so far ruled out ordering A380s and is
    instead building its long-haul fleet with smaller planes. It
    ordered 15 Airbus A330-300s and 10 Boeing 777-300ERs in March,
    following an agreement for 30 A350s in August.

    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 16:29

    Bonjour !

    Bon, le WSJ ajoute un peu de sérieux !
    Noter que pour les A380, de HK Airlines, la qty, n'est pas certaine et un ordre ferme pour le Bourget non plus !
    Il faudra peut être se contenter d'un MOU ou d'une LOI !
    Ca a déjà patiné il y a qq mois à HK !
    A suivre, c'est du négoce "A la Chinoise"

    ---------------- Le lien du WSJ, et un extrait --------------
    By Joanne Chiu
    HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--Hong Kong Airlines Ltd. will announce a plan to
    order Airbus A380 jets in the upcoming Paris Airshow next week, the
    Hong Kong-based carrier said Monday, as it seeks to expand its
    international network by offering more long-haul routes.
    "Our senior executives are liaising the terms with Airbus on the A380
    purchase, and they have yet to decide on the number of aircraft for the
    Airbus Superjumbo," the carrier's spokeswomen Eva Chan told Dow Jones
    Newswires, adding that the carrier could announce the deal either in a
    firm order or in the form of a letter of intent.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 8:57

    Des nouvelles cies pour l'A380 c'est plutôt une bonne nouvelle non ?

    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par Beochien Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 9:55

    Oui Poncho!

    Vu ailleurs, cité par !
    Pour HK Airlines ce seraient 5-6 A380, pas les 10 claironnés un peu partout !
    Sous réserves quand même !
    Et Cathay, je n'y crois pas trop pour le moment !
    Reste Qatar, ce sera plus de 10 !
    Les US ce n'est pas pour maintenant,(Mon impression) sauf location directe de Airbus, type A-300 !
    Reste peut être qq options à exercer côté LHA et AF !

    Et la grande attente ... une éventuelle re-motorisation, du A-380, les nouveaux MTOW, et peut être un jour le 900 !
    Pour la re-motorisation, Airbus, ils attendront au moins que le TXWB, soit monté sous l'aile en essais, et ils n'ont pas l'air trop en avance sur le sujet !
    Et Côté GP7200 , c'est le grand mystère ! GE protège son 748, logique non ??
    Vive P&W, pour sortir de ces impasses commerciales ... s'ils y arrivent un jour !

    D'un autre côté, des annulations "Potentielles" chez Kingfisher, et Virgin ... Hum, So-So !

    Franchement, quand ils en prennent 20 en cde, ils en reçoivent 10 en annulation, pour l' A380 !
    L'heure de se remuer un peu, actualiser pour vendre et surtout fabriquer !
    Raz le bol de les voir STAGNER sous les 250 !


    Dernière édition par Beochien le Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 10:03, édité 1 fois
    Whisky Charlie

    Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011 Empty Re: Paris Air Show Commande /Intention de commande : 2011

    Message par art_way Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 10:01

    Salut à tous,

    Je vois bien SIA ou LH en commander quelques-un ou lever quelques options s'ils en ont encore.
    Qatar pour 10 + 5 options
    et HK pour 6 + 4 options et puis c'est tout.


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