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Poncho (Admin)
16 participants

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA


    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Xmaad Jeu 22 Jan 2009 - 23:10

    American en perte au dernier trimestre 2008, fuel hedges, 2 milliards USD de pertes sur l'année

    En attente de 76 B737-800 pour remplacer les MD 80, repoussés même avec la grève chez Boeing.

    Aviation Week

    American reported a $340-million net loss for the fourth quarter, and the carrier said it will further cut its capacity for this year, thanks partly to Boeing delivery delays.

    Despite recent oil price drops, American's fuel costs were still higher year-on-year. This offset significant
    unit revenue gains. Unfavorable fuel hedge positions mean American will not see the full benefits of lower
    spot fuel prices this year. However, CEO Gerard Arpey said he is "guardedly optimistic we can regain momentum in 2009."

    On the fleet front, Boeing has given American a revised delivery schedule for the 76 737-800s the airline has on order to replace MD-80s. American is now slated to receive 29 737s this year, versus the 36 it was previously expected to take, and 39 in 2010, one less than previously forecast.

    Deliveries will begin in the current quarter, and the remaining eight will arrive early in 2011.

    American said it will not use MD-80s to backfill the capacity lost due to the lower delivery rate this year. This means it can cut its mainline capacity guidance for this year by another percentage point.

    Full-year mainline capacity will now be down more than 6.5% year-on-year, with domestic dropping 9% and
    international declining 2.5%. Regional flying will be down 8%.....

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Invité Lun 9 Mar 2009 - 19:41

    Un mois de février sans grande surprise pour AAL, membre fondateur de Onewolrd. La baisse du load factor, comme pour toutes les cies, à part quelques low cost.

    Le trafic domestique aussi !

    Sur AT News :

    American Airlines reported a February load factor of 73.9 percent, a decrease of 2.9 points versus the
    same period last year. Traffic decreased 13.5 percent and capacity decreased 10.1 percent year over year.

    Domestic traffic decreased 13.7 percent year over year on 12.4 percent less capacity.
    International traffic decreased by 13.2 percent relative to last year on a capacity decrease of 6.3 percent.
    Whisky Quebec

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par alain57 Mar 7 Avr 2009 - 18:05

    American Airlines cherche un soutien financier auprès de Citigroup

    D'après le "Financial Times", American Airlines a débuté des négociations pour lever des fonds auprès de Citigroup, son partenaire dans les cartes de crédit donnant droit à des "miles" pour les grands voyageurs. Des sources proches du dossier affirment que la deuxième compagnie mondiale pourrait vendre à l'avance des "miles" à la banque.
    Trois grandes compagnies aériennes américaines ont déjà mis en place ce genre d'accord avec leur banque partenaire. Delta Airlines a ainsi levé 2 milliards de dollars en augmentant son contrat avec American
    Express, tandis que United Airlines et Continental ont chacune levé plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars en vendant des miles à l'avance à JPMorgan Chase.
    Ces derniers mois, la baisse des cours du pétrole, et donc du kérosène, ainsi que les fortes diminutions de capacité ont permis au groupe de compenser la baisse drastique de la demande dans le transport aérien. Mais désormais, les options de financement sont de plus en plus limitées, ce qui ravive les craintes que plusieurs grandes compagnies pourrait se placer sous la protection de la loi américaine sur les faillites.
    Récemment, American Airlines a conclu un accord avec la banque allemande DVB pour un prêt de 100 millions de dollars et le "Financial Times" estime que les pourparlers avec Citigroup pourraient s'interrompre si d'autres sources de liquidités faisaient leur apparition dans le ciel de la compagnie aérienne, où si le trafic aérien reprenait son envol.

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Invité Mer 15 Avr 2009 - 22:48

    Résultats en baisse au T1, pas une surprise

    Sur Airwise :

    April 15, 2009

    American Airlines parent AMR on Wednesday reported a quarterly net loss on weaker travel demand,
    although it was much smaller than expected.

    The company said its first-quarter net loss was USD$375 million, compared with USD$341 million a
    year ago.

    The results include the impact of a USD$13 million charge, reflecting the value of future lease
    payments related to aircraft retirements in the quarter.

    The airline industry has been battered this year by falling demand as the economic recession takes its
    toll on travel budgets. The industry downsized last year and in 2009 continues to shrink capacity to offset weakness.

    American cut its mainline capacity 8 percent compared with the year-ago period in 2008. The company said its mainline costs per available seat mile, excluding fuel, increased 6.8 percent in the quarter.

    AMR ended the first quarter with USD$3.3 billion in cash and short-term investments.


    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Americ10

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Invité Sam 18 Avr 2009 - 12:35

    Sur A I N online, 17 avril.
    AA dépose à la SEC, impossible de raconter des salades. Et dépôt selon les informations fournies par Boeing.

    Les 42 B787-9 sont attendus en 2013, commande passée l'an dernier pour des livraisons étalées de 2012 à 2018
    Dans la suite de l'article, quelques détails sur les 76 B737 attendus par AA


    By Gregory Polek April 17, 2009

    American Airlines expects its first Boeing 787s to arrive about a year later than
    originally planned due to last year’s machinists’ strike at Boeing,
    according to an SEC filing issued by the Dallas-based airline yesterday.

    Last year the carrier signed a firm order for 42 Boeing 787-9s, the first of which it
    expected to arrive in 2012 and the last in 2018.
    Boeing expects to fly the first prototype late this spring, almost two years later than originally planned.

    “Based on preliminary information received from Boeing on the impact of the overall Boeing 787 program delay to American’s delivery positions due to the strike in 2008, the company now believes the first of the initial 42 aircraft will be delivered during the second half of 2013,” said American in its filing.
    “The first of the 58 optional purchase rights aircraft would be delivered in the second half of 2016 based on the same preliminary information.”

    Separately, American this week launched service with a pair of 737-800s, specially configured with two extra rows of new, thinner seats that give the airplanes a passenger capacity of 160, rather than 148.
    The 737-800s will burn 35-percent less fuel per seat mile than the MD-80s they replace, according to American.
    All told, the airline plans to take delivery of 76 737-800s into early 2011 and it claims to hold financing commitments covering deliveries “well into the fourth quarter of 2010,” by which time it expects to have taken at least 56.[tt_news]=20427&cHash=dc1b3eec8c

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Invité Jeu 11 Juin 2009 - 23:54

    Nouvelle réduction de l'offre en siège pour AAL.

    Sur RTT news :

    AMR Corp. Chairman and CEO Gerard Arpey said that the company continues to confront
    difficulties head on with continued capacity discipline, fleet renewal and customer service efforts, while remaining focused on the long term.

    Arpey, speaking at the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch 2009 Global Transportation Conference, said that AMR is taking additional steps in response to a difficult demand environment, moving ahead with narrowbody fleet replacement, and continuing to see results from efforts to improve customer experience.

    Further, AMR plans to reduce mainline seating capacity, measured by Available Seat Miles, by 7.5% in 2009 over last year, compared to previous expectations of a 6.5% year-over-year decline.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:55

    Bonjour à tous

    En français !

    Quelques news financières

    Coefficient de remplissage de 84,7%

    7,7 millions de passagers transportés

    Paris, le 3 Septembre 2009 --

    Au cours du mois d’Août 2009, la compagnie American Airlines a enregistré un coefficient de remplissage moyen de 84,7%, en hausse de 1,2 point comparé à la même période de l’an dernier.

    Toujours pour le mois d’Août 2009, le trafic global est en baisse de 8,1% et la capacité globale de 9,4% par rapport à Août 2008.

    Le trafic international a enregistré une baisse de 6,4% par rapport à la même période de l’an dernier, avec une baisse de capacité de l’ordre de 6,7%.

    Le trafic domestique, quant à lui, est en baisse de 9,1% par comparaison avec Août 2008, avec une capacité en baisse de 11%.

    En Août 2009, American Airlines a transporté 7,7 millions de passagers.

    Grosse baisse du trafic, compensée au niveau opérationnelle par une baisse de capacité supérieure.
    A voir ce que ça peut donner en espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes, sur la balance

    Bonne journée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Dim 20 Sep 2009 - 18:46


    Voici une partie de la réponse :

    AMR lines up nearly $3 billion in new financing, commits to more CRJ700s
    Friday September 18, 2009 American Airlines parent AMR Corp. yesterday said it obtained $2.9 billion in additional liquidity and aircraft financing while announcing plans to further downsize operations at St. Louis and Raleigh/Durham and signing a letter of intent to firm options on 22 CRJ700s for American Eagle.

    Capacity taken from the aforementioned airports will be spread among AA's major hubs and focus cites: Dallas/Fort Worth, Chicago O'Hare, Miami, New York JFK, LaGuardia and Los Angeles. AA yesterday also said it chose GEnx-1B engines to power up to 100 787-9s it expects to order from Boeing.

    The new financing includes $1 billion in cash from the advance sale of AAdvantage frequent-flyer miles to Citi under an amendment to its existing agreement with AA's "long-standing credit card partner." A further $280 million is via a loan facility from GECAS. AMR has received $225 million in cash under the facility secured by 10 aircraft. It expects to pledge three more aircraft to secure the facility in October for a further $55 million. Additionally, it arranged $1.6 billion in sale/leaseback financing with GECAS covering 737-800 deliveries in 2010-11. It did not say how many 737s are covered, but according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission AA will take 45 in 2010 and eight in 2011.

    "The crises of the last two years have taken a toll on our earnings as well as our balance sheet," Chairman and CEO Gerard Arpey said in a conference call with reporters and analysts. "While you can never borrow your way to success, today's announcements are very important and positive developments."

    AA's decision to order more CRJs appeared to take some on Wall Street by surprise, but Executive VP and CFO Tom Horton said, "We operate a smaller percentage of RJs than our competition. This will be a significant step to closing the gap." He declined to provide a delivery schedule other than to say they will arrive "in relatively short order" with the first coming in mid-2010. The aircraft are fully financed, he added.

    Speaking to ATWOnline, Senior VP-Planning Virasb Vahidi said, "This aircraft hits a very sweet spot in our network. . .It allows us to serve thinner markets out of our hubs." AA also intends to introduce a first class section on the CRJs, which currently seat 70. Vahidi said it has not decided on the new configuration but noted that the number of total seats will drop.

    Under the route restructuring, AA and Eagle will cut 46 departures at STL, a city that has seen a sequence of service reductions since AA acquired a hub there through the purchase of TWA, and discontinue service to 20 destinations, leaving 36 daily departures to nine destinations. At RDU, nine departures and three destinations will be eliminated, leaving service to eight airports with 44 departures. The pulldowns will enable AA and Eagle to add 110 daily departures and around 30 new destinations from ORD, DFW, MIA, JFK, LGA and LAX (see story below). Consolidated system capacity is expected to rise 1% next year versus 2009. Mainline capacity will be flat domestically and up approximately 2.5% in the international market. It did not provide guidance for Eagle.

    by Perry Flint

    Les points :

    1) choix du Genx pour les 787-9 commandés (jusqu'à 100).
    2) réduction de voilure sur les hubs de St Louis et Raleigh/Durham, rédeploiement vers Dallas, Chicago, NY (JFK et LaGuardia), et LAX.
    3) Opérations financières permettant de sécuriser la position de la cie :
    - vente à l'avance pour 1 Md $ de miles à Citi partenaire pour le volet carte de crédit
    - 280 m $ de ligne de crédit chez GECAS (lien au choix des genx ?) (NB : si quelqu'un m'expliquer ce point particulier du financement ?)
    - 1.6 Md$ dans un sale back et lease (comment dire en français ?) sur les 737-800 en commande, tjs auprès de GECAS, portant probablement sur 53 avions pour 2010-11.

    4) commande de CRJ700 pour livraison mi 2010 avec un avant de cabine configuré en première classe.

    Une étape importante pour AA et sa maison mère

    Bonne soirée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Dim 20 Sep 2009 - 18:54

    A la réflexion, l'info à la source est bien plus fiable...

    Donc le prêt de 280 m$ est "gagé" sur des avions que possède AA.

    Bonne soirée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mar 20 Oct 2009 - 9:47

    Bonjour à tous

    AA et ses MD80

    FAA reportedly investigating AA MD-80s; issues new parts standards
    Tuesday October 20, 2009

    US FAA is investigating American Airlines' maintenance of MD-80s, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing preliminary agency findings that "have identified as many as 16 [AA MD-80s] that were operated for months despite allegedly substandard bulkhead repairs."

    Investigators reportedly are examining claims by pilots that one or more aircraft were flown at low altitudes without passengers to AA's Tulsa MRO facility because they were feared to be in too poor a condition to withstand the stress of operating at higher altitudes. The newspaper said FAA confirmed the inquiry and AA confirmed that it received a "letter of investigation" from the agency. In April 2008, AA was forced to cancel 3,300 flights over several days while MD-80s were grounded for airworthiness directive compliance inspections (ATWOnline, May 19, 2008).

    FAA, which appears to be taking a tougher line with carriers regarding violations of regulations and ADs, last week proposed $9.2 million in civil penalties against US Airways and United Airlines (ATWOnline, Oct. 15).

    Separately, FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt said new regulations for manufacturers of aircraft and aviation products published by the agency yesterday "update and standardize FAA requirements to better align them with the current global manufacturing environment." He added, "We want to make sure that all aircraft and parts designed for them meet the highest standards no matter where they are manufactured or who makes them." FAA said the new rules standardize "quality control" in a manufacturing environment where aircraft manufacturers rely on multiple suppliers in different parts of the world.

    by ATWOnline Staff

    16 MD80 mis en ligne malgré des réparations pas conformes aux exigences de qualité sur les parois de pressurisation (comme traduire Bulkhead ?)

    Au passage ATWonline note que la FAA prend une ligne plus sévère vis à vis des cies. Par la voix de M. Babbitt (administrateur) la FAA confirme que les nouvelles règles de qualités pour la maintenance sont plus strictes et adaptées à la multiplication des intervenants dans ce domaine sur un même avion parfois.

    Bonne journée

    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par jullienaline Dim 8 Nov 2009 - 23:54

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Le trafic d'octobre 09 comparé à octobre 08 :

    - 2,6 %
    - 7,3 % pour la capacité
    + 4,0 points à 83,1 % pour le coefficient d'occupation


    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par jullienaline Sam 5 Déc 2009 - 18:37

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Le trafic de novembre 09 comparé à novembre 08 :

    - 0,5 %
    - 4,2 % pour la capacité
    - 3,0 points à 79,6 % pour le coefficient d'occupation


    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Jan 2010 - 22:32

    Bonsoir à tous

    FAA watching American after December mishaps


    Federal oversight of American Airlines has been increased in the wake of three mishaps during landings in December, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

    Two incidents involved jetliners’ wingtips touching the ground during landings. The third occurred last week in Jamaica when a plane overshot the runway during heavy rain.

    "In situations where there may be several incidents involving a single carrier over a short period of time, FAA inspectors increase their oversight, which we’re doing now, and conduct a review of those events to determine whether they might be indicative of a larger issue," FAA officials said in a statement released Friday.

    Depending on what inspectors report, the FAA will work with the Fort Worth-based carrier on corrective action, if needed, according to the statement.

    Such an increase in oversight could also lead to "additional enforcement actions."

    An American spokesman said Friday evening that the airline is cooperating with the FAA and conducting its own investigation.

    "It is part of our procedure to review any incidents when they occur," spokesman Billy Sanez said.

    Asked whether he knew what the investigation will focus on, he said it is too early to tell. "Each investigation has to run its course," he said.

    On Dec. 13, a wingtip on Flight 1402 from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport touched the runway as the plane landed in Charlotte, N.C., causing substantial damage to the MD82 aircraft, according to The Associated Press. No passengers were injured.

    On Dec. 22, a Boeing 737 was attempting to land during heavy rain when it skidded off the runway at the Kingston, Jamaica, airport. One of the plane’s engines detached from a wing — as it is designed to do during heavy impact — and the fuselage cracked and landing gear was damaged. Dozens of passengers were taken to hospitals, four with serious injuries, according to the FAA.

    On Christmas Eve, a wingtip of an MD80 struck the ground as the plane landed in Austin. The plane has been inspected and returned to service.

    This report includes material from the Star-Telegram archives.

    3 incidents à intervalle rapproché pour AA.
    2 contact aile/sol et une sortie de piste.
    De quoi réveiller la FAA

    A suivre donc

    Pour rappel, la dernière fois que la FAA a regardé de plus près les affaires d'AA...

    AA et ses MD80...

    Bonne soirée

    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par jullienaline Mer 13 Jan 2010 - 16:02

    Bonjour à tous,

    Le trafic de décembre 09 comparé à décembre 08 :

    - 1,6 %
    - 3,3 % pour la capacité
    + 1,4 points à 80,6 % pour le coefficient d'occupation


    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 21 Jan 2010 - 21:40


    Les premiers bilans de l'année 2009 pour AA

    American reports $1.47 billion 2009 loss, says economic recovery 'uncertain'
    Thursday January 21, 2010
    American Airlines parent AMR Corp. kicked of the US airline industry's full-year reporting season yesterday by announcing a $1.47 billion net loss for 2009, improved 30.7% from a $2.12 billion deficit in 2008, on a 16.2% decline in revenue to $19.92 billion.

    "It was a very tough year," Executive VP-Finance and Planning and CFO Tom Horton told analysts and reporters, though he cited "a clear positive trend through the second half of 2009" and advance bookings that are "up modestly." He added that there is evidence of a "return in international premium travel, albeit at lower yields."

    Chairman and CEO Gerard Arpey noted that "the strength of the economic recovery. . .remains uncertain" and said the carrier will continue to be reluctant to add capacity throughout 2010. In a letter to employees, he explained that AA was "severely impacted in 2009 by the global recession, which stifled demand for air travel, causing sharp decreases in revenue. While we have been able to keep our planes full. . .heavy discounting throughout the industry and a steep decline in business travel prevented us from charging fares sufficient to earn a profit."

    Consolidated capacity was down 7% for the year versus 2008 and down 11% compared to 2007, Horton noted. Arpey projected that systemwide capacity will rise 1% year-over-year for full-year 2010 owing to a new Chicago O'Hare-Beijing service and the re-launching of flights dropped last year during the H1N1 flu scare. He touted an expected operational efficiency gain from 45 737-800s to be delivered this year. "Those planes are 35% more fuel efficient than the MD-80s they're replacing," he said.

    Expenses for 2009 lowered 18.5% to $20.92 billion and operating loss was $1 billion, narrowed 46.8% from an operating loss of $1.89 billion in 2008. Mainline traffic decreased 7.1% to 122.42 billion RPMs on a 7.2% drop in capacity to 151.77 billion ASMs, producing a load factor of 80.7%, up 0.1 point. Passenger yield dipped 11.2% to 12.28 cents as PRASM declined 11.1% to 9.91 cents and CASM fell 11.9% to 12.22 cents. CASM ex-fuel heightened 6.9% to 8.71 cents.

    Fourth-quarter net loss was $344 million, improved slightly from a $347 million loss in the prior-year period, on a 7.4% drop in revenue to $5.06 billion. Operating loss widened 99.2% year-over-year to $390 million.

    La reprise l'année prochaine sera lente.
    L'année 2009 n'a pas été bonne, mais moins mauvaise que 2008 pour AA.
    Par rapport à 2007 la capacité est en retrait de 11%.
    Les projections pour 2010 donnent +1% pour la capacité.

    Chute du revenu par pax de 11 % (PRASM) reflétant la baisse de prix et la mouvement vers l'arrière de la cabine

    AA pense que l'arrivée dans sa flotte de 45 737-800 sera bénéfique.

    Bonne soirée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Dim 14 Fév 2010 - 22:35

    Bonsoir à tous

    American and JAL officially file for anti-trust
    By Lori Ranson

    American Airlines and Japan Airlines (JAL) have submitted an application to the US Department of Transportation (DOT) seeking anti-trust immunity to form a transpacific joint venture.

    The carriers swiftly filed for anti-trust after JAL on 9 February decided to remain in the Oneworld alliance rather than joining SkyTeam. Both American and SkyTeam anchor Delta aggressively pursued an alliance with JAL, which sought bankruptcy protection last month.

    A contingency of the open skies agreement reached between Japan and the USA in December 2009 was that JAL and All Nippon Airways (ANA) would have the ability to forge joint ventures with their respective US partners.

    Previously an official with the US government has said that depending on DOT's speed in processing anti-trust applications, the open skies agreement could be finalised between October and August.

    Star Alliance members ANA, Continental and United applied for anti-trust immunity on 23 December 2009.

    Après ANA pour Star Alliance, AA et JAL pour Oneworld ont déposé un dossier d'immunité anti-trust pour les vols transpac.

    Réponse attendue dans l'été

    Bonne soirée

    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par jullienaline Mar 29 Juin 2010 - 23:23

    Bonsoir à tous,

    American va mettre ses anciens B737-800 (76 appareils) au niveau des nouveaux qu'elle reçoit depuis mars 2009(84 appareils qui remplacent ses vieux MD-80). Au programme, de nouveaux sièges en First et en Economy, des coffres à bagages plus grands, un nouveau système multimédia et des prises de courant. Au passage, la nouvelle configuration inclus 12 sièges supplémentaires en Economy pour un total de 160.


    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 23 Aoû 2010 - 17:42

    Bonjour à tous

    un long article détaillé les difficiles relation d'AA avec le FAA depuis l'épisode des MD80 cloués au sol

    Juste le lien pour les curieux (c'est long)

    Bonne journée

    Whisky Quebec

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par aeroduO5 Lun 23 Aoû 2010 - 18:21

    Merci Poncho

    Il en ressort qu'AA n'a pas respecté toutes les procédures et s'est donc fait taper sur les doigts.
    Si la compagnie trouvait les règles de la FAA trop strictes, elle n'avait qu'à en discuter mais elle n'a pas à les enfreindre.
    Ca semble quand même s'améliorer mais je pense qu'ils ne couperont pas à l'amende record.
    On voit quand même qu'il y a des infractions constatées chez les compagnies américaines. La FAA doit avoir du travail.
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 27 Aoû 2010 - 14:02

    Et voilà la sanction et l'appel d'AA Will Appeal Maintenance Fine&channel=comm

    Calling a record-breaking, $24.2-million fine “unwarranted,” American Airlines plans to appeal a proposed civil penalty for alleged maintenance lapses on its MD-80 fleet in 2008, just proposed by FAA today.
    The amount of the fine, which is the 19th FAA has issued this month, is unprecedented. The appeals process, however, is a normal part of practically every civil penalty FAA doles out. American will have 30 days to respond to the 58-page letter FAA sent detailing each violation with any evidence it feels supports its case; from there, says FAA spokesman Lynn Lundsford, the next steps depend on the back-and-forth between the airline’s and the agency’s lawyers.
    Airlines and other companies typically pay a fraction of any proposed fine. For example, FAA proposed a $10.2-million fine against Southwest Airlines in March 2008; Southwest ended up paying $7.5 million.
    American already paid for the incident in terms of revenue. More than 2,400 flights were cancelled in early April 2008 as it inspected and reinspected nearly 300 MD-80s for compliance with 2006 AD-2006-15-15, which required inspecting wire bundles by the auxiliary hydraulic pump for chafing or arcing, and correcting any problems found. It also required installing sleeving on some of that wiring (DAILY, Feb. 10, 2010). These wiring discrepancies were noted during an FAA audit prompted by aforementioned civil penalty issued to Southwest.
    American ultimately completed the work, FAA notes, but the agency later determined that 286 of the MD-80s flew on 14,278 passenger flights while noncompliant. “We expect operators to perform inspections and conduct regular and required maintenance in order to prevent safety issues,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in the FAA statement announcing the fine. “There can be no compromises when it comes to safety.”
    Lundsford explains that FAA could have fined American up to $25,000 for each of the 14,000 individual violations, a total potential fine that could have come to more than $350 million.
    American continues to insist the issues did not impact the fleet’s airworthiness. “We assure our customers there was never a safety of flight issue surrounding these circumstances more than two years ago,” said American Airlines spokesman Tim Smith.
    In challenging the penalty, American intends to show how it took the safe route in 2008 in response to the FAA audit. “We are confident we have a strong case, and the facts will bear this out,” Smith says. “Receipt of the FAA proposed penalty will give us the chance to present the facts, which will support our actions taken back in early 2008.”

    Bonne journée

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 22 Juin 2011 - 22:40

    AA discute avec Airbus

    AMR Corp. (AMR)’s American Airlines, the operator of an all-Boeing Co. (BA) jet fleet, is in talks with Airbus SAS about buying at least 100 narrow-body planes, two people familiar with the matter said.
    A decision by the board of the third-largest U.S. carrier may come as soon as July, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions aren’t public. The jets from Airbus’s A320 series would replace less-efficient aircraft such as Boeing 757s and MD-80s, the people said.
    An order from American would boost Airbus as it tries to crack Boeing’s hold on new single-aisle plane purchases by the biggest U.S. airlines. It would also add to the pressure on Boeing as it decides between following Airbus in offering new engines on its narrow-body 737 or waiting to develop a new plane by 2020 with more fuel savings.
    “We’ll do everything we can to retain American Airlines as a Boeing customer,” Marlin Dailey, Chicago-based Boeing’s sales chief, said in an interview today at the Paris Air Show. “I wouldn’t say they’re drawn more to Airbus. They obviously are seriously evaluating their options.”
    An A320 has a list price of $85 million, giving a potential American order a value of about $8.5 billion. Airlines typically buy planes at a discount.
    Stefan Schaffrath, a spokesman for Toulouse, France-based Airbus, said the planemaker doesn’t comment on discussions with potential customers. Fort Worth, Texas-based AMR doesn’t comment “on rumors and speculation,” said Roger Frizzell, a spokesman.
    Older Jets
    American’s 216 twin-engine MD-80s are among the oldest jets at major U.S. airlines, with many logging more than 20 years of service, and burn more fuel than the Boeing 737s the company now has on order. American has 124 757s, according to its website.
    Neither the MD-80 nor the 757 is still in production. The single-aisle 737 is the world’s most widely flown airliner and competes with the A320 family in the biggest segment of the civil airline market.
    “We understand the challenge we’ve been given,” Boeing’s Dailey said when asked about the status of the company’s talks with American, adding that it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss details about a sales campaign.
    “You never know how things play out,” he said. “We’re moving. Working it hard.”
    Captain John Hale, American’s chief pilot, said he couldn’t confirm or deny whether the carrier had already chosen a supplier for new narrow-body jets.
    “We’re always going to look at every opportunity to create value for our airline, our shareholders and our customers,” Hale said in an interview today at the air show. “We’re very measured and we do our homework before we do anything.”
    Airbus and Boeing have an almost equal share of the global single-aisle market, and Airbus has sought to extend its position by offering new engines on its A320 by the end of 2015. The A320neo was the best-selling aircraft at this year’s Paris Air Show, which runs through this weekend.

    Décision en juillet ?

    Intéressant intéressant

    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par jullienaline Mer 22 Juin 2011 - 23:53

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Heureux de vour revoir.

    Merci poncho,

    Mais en attendant American reste clairement en partenariat avec Boeing. Un 737-800 plus économe...

    Boeing and American Airlines to Accelerate Quieter, Cleaner Aviation Technologies

    Leading Global Carrier to be the Customer for First ecoDemonstrator; Advanced Noise and Fuel Efficiency Technologies to be Highlighted

    LE BOURGET, France, June 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Reducing fuel consumption, carbon emissions and community noise are the focus as Boeing and American Airlines announced the airline will be the launch customer for the evolutionary ecoDemonstrator Program. A Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 aircraft will be used to flight test and accelerate the market readiness of emerging technologies.
    "We are proud to have American Airlines as our launch partner for this new generation of technology that can bolster aviation's role as the most efficient means of global transportation," said Boeing Vice President of Environment and Aviation Policy, Billy Glover. "There's no better way to prepare advanced technologies for market entry than flying them and no better choice than the best selling single-aisle airplane of all time – the Boeing Next-Generation 737."
    "American Airlines recognizes our responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment as much as possible, and we look for every opportunity to do so," said Captain John Hale, American's Vice President – Flight. "Our partnership with Boeing allows us to make significant strides in putting more fuel-efficient planes in the air, which is the most effective way to reduce our carbon footprint. We remain committed to identifying and implementing new technologies and programs that further our environmental performance."
    The American Airlines 737-800, and a twin-aisle airplane that will be announced at a later date, are serving as the flight test component for the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Continuous Lower Energy Emissions Noise (CLEEN) program – along with other technologies developed by Boeing and other industry partners. Together with the American Airlines engineering team, Boeing is finalizing plans for installing the initial technology applications aboard the first aircraft. Specific technologies that will be flown in 2012 include:

    • Adaptable trailing edge technology – a technology being developed under the FAA CLEEN Program, which reduces noise and emissions during all phases of flight, including take-off, cruise and landing
    • Variable area fan nozzle – reduces community noise and enables advanced engine efficiency technologies
    • Flight trajectory optimization for inflight planning – enables airlines to determine and fly more fuel-efficient routes and allows flight crews to reroute for weather and other constraints
    • Regenerative fuel cells for onboard power – can efficiently store and generate power and adapt to aircraft electrical systems demand, potentially reducing weight, fuel burn and CO2 emissions
    "Our ecoDemonstrator flight test program allows us to accelerate promising technologies and move them onto airplane models and into new aircraft design considerations across the industry," said Boeing EcoDemonstrator Program Manager, David Akiyama. "It also allows us to verify airplane applicability and identify and eliminate potential integration challenges."
    American Airlines has a long-standing commitment to reducing its carbon footprint through the ongoing development and implementation of sustainable business practices. In 2010, American's environmental initiatives yielded the following results:

    • Reduced greenhouse gas intensity ratio related to jet fuel by five percent from 2009 to 2010
    • Celebrated the 5th anniversary of Fuel Smart, American's fuel-conservation program; generating more than 500 million gallons in total fuel savings since the program began
    • Saved more than $12 million annually through energy-saving initiatives implemented by American's Utilities Management Council
    • Received and deployed 45 new Boeing 737 aircraft in 2010 that are 35 percent more fuel-efficient on an available seat-mile basis than the MD-80 airplanes they are replacing
    • Signed agreements in partnership with 15 other airlines to purchase future supplies of alternative fuels in 2009, and in 2010 supported the further development of alternative fuels
    • Ranked 111th in Newsweek magazine's 2010 Green Ranking, the best performance of any U.S. passenger airline
    • Formed a multi-departmental group to focus on increasing recycling and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill


    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 22 Juin 2011 - 23:56

    Bien vu !

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 23 Juin 2011 - 0:10

    A la réflexion je vois bien l'A321 NEO faire se poser bcp de questions à pas mal de gens et probablement notamment AA
    Faudrait voir l'écart entre un A321NEO et un 737-900ER pour voir
    Et faudrait voir ce qu'airbus peut extraire de l'A321 actuel, en rebidouillant un peu l'aile ou en acceptant encore qq pouillièmes de tonnes et MTOW

    Whisky Charlie

    American Airlines ! AAL ! AA Empty Re: American Airlines ! AAL ! AA

    Message par Beochien Ven 15 Juil 2011 - 21:06

    Bonjour !

    American Airlines nettoye son portefeuille, pour les B738 !
    Toutes les cdes de 738 passent en lease back chez Aercap !
    Avec qq détails et additifs que seul Elmer pourrait interprêter ...

    Clean Sheet pour la suite, la feuille blanche !!!!!
    De plus en plus intéressant !
    Un gros changement en préparation ?? Possible ... ??
    Le rythme s'accélére, j'ai même l'impression que c'était nettement planifié depuis qq temps !
    Allez, on attend la suite , et ça ne devrait plus trainer !

    --------------- De Terry Maxon, Dallas News , le lien, l'article -------------------

    American Airlines announced Friday it has an agreement with Aerocap to sell 35 Boeing 737-800 airplanes to the Dutch aircraft leasing company and then lease them back.

    This isn't the big order that's looming out there. However, it does
    add nine airplanes to American's order book with Boeing, either as firm
    orders or purchase rights.

    American said the deal covers 26 jets it had previously ordered and
    three additional jets on firm order, plus purchase rights for six more
    Boeing 737-800s for delivery in 2013-2014.

    "We are pleased to significantly expand our relationship with AerCap
    and diversify our financing strategies," AMR chief financial officer
    Bella Goren said. "This arrangement is a great reflection of the
    flexibility we have to efficiently raise capital in support of AMR's
    strategic fleet renewal efforts."

    "With this major aircraft transaction we will deepen our relationship
    with one of the world's leading airlines," AerCap chief executive
    officer Aengus Kelly said. "Furthermore, this transaction will
    materially increase the number of Boeing 737-800 aircraft in our
    portfolio, one of the most in-demand and fuel-efficient aircraft in the

    American is replacing its 140-seat McDonnell Douglas MD-80s with
    160-seat Boeing 737-800s, a much more fuel efficient airplane. As of
    March 31, American operated 219 MD-80s to 152 737-800s. But by sometime
    next year, the number of 737s will exceed the number of MD-80s as more
    Boeings arrive and more MD-80s are parked.

    The bigger question out there, however, is what American plans to do long-term with its narrow-body fleet. Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal have reported that American is talking to Airbus and Boeing about a massive order of narrow-body airplanes to replace not only the MD-80s but the 188-seat Boeing 757s.

    Airbus has picked up a bunch of orders for the Airbus A320neo, a new
    version of that family with a more efficient engine than current A320s.
    It's supposed to begin arriving in late 2015.


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