Ben, c'est pas la fête sur le 787 d'essais ZA002 !
Feu dans les équipements électroniques, fumée dans le cockpit, plus d'instruments, atterro à vue, le RAT à la fenêtre et les rampes d'évacuation a Laredo, une trentaine de techniciens étaient à bord !
Ils ont eu chaud !
C'est l' équipement standard ou le matériel de test qui s'est allumé ???
Ça ne va pas avancer les essais !
Sauf qu'ils sauront ce qu'il se passe quand le tout électrique brûle .... le Times parle de flammes ! Expérience utile s'il en est ... des essais bien complets ... houlà !
---------------- De FG le Blog de Jon Ostrower -------------
Et le Seattle Times
Smoke in the cabin of ZA002, Boeing's second 787 flight test aircraft prompted an evacuation of the 30-plus test personnel on board. The test aircraft was enroute to Harlingen, Texas for trials of the aircraft's nitrogen generation system, when smoke was seen in the main cabin. Boeing says ZA002 "continued its approach and landed safely in Laredo, Texas." Adding that the "crew evacuated the airplane safely."
Update 6:57 PM ET: Boeing says ZA002 is on the ground in Laredo, Texas with its evacuation slides deployed. Boeing is "continuing to collect data" on the source of the smoke, which is currently unknown. The FAA says the aircraft landed at 2:54 PM Central Time.
Update 7:30 PM ET: A source familiar with the incident says ZA002 touched down in Laredo after a fire broke out in the aft electronics equipment bay causing the flight deck primary flight displays and auto throttle to fail, additionally the ram air turbine was deployed on landing. The aircraft landed in visual flight rules (VFR) conditions.
Update 8:04 PM ET: Hamilton Sundstrand, which is responsible for the 787's electrical system, says it is in touch with Boeing and is participating in the investigation. A spokesman for the company had no additional details regarding the incident. This is a developing story and will be updated.