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Laurent Simon
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Poncho (Admin)
26 participants

    Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 29 Mar 2012 - 8:13

    Bonjour !

    Le désign et la fabrication de la queue du B789 :
    Le Stabilsateur horizontal en particulier, largement revus, allégés, et simplifiés !
    L'assemblage et la FAB ramenés chez Boeing et aux USA !

    Alenia, on verra plus tard , pour les pièces plastoc seulement, plus d'assemblage pour le B789 !

    ------------- A lire,sur FlightGlobal , le lien -----------


    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 29 Mar 2012 - 11:49

    Tiens il est mis à jour le certif EASa

    What's new ?

    Donc le Trent1000C à 74511 lbf, le Genx1B64 et 70 à 72300 lbf maxi
    Tjs la certif pour 219.5 t de MTOW, pas encore la version 227 t donc... à suivre donc

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 29 Mar 2012 - 12:09

    Merci Poncho !

    Eh oui des puissances au sol de A330, et plus ... et pour 20 tonnes de moins chez le B787 (Pour l'instant ... )
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Mar 1 Mai 2012 - 18:04

    Bonjour !

    Aspire se réveille !
    Sous le nom d'Orient Insight !

    Beaucoup de compil et un peu touffus comme d'hab ...
    A lire pour les courageux, pas grand chose de neuf !
    Package C, quand tu nous tiens ... Razz Yoda

    J'ai re-noté les versions A,B, C des Trent 1000, qui n'y arriveront pas encore ....
    Et les PiP 1 et 2 des GEnx, qui y arriveront juste ...
    Dans l'ensemble, ce ne sera quand même plus trop loin des spec's!

    ----------- De Aspire/ Orient Insight / Un extrait et le lien --------------

    “While Boeing has not released NAMS [nautical air mile] data yet, the GEnx-1B PIP 1 exceeded GE’s expectation in SFC [specific fuel consumption] and was more 1.6% improvement in SFC. GE has not reduced the PIP 2 target – It has always been an additional 1% improvement on top of the improvement from the PIP 1,” General Electric (GE) spokeswoman Deborah Case said.

    “PIP 1 [is] focused on changes to the low pressure turbine with hot section durability improvements [while] PIP 2 [is] focused on improvement in fan, high pressure compressor, combustor and high pressure turbine for aerodynamic and flow path enhancements,” Case elaborated.

    According to Orient Aviation‘s sources at the world’s largest engine-maker, the initial GEnx-1B Block 4 has missed its engine specific fuel consumption (SFC) by “close to 3%”, with the performance improvement packages PIP 1 and PIP 2, the GEnx-1B will be around 0.4% above the originally targeted specification.

    In contrast, the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 Package A engine has missed the original engine specific fuel consumption (SFC) by 4.3% and the Package B will exceed the original SFC target by 2% and the Package C engine upgrade will be “within 1% of specifications”

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Mer 2 Mai 2012 - 6:47

    Bonjour !

    Une forme de proto pour vérifier les nouvelles parties AR du B789, ças'appelle un PPV ... c'est bien !
    Noté que ce sont des plug, ça ne simplifie pas les assemblabes, ce sont 2 "morceaux" de plus !
    Par contre les tronçons rapportés sont assemblés en local !
    Et le transport en LCF (leurs B747 "modifiés")... ne pourront pas en prendre plus ! Pour le 789-10, pas encore lancé il va falloir inventer autre chose !

    Le premier B789, ce sera le MSN 126.

    ----------- De FlightGlobal, un extrait et le lien, de John Croft ----------

    Matt Borland, director of aft-body assembly in Charleston, says the PPV will be completed this summer and will be tested to determine the "quality of the barrel". He expects to begin spinning the first production composite barrel in the fourth quarter and assembling the first aft-body structure beginning in 2013. The first production 787-9 will be Airplane 126, Borland says.

    Boeing Charleston mid-body building manager Willy Geary says "about this time next year" his facility will be making the first 787-9 mid-body. He notes that the 6m extension will use up all available space in the LCF for mid-bodies shipped to Everett, meaning a further fuselage extension for a 787-10 model would have to be made in a different portion of the aircraft to continue using the LCF for transfers to Everett.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 2 Mai 2012 - 9:45

    Avion 126, actuellement ils en sont autour de 60
    A voir comment ça cadre avec les cadences (si le compteur est linéaire)

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 10:38


    Nouveau certificat de type pour le 787 sur l'EASA

    Tjs la version 219 t
    Pas de modif majeure, à part la disparition de la limite de 8000 ft pour les décollages / atterrissages

    Reste à sortir la version 227 t

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Dim 20 Mai 2012 - 23:23

    Allez je le mets ici, cet Airinsight !

    Une comparaison de Addison Schönland, sur les nouveaux BI, WB, particulièrement les 358 et les 788-9 !
    Intéressant, c'est basé sur un graphe de Boeing !
    Le A358 certainement un peu surestimé côté economie, il est plutôt jugé sur sa capacité pax !

    On voit quand même nettement le trou laissé par le A332 vieillissant, ... vive le 332NEO .... ou un 358 à MTOW (Et un vrai poids réel) réduits !

    Assumant que le marché se déplace vers de plus hautes capacité, la cible peut bouger un peu, en faveur d'Airbus ... mais le B777XX va l'attendre de l'autre côté Basketball !

    Bon, le "Vrai" jeu des capacités pax, va continuer dans la polémique, et Boeing va continuer d'essayer de biaiser, les clients de ce côté savent bien ce qu'ils veulent!
    L'influence sera limitée ... sauf pour alimenter les blog's et les analystes de tout poil !

    -----------De Airinsight, le lien et un extrait --------------

    Different Assumptions Yield Different Airplanes
    Posted on May 18, 2012 by Addison Schonland

    Boeing and Airbus have different assumptions on the future of air travel, which impacts their product lines. Airbus assumes that growth in aircraft size will continue, and that with increasing congestion at airports, larger aircraft will be needed. Boeing views route dispersion and the use of smaller cities for point-to-point service, avoiding hubs, as a strong element of the future air travel system. Both are right, to some degree, but their focus is impacted market positioning.

    Boeing has analyzed the market potential of the 787-8 as 1,200 aircraft, a large market for twin-aisle aircraft (the 767 has sold somewhat more than 1,000 airplanes compared with multiples of that for the 737). In this process, it appears to be moving upward in its estimates of seat size, at least in its comparative economics numbers in recent years. Boeing charts used to have the 787-8 at 210 seats, but have grown their three class estimates to 241 for the same model, despite ANA having 157 seats and JAL 186 seats on their aircraft (largely because early models are grossly overweight, and they could be payload constrained). Why the sudden growth? The A350-800 is the reason, as it will be economically competitive with both the 787-8 and -9, and Boeing is increasing the number of seats on the 787-8 to put its “best foot forward” in comparative economic analyses. We are referring to the seat size on the chart going from 210 to 241 below. Boeing needs to show better 787-8 economics with respect to the A350-800, and the easiest way is to change assumptions on seating to show better comparative economics. Seating of 210 for 3 class appears to be the right number, given how current operators have configured the airplane.

    Airbus largely ignored the under 250 seat market segment when designing the A350XWB. The A350-800 competes with the 787-9, leaving the smaller 787-8 to itself. Airbus claims the market is up-sizing and the extra capacity of the larger airplane is needed. Boeing believes the smaller airplane is needed for long-thin routes to replace 757 and 767 models.

    The chart below, from a presentation by Brad Till, Boeing’s Managing Director Aircraft Programs and Valuations, shows the 787-8 and the A350-800 to be larger-capacity airplanes than current offerings. The salient question is whether this is indicative of the need for an airplane that is smaller than the A350-800, or whether the market has moved upwards.

    We know that up-sizing is occurring in the narrow-body market as the proportion of orders for larger models in both the 737 and A320 families is increasing, and activities in the smaller models is moribund. Is the same happening in the wide body market?

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 5-18-2012-12-51-55-PM

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 21 Mai 2012 - 9:28


    En attendant la lecture je mets le lien

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 21 Mai 2012 - 9:33

    Bon OK

    Sauf qu'Airbus pensait plutôt moderniser l'A330-300 ! qui est plus comparable à l'A350-800 n'est ce pas ?

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Lun 21 Mai 2012 - 9:44

    Merci pour le lien oublié !
    Effectivement, la logique aurait pû être de moderniser le A332 .... en complément de gamme pour le A350 !
    Mais comme c'est le 333 qui se vend ...
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 23 Mai 2012 - 15:53

    Premier vol d'un 787 assemblé à Charleston aujourd'hui...

    Il va commencer à y avoir du débit sur les lignes de montage

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Mer 23 Mai 2012 - 20:44

    Au fait ... combien de B787 ont été livrés ??
    Pas trouvé d'infos ??
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Ven 1 Juin 2012 - 20:20

    Bonjour !

    On en parle beaucoup trop des chips de l'électronique des avions ...
    La semaine dernière c'étaient les militaires US qui étaient affectés par des chips de certification douteuse !

    Today, c'est le B787 !

    Une porte d'accés arrière, dans un chip du calculateur, qui peut être crochetée par internet ???
    On n'en est pas là mais ... plus on en parle, plus un pirate pourrait être tenté !
    Et justement, on n'a pas fini d'en parler .... c'est programmé !

    ----------- Un article du Daily Mail, trouvé par Leeham, Scott Hamilton --------

    Vulnerable?: A chip Boeing 787 Dreamliners could be open to cyber attacks

    Back door' into Boeing 787 Dreamliner chip could allow access to cyber criminals

    PUBLISHED: 11:52 GMT, 31 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:52 GMT, 31 May 2012

    Two Cambridge researchers have warned that a 'back door' in a chip used by the new Boeing 787 Dreamliners, could leave them open to a cyber attack.

    The vulnerability is in a chip used in the plane's computer systems, which could be taken over via the internet, allowing malicious attackers a way 'past' computer protection systems, reports the Guardian.

    Sergei Skorobogatov of Cambridge University and Chris Woods of Quo Vadis Labs, have now alerted governments around the world and offered information on how the chip could be hacked.

    The 'back door' has been discovered in a chip made by Actel, a US manufacturer, which is used in both military systems and aircraft such as the Boeing 787.

    Mr Woods explained to the Guardian: 'An attacker can disable all the security on the chip, reprogram cryptographic and access keys … or permanently damage the device.'

    'Back doors' can often be inserted into computer systems by their programmers so that they can gain quick access if needed, however in this type of chip the 'easy access' leaves it exposed to attack.

    Actel has claimed that its chips are incredibly secure as there is no way for configuration data contained on them to be read by the outside world, but the 'back door' undermines that claim.

    Although the built-in access is not malicious in itself, it becomes a vulnerability now that it is known. And due to it being hardwired into the chip, it is almost impossible to eradicate.

    The two researchers will be presenting the paper on their findings at a conference in Brussels in September.

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Sam 2 Juin 2012 - 13:19

    De Leeham news, dans la même veine , même si c'est Hors B787 !

    De quoi re-donner de la vigeur aux fabrications US de chip's !

    Origine :
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 9:28

    D'après ANZ, ok pour une livraison du 787-9 au Q2 2014 à ce stade

    Soit tout pareil que l'A350-900

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 14:57


    13 mois pour produire et remettre d'équerre un 787 petit numéro
    le LN66 1er à ne pas devoir être repris est à son dernier poste sur la FAL -> livraison juillet ?

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 15:07

    Et pas de livraisons de B787 (GE non ?)en Mai ... because Air India a monté une forme de "Chantage" pour 1 milliard de $ de compensations ... juste de la taille du trou dans la caisse ??
    Vraiment par hazard !
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 15:26


    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 15:46

    Et ils sont intéressés par des C-17, les Indiens et autres "Poseîdon"
    Vous parliez de compensations ?? jocolor

    J'ajoute et je répond ici ...
    Les chaises musicales ont commencé à tourner ... entre l'Inde, le Pakistan et leurs fournisseurs US , Urss et .... les autres occidentaux ... les places ne sont pas toutes prises, et ça peut encore bouger pas mal!
    Choix difficiles pour l'Inde ... et pour le Pakistan aussi (Les US n'en peuvent plus)!

    La Chine, elle, a choisi de piller la techno aviation Russe .... ils ont l'habitude, un terrain bien connu, pour eux !
    Donc, est ce vraiment le moment pour l'Inde de bloquer les B787 ...


    Dernière édition par Beochien le Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 16:12, édité 1 fois
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 15:56

    La vache sacrée c'est boeing ! Wink

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 16:20

    Plutôt la vache à lait non ? Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 1293411866 ?
    Du moins , les indiens le voudraient bien ! Twisted Evil
    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Mer 6 Juin 2012 - 9:51

    Bonjour à tous

    Le n°66 est le premier 787 "bon de construction" c'est à dire avec zero reprise hors chaine d'assemblage est justement sorti de la chaine.

    Well a partial mystery. In an earlier post, I revealed that ZA135 (LN 66) was pulled out of the final assembly line in building 40-26 and out onto the apron in front of Boeing's final assembly hall. At the time I wasn't sure if it had engines attached or if the airplane was buttoned up. Thanks to a spotter in the Everett area the airplane is buttoned up (windows and doors are covered up and sealed). However it does have the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 hanging from the wings. Boeing has not equipped 787s with engines until they are ready to be delivered. However, the airplanes are sealed if they are going to spend time in storage until it has to go through change incorporation. It seems that there is a mixed message with this airplane. Perhaps it is ready to go straight to the flightline for the standard pre-delivery work including painting but Boeing needs to deliver the other 787s that are on the verge of delivery. There are 4 787s that are being readied for delivery to ANA along with one for Qatar and two for Air India. Perhaps there is a small amount of work that needs to be done on this airplane and then it can go straight into pre-delivery? I suspect the answer is something in between. Where this airplane goes will be the next clue as to the state of the 787 program. If there is still work to be done and it has an extended stay on the Boeing tarmac, that is not good at least in the short term and the expectation that Boeing has turned the corner on the program would be severely damaged. If however the plane is able to take flight before the end of the month then it's not an issue and Boeing would have truly turned a corner.

    A suivre pour voir ce qu'il devient....

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Jeu 7 Juin 2012 - 15:38


    Confirmation que le n°66 est directement bon en sortie de ligne pour aller se faire peindre

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Jeu 7 Juin 2012 - 16:57

    Une milestone comme ils disent les Anglais!

    Bravo quand même ... ça doit soulager un peu ... surtout aprés tant d'ennuis ...
    Restent un 50 taine de reworks, ça ira jusqu'en 2013 ...
    Espérons que rien d'autre n'apparaisse !
    Peut être que Boeing arrivera à faire un chiffre de B787 conséquent pour 2012 !
    Surtout que les livraisons pour Air India sont confirmées, pour trés bientôt !
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Ven 8 Juin 2012 - 20:53

    Bonjour !

    Un excellent article de Jon Ostrower, comme d'hab ...
    Vu chez Scott Hamilton, Leeham (Et tronqué côté lien ...)

    Les coûts du B787, vs l'épisode de Air India ... Holé !

    Les surcoûts ... hum, on a vu pour le A380, le 787, c'est peut être une autre échelle !

    Bon c'est free chez Google maintenant , pourvu que ça dure ....

    ---------- Un large extrait du WSJ, , merci Jon, et Scott ! -----------

    This week's achievement comes as the aerospace giant races to both increase output and cut costs on the Dreamliner program, which Boeing hopes will sustain the company in future decades. Analysts, however, estimate Boeing is now effectively losing more than $100 million for each plane sold. The Dreamliner's accumulated production losses—which analysts say are far larger than any previous Boeing plane—put increasing pressure on Boeing's other commercial jetliners to churn out hefty profits.

    Boeing is racing to boost output and cut costs for its 787 Dreamliner program. Pictured, a 787 in production at the Everett facility in February.

    Assembling the 787—the first jetliner made from mostly carbon-fiber composites—involves tens of thousands of steps, from installing galleys and complex electrical systems to fusing the wings to the body. Boeing, which started making 787s in 2007, had been sending them out of its main factory in Everett, Wash., with many of those steps—sometimes thousands—unfinished, due to parts shortages and design changes on the advanced new jet. Those planes went to a separate facility in Boeing's giant campus to be completed.

    The plane that rolled out this week—Boeing's 66th Dreamliner—skipped that costly step. Workers had only around 300 mostly small assembly tasks left to complete, about 100 more than the company's goal, but far fewer than the roughly 6,000 on the earliest Dreamliners, said a person familiar with the plane.

    Boeing, in a statement, confirmed the plane "will be the first airplane to go straight into preflight operations" from the Everett plant. The minor tasks left for plane No. 66 can be handled outside of the factory before being prepared for delivery.

    Boeing also makes Dreamliners in North Charleston, S.C., where the first 787 recently rolled out with just under 100 tasks remaining. But that aircraft spent nearly eight months in production, compared to the average of five weeks at the main plant in Everett, which pushes a 787 out of its football-field sized doors every six-to-eight days.

    Analysts aren't sure exactly how much Boeing will save by producing finished planes, but they agree it is an important step to reduce costs.

    Quickly cutting production costs is essential for Boeing, which spent an estimated $14 billion developing the Dreamliner, according to Barclays Capital, and has already suffered costly delays. UBS analysts estimated last month that Boeing spends about $242 million to build each plane, and sells them for an average of $113 million. They and other analysts estimate that Boeing's losses will sink to at least $20 billion by the time costs fall enough that each Dreamliner sells for a profit, likely in 2014 or later. Boeing doesn't say exactly what year it expects to hit that milestone.

    The aggregate losses are "larger than anything in the company's history," said Carter Copeland, an aerospace analyst for Barclays Capital, who believes demand for the jet will eventually make up for the losses. The comparable hole for Boeing's last new twin-aisle jet, the 777, first delivered in 1995, was about $3.7 billion, adjusted for inflation, according to data provided by Boeing.

    The losses don't show up on Boeing's bottom line, because accounting rules let the company spread the Dreamliner's costs over years—effectively booking earnings now from future Dreamliners that it expects to produce more profitably. With previous models, Boeing initially spread its costs over 400 planes, but with the Dreamliner it is distributing the costs over 1,100 planes—a number it says reflects unprecedented demand. Boeing already has 854 Dreamliner orders from 57 customers.

    Boeing reported that first-quarter profit at its Commercial Airplanes division more than doubled to $1.08 billion from a year earlier. But the company acknowledges that accounting for the costs of each individual plane would have resulted in a first-quarter loss of $138 million—a drop UBS analyst David Strauss says is almost entirely attributable to the Dreamliner.

    Poncho (Admin)
    Poncho (Admin)
    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Poncho (Admin) Ven 8 Juin 2012 - 22:00

    Sacre defi
    Gallois rappelait la semaine derniere que eads etait certainement aussi rentable que boeing mais qu'on ne pouvait pas comparer les comptes. Airbus passe les provisions au fur et a mesure.
    Pour boeing vu leur methode comptable, ca va faire bizarre sur les comptes l'augmentatio des cadences de prod du 787 du 747 et du tanker.

    Whisky Charlie

    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

    Message par Beochien Mar 12 Juin 2012 - 17:26

    Bonjour !

    Bien , entre Leeham et Flightglobal, Stephen Trimble, commentant les B787 9 et 10 !

    D'aprés Bernstein Research, bon ...on achète ou pas ...

    Le B789, tout va trés bien, EIS pour début 2014 ... Hum ??
    C'est bien, à quand le premier pour les essais, on n'a rien vu venir today ??? !

    La surge - line, pas encore en service, sera prête pour son arrivée ... on en parlait, un exemple à prendre pour Airbus ??

    Le B787-10 quasi sur les rails, c'est à prendre au sérieux, pour bien avant les évolutions des B77-XX à mon avis , à suivre de prés celui là !

    -------- Les liens de Flightglobal et de Leeham -------


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    Boeing 787 (partie 2) - Page 12 Empty Re: Boeing 787 (partie 2)

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